? ?
wow, smart girls are mean
houseoficons; ewan belly!
Title: ‘Tis the Season: All it promises and shows
Author: morethanacandle
Character(s): Lorelai Gilmore
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Everything is fresh.
Author's notes: ‘Tis the Season is an annual series of stories that are for December and celebrate the holiday period.
houseoficons; ewan belly!
Title: ‘Tis the Season: Enjoying the night (& snow!)
Author: morethanacandle
Character(s): Lorelai
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: She smells snow.
aAuthor's notes: ‘Tis the Season is an annual series of stories that are for December and celebrate the holiday period.
10th-Dec-2016 02:22 pm - Fic: ‘Tis the Season: Start talkin'
houseoficons; ewan belly!
Title: ‘Tis the Season: Start talkin'
Author: morethanacandle
Character(s): Lorelai, Rory
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: There's time for it now.
aAuthor's notes: ‘Tis the Season is an annual series of stories that are for December and celebrate the holiday period.
houseoficons; ewan belly!
Title: ‘Tis the Season: one of those days
Author: morethanacandle
Character(s): Emma, Lorelai, Luke, Kirk & Taylor
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: It's a long day.
aAuthor's notes: It's set season 1, or before, of Gilmore Girls. I rarely, if ever, write anything that could be called a crossover but this would be the closest I get and I'm crossing Ts and dotting Is. I hope. ‘Tis the Season is an annual series of stories that are for December and celebrate the holiday period.
gilmore girls
Title: Matriarchs And Medical Mishaps
Author: dodger_sister
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Category: Angst, General, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Series
Characters/Pairing: Lorelai & Emily with Luke, Sookie, Rory, Michel, Jackson & OCs
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Emily has broken both her hips and moved in with Lorelai. There has to be a way to get through this that doesn’t involve murder/suicide, right?
Word Count: 5,933 words.

This was how she was going to die.
STOCK. jars of life;
title; rating: beware the bottled thoughts of angry men; pg
fandom; pairing; wordcount: the gilmore girls; jess/rory; ~1700
notes: written for stainofmylove - also my first gilmore girls fic ever.
well, sort of.
7th-Apr-2016 10:53 pm - Anyone still around?
GG Lorelai Getting Coffee
Just wanted to check and see if anyone is around. With the revival coming soon, was wondering if anyone is doing some re-watching!

Please feel free to add me or join the new GG community hoping to take off and be busy with the coming revival!

12th-Jul-2013 10:52 am - The Best of It - Part 5 (Rory/Paris)
gg ♦ bizarro friends-ish realm
THE BEST OF IT - Gilmore Girls ; Rory/Paris ; PG-13 ; the one where Rory and Paris pretend to be girlfriends for JUSTICE!, and a documentary crew. (Previous chapters here.)

Chapter 5: Damn It, Romeo! - In which Rory has a thought-provoking chat with Lane, and then quite the night out at the (high school) theatre with her fake beloved.

You know. You were around when we first met. It’s a miracle that Paris and I even get along. We were foes. And I don’t use the word ‘foe’ lightly.”
“Of course I remember,” Lane agrees. “Like that time she was all hell bent on psyching you out over that Shakespeare test.”
“Yes! I hit a deer because of her. Basically. A sweet, innocent deer.”
“And Paris leaned down close to you and recited a love sonnet in your ear to threaten you.”
“… Don’t make it sound like that.”
“I’m literally just relaying what you said happened.”
“Oh God.” Rory shoves a deeply angst-driven forkful of pie into her mouth.
14th-Jun-2013 02:52 pm - The Best Of It - Part 4 (Rory/Paris)
gg ♦ bizarro friends-ish realm
Title: The Best of It
Author: dollsome
Pairing: Rory/Paris, ft. the Stars Hollow ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: Part 4 (Previous chapters here)
Summary: Paris outs herself and Rory during a televised argument with Michele Bachmann. Peskiest of all is the fact that Paris and Rory aren't actually dating. A documentary crew wants to make Paris And Rory's Modern Stars Hollow Family anyway. Meanwhile, Rory goes slowly and quietly nuts. (And doesn't like Paris like that -- why would you even suggest such a thing?? Not that ... anyone did.)
15th-Nov-2012 08:39 pm - The edge of the petal

Title: The edge of the petal. (1/3)
Authorheloula / helaluvE
Rating: M
Warning: spoilery if you haven’t watched s4 and/or if you live under a rock.
Fandom: glee

Pairing:  Klaine
Summary: Despite everything, Kurt and Blaine find ways to be there for each other. Takes place during 4x06 and will take us further in the future.

Note: This took a life of its own. I don’t know where it came from or how it ended up on your dashes but here it is. I do know it wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for anddreammylifeaway who is basically my muse and the best thing a writer could ask for.Claire, you are my sunshine. She also gets credit for the awesome title.

Part 2 this weekend and part 3 at the beginning of next week.

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