April 14th, 2008 at 12:35am] |
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ggd is leaving foreverchat. no, i don't wanna explain why.
we are still on shadowfire ( and purple fish (
irc channel rules mirror! |
June 13th, 2007 at 4:22am] |
The purpose of these rules is to make #goffgrrldreaming a safe haven for all users, and to maintain that safety at all times. The channel is open to those who by their very nature are outside the realms of social experience and "rules" and thus these rules tend to be fluid as they are added to or altered according to what we as a channel learn when things go wrong, or indeed when things go right. Channel Ops and users are asked to view the rules in this spirit.</p>
- Never, ever piss off the chan founder.
- The channel founder & SOps reserve the right to remove users from #goffgrrldreaming without warning if the deem it necessary.
- We all have bad days when we hate the world. If you're feeling like your temper is short and you can't interact civilly, please take a break from the channel and return when you can.
- Do not PM (private message) channel users without permission. This is considered rude by our users. PMing the founder or SOPs if you have a problem is fine.
- All members of plural systems are welcome in the channel, but we ask that members of such systems let us know what system they're a member of when asked and where possible link nicknames. this is both to prevent confusion and to keep in line with the channel policy of opping plural systems as a whole, not opping individual members to the exclusion of others.
- Tread gently around people's triggers - many of us have experienced various forms of trauma in our lives, and are particularly sensitive to certain words, phrases, or topics. If asked to back off because someone is being triggered, do so immediately. Jokes about such topics as sexual abuse, self harm, suicide, etc. are not acceptable at any time. This applies even in cases where a user is asking for help. if you are told you are being too graphic, respect that. It is also important to note that no one in the channel is a trained professional, there is only so much we can do. Beyond that, we will advise you to seek irl/professional help. This is not because we do not care, it is because we do care and have no wish to see you in a position where you are at risk.
- Do not demand personal information of other users. Everyone has the right to privacy &/or anonymity. As far as members of this channel are concerned, ASL is american sign language, so do not ask. If you want to get to know us, hang around, get involved, and get to know us that way.
- Members who are in D/s or M/s relationships are welcome to be open about that (collars, etc. are perfectly acceptable) however, the use of #goffgrrldreaming as an arena for punishment or humiliation of a sub or slave will NOT be accepted. This applies even if the sub/slave does not feel humiliated. The intent of the act (punishment/humiliation) negates the spirit of #goffgrrldreaming as a safe haven, and will not be accepted.
- All members are to be treated with respect. Speak politely to everyone no matter what their status.
- Personal problems are to be kept that way. Keep your relationship issues in pm NOT in #goffgrrldreaming.
- No mentions of #sangunarius or associated groups is permitted in #goffgrrldreaming. #sang is considered by the ops to be a toxic, negative place & advertising it in any way will not be permitted.
- On all counts the ops word is final. In cases of op disagreement, the higher ranked op must be obeyed. Any complaints about the ops must be made to the channel founder & must be supported by logs.
this post will update with rule changes if i remember! Last Update: Saturday 22-Oct-07
Site Returns! |
June 13th, 2007 at 2:26am] |
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Okay, we have our site and forum back! and once again i'm wanting to grow the community!
so go forth and subtly spam!!!
yahoo groups for |
October 3rd, 2006 at 11:17pm] |
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apathetic |
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we now have ggd issues and open group for discussion of community issues. as well as ggd ops which is a closed list for channel ops.
you know what? join the damn forum
#goffgrrldreaming |
October 2nd, 2006 at 11:39am] |
channel closed until further notice. announcements will be made on here as well as the forums and the ops list, should i chose to reopen. those looking for desi find her elsewhere.
Thank you, meshe! |
July 2nd, 2006 at 5:38pm] |
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meshe has kindly agreed to host the relay bot!
ggd quiz! |
June 4th, 2006 at 7:25pm] |
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please do the quiz and post the results on your journal.
Hyperlinks |
May 26th, 2006 at 2:06pm] |
Hi mum, I'm actually using my LJ now, so I figured I should probably join the ggd community. Anyways, I wouldn't normally say anything, but you should probably know this. The background is dark. That's fine, but hyperlinks are also a darkish color, and impossible for me to make out against this background. I think you can control the color of the hyperlinks, so if you just -40 from all the colors used in an unclicked link, (eg 0000FF --> 0000CF, or FFFFFF --> CFCFCF) it would probably be much more readable. Sorry if this is annoying, but it's a real problem for me.
first update for 2006 |
January 8th, 2006 at 12:53am] |
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creative |
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the website has had another serious makeover, check it out!
#goffgrrldreaming chan ops are reminded that they need to join the yahoo group. all new members require approval from me, so let me know what addy you joined with.
quick question |
October 18th, 2005 at 12:48pm] |
how would the #goffgrrldreaming ops feel about abandoning the ops chan in favour of something like a yahoo group?
site & forum |
September 30th, 2005 at 7:16pm] |
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both are back up, btw.
join, be active, invite new ppl!
damn it! |
July 29th, 2005 at 3:41pm] |
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pissed off |
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okay, whole damn site is down, now!
scratch that!
forum |
July 29th, 2005 at 3:11pm] |
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frustrated |
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i am aware that the forum is down, i just do not know how to fix it.
have left a message for CK, hopefully he'll fix it. i have no idea how.