21st-Jan-2017 03:22 am - Fic: ‘Tis the Season: All it promises and shows
12th-Dec-2016 06:21 am - Fic: ‘Tis the Season: Enjoying the night (& snow!)
10th-Dec-2016 02:22 pm - Fic: ‘Tis the Season: Start talkin'
2nd-Dec-2016 03:40 am - Fic: ‘Tis the Season: one of those days
22nd-Nov-2016 06:21 pm - Fic: Matriarchs And Medical Mishaps - PG, Lorelal & Emily Gilmore, Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Series
3rd-Aug-2016 06:21 pm - beware the angry thoughts of young men; jess/rory; pg
7th-Apr-2016 10:53 pm - Anyone still around?
12th-Jul-2013 10:52 am - The Best of It - Part 5 (Rory/Paris)
14th-Jun-2013 02:52 pm - The Best Of It - Part 4 (Rory/Paris)
15th-Nov-2012 08:39 pm - The edge of the petal