[24 Jul 2008|08:44pm] |
Went for a jog yesterday.
1 mile.
Time: Very slow.
Back on the road again. I have weight to lose!
[25 Jul 2008|12:47am] |
Ran for 30mins today on the wii fit free running thingy option. It said I did 7193m, but I think it lies. I'm pretty certain I did a maximum of 5km today, as that's my normal 5k time.
I also did some strength training exercises-not using the wii fit. A couple of sets of 30 situps, twenty reps each side leg raises (outer thigh) and fifteen reps each side inner thigh leg raises, all with 1.5 lbs ankle weights. Also did many calf raises, and twenty reps each tricep extensions. I find my hands start to go numb after about 12 of these, so twenty is really the absolute maximum I can do before taking a break. Anyone have any ideas why this is or what I can do to stop it?
I plan on having a karate workout day tomorrow *grin*
Hello! |
[24 Jul 2008|03:54pm] |
I'm new here, so I'm posting my aims *grin*
-to slim out and feel more confident, get rid of some of my selfconsciousness -to tone up my arms, legs (big thighs ugh) and get rid of the belly fat -to get in shape for karate -to improve stamina and strength -to lose a stone, but as i'll be gaining muscle, to lose what feels like a stone of fat :D
hopefully this'll get me going.
[06 Apr 2007|12:04am] |
Just in case you aren't aware, if you have On Demand there are some GREAT workouts on there. I highly recommend checking it out. There are quick ones, long ones, easy ones, hard ones, cardio ones, ab ones, everything ones.
I just love the Ab Jam, it's so much fun!
Working Out, Feelin' Good. :) |
[05 Apr 2007|11:43am] |
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So, I've been dancing every day (I try to get at least one solid hour in). I thought about starting to weight train too. It would be nice for my arms, abs and thighs to be more toned...
Oh my goodness! (Moment of realization) I have a DVD for that... I'll let you know how that turns out. :)
In the meantime, you should know that I'm down to 129 - Woo hoo! :D ...and that means my BMI (using the formula in my last post) is down to 23.59% - Yay! :)
Lataz, ya'll!
So Far, So Good! |
[20 Mar 2007|09:09am] |
Not bad... I've actually been taking this seriously.
I started at 137 lbs. / 29% BMI and tired all the time.
For the last twenty days, I've tried to stick to a diet of:
Protein shake in the morning and a late lunch (something healthy)
I've also been dancing my ass off... literally. Everyone has noticed that I've lost weight. I've also got more energy and I'm happier.
So, my goal was to lose five pounds and found out that my BMI was never really 29%. It was 25.055% and, therefore, I was barely considered overweight. However, this was never really about the numbers for me. They are just fun little scales to measure other aspects of "how I'm doing."
Today, I got on the scale... 132!!! Yay!
Since the formula for BMI is your weight times 703 divided by your height in inches and then divided by your height in inches again, I'm down to 24.14% and that makes much more sense. :)
Still going with the diet. My target was actually 120, but it's still more important to me that I feel great and have energy (even more than the actual numbers). :)
Best of luck to you all and I'll update when I can.
Here we go again. |
[01 Mar 2007|09:54am] |
I've never been able to stick to a diet. That, however, will not stop me from trying again. I need to lose some weight and inches... So, here we go again. Maybe with others knowing my goals (this time, I'm setting them out loud), I will be able to achieve them.
In November, I posted the following:
Anyway, I was at 138 lbs. / 29% Body fat. Now, I'm at 137 lbs. / 28% Body fat.
Today, March 1, 2007, I weighed in at 137 lbs. / 29% body fat first thing in the morning.
My goal: lose at least 5 pounds and two percentage points by March 31st.
How: NO MORE JUNK FOOD / FAST FOOD / EATING AFTER 7PM I'm also cutting carbs in general and upping fruit & veggie intake in its place. EXERCISE EVERY DAY - not in a gym - that would probably kill me. I'm a ballroom dancer. I am scheduling in at least two full hours of dancing, not just instruction, every day (at least M-F).
If I reach my first goal, my next goal is to lose another 5/2 by April 30th.
I'll be back to update (we hope). :)
"I Was Thinking About Purchasing Some Guns. POW! POW!" |
[27 Feb 2007|10:27am] |
I finally bit the bullet and took the step I'd been avoiding for so long. I went and got a gym membership. It was only 68 bones down and 14 a month after that. Not too shabby. I have unlimited use of the facility. I'm going to be contacted soon by a personal trainer who will schedule my orientation and build me a fancy work out routine. Also, there's a boxing instructor there... I'm seriously considering taking advantage of that once I get back into shape. Maybe I'll train to be a boxer.
I'm tired of looking at myself and going "UGH!". I look at pictures from back when I lived in Florida and I was so thin! I had just gotten back from Germany and was eating pretty well, played football, soccer, wrestled, Annual Army physical training excersizes, joined a DDR dance team, and a shitload of other shit that kept me in shape. I doubt I'll be thin again, but I'm workin' toward getting some serious muscle goin'.
I'm going to take some "Before" pictures this week that will only be posted once I have an "After" picture (in case this plan horribly goes awry and crashes and burns).
Wish me luck!
[14 Jan 2007|11:42am] |
I can't do 100 pushups in a row like dbgt11 (literally), but I went to the gym today and ran for 20 minutes, shot 10 minutes of basketball, did 4 sets of 12 curls w/ the bicep bar, and did crunches / leg raises. :-D
Also-- happy birthday getswoled. I think you might be two years old now!
New google tool for tracking weight |
[23 Nov 2006|12:27am] |
From the world of "why'd they even make something like that" comes a new tool on Google for weight tracking. This is an addin for the personalized Google homepage, which I'm going to have to start paying more attention to. You can add multiple tabs, many other things besides feeds and now -- weight tracking. Check out The Google 15 if you're curious about yet another way to track your weight.
[22 Nov 2006|08:41pm] |
I have 11/17 through today logged in my notebook, but well, in short:
-Been able to eat above caloric maintenance of 3000 calories; all "clean" calories. Eating clean isn't the problem, it's just trying to eat a lot of it. A clean bulk diet is pretty expensive, but worth it.
-Had to lower my squats down to 195, but I think I can go back to 205 next week; lower body felt weakened.
-Rested on 11/19
-From 11/20 to today, I did two groups per day (Biceps/Forearms and Back, Chest and Triceps, Lower body and Shoulders/Traps). I head out to S. Carolina for Thanksgiving tomorrow morning until Sunday. So I thought I'd somewhat overtrain just in case I'd find myself binge eating over the next few days. Actually, I'm debating whether I should have "cheat" meals for the next couple of days. I'm probably derived of fat content, but it's also the fact that I've been able to micromanage my nutrition that's preventing me from eating "dirty" foods.
[17 Nov 2006|11:34pm] |
I guess I'll also start posting the foods I ate plus calorie budgeting:
( 11/16: TricepsCollapse )
( Today: Lower bodyCollapse )
( Today's meals:Collapse )
Had to lower my weight on squats today, but was able to up the weight on SLDLS. Triceps day wasn't bad as well since I can probably increase weighted dips next week; couldn't do close grip bench presses since I did chest the day before.
An update |
[17 Nov 2006|01:09am] |
It's not like I'm trying... I haven't changed my diet (b/c I don't care to - this is less about losing weight and more about toning the muscle and being able to dance for extending periods of time).
Anyway, I was at 138 lbs. / 29% Body fat. Now, I'm at 137 lbs. / 28% Body fat.
I've been dancing more and I'm doing my laps in the pool on Sundays. If I'm able to cut sodas and cheeses out of my diet, I think this will go a lot faster.
[10 Nov 2006|10:29pm] |
Both Thursday and today were good. Can up the weight in Close Grip Bench Presses and Stiff-Legged Deadlifts next week. Thought I would be able to increase my squat weight as well, but I couldn't.
( Thursday: TricepsCollapse )
( Today: Lower bodyCollapse )
[08 Nov 2006|11:06pm] |
Have to turn in my fitness journal assignment next Friday, so I'll try to post my routines here more often. Granted, it's much easier to bring a notebook to the gym so you don't have to remember your sets, reps, and weight, heh.
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm
(Weight in lbs. x Reps)
Back: One Arm Row 30 x 10, 65 x 5, 65 x 4, 65 x 4, 65 x 4, 65 x 3 Lat Pulldowns (Will up the weight next week since I can do 5 reps for all 5 sets) 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 135 x 5 Pull-Ups (own bodyweight) 8, 6, 6
Lower back: Deadlift 135 x 11, 225 x 4, 225 x 2, 225 x 3, 225 x 3, 225 x 2 Good Mornings 45 x 11, 45 x 11, 45 x 10
Abs/Obliques: Crunches 14, 15, 11 Torso Rotation 10, 11, 9
Cardio - Elliptical - 15 min. - moderate intensity
Edit: dyogenez, I just recalled that weight tracker program you put up here. I should start using that. Though I do have to get some calipers first, heh. I really should track my muscle/fat ratio from the weight gained (or lost, which I'm trying not to do atm).
Screw you 2007!!! |
[06 Nov 2006|10:56am] |
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I'm not waiting till then to make the decision that i need to start getting my ass in gear again. The time starts now. Today. Mark my words. I wish I had a before pic to share but I figure I will post both before and after pics at the end of 8 weeks. I think that is a fair amount of time to see a difference. Last night I felt fat and gross. Granted I'm not at all fat.. but I am definitely bigger than I was in the spring. Seeing as how thanksgiving is approaching [thank god for turkey], I wanted to get this ball rolling now! My strategy this time is, I'm going to try that High Protein diet. Ive heard it can become addicting though once you start seeing results at a rapid pace. I am going to eat NOTHING.. and yes, I mean nothing.. but protein and god forbid I dont go postal for not being able to eat potatoes.. because they are what fuels me.. lol. but i'm giving that up too! I am not going to drink beer.. and if I do it will be VERY light beer and most likely 1 or 2. [it is nba season people cmon]. but yes... all protein.. that will include shakes, bars, chicken, fish, lean beef, and turkey... beef jerkey for snack. and my plan is to run a mile everyday like i use to... it kept me in the best shape ever! i also want to get a workout ball and do all the embarrassing shit in the privacy of my own home! I'm wayyy pumped about this! I sit at a desk all day and it is catching up to me. I probably weight approx. 135 right now and i'm only 5'3... my goal weight is anywhere between 115-120. I WILL GET THERE... plus i'll be toned.. i dont wanna lose my ass yhall.. what lil i have of it... hahaha! wish me luck! :)
I know it's been a while... |
[31 Oct 2006|10:08am] |
I started swimming with my dad on Sunday to up my abilities for my new job: Ballroom Dance Instructor. I haven't officially set any goals, although it would be nice to lose 20 lbs.
I don't think the weight loss will happen as I'm not really changing my diet. I do, however believe that after a few months of ballroom dancing every day and swimming with my dad on Sundays, I will fit into the jeans that currently make me frown.
Current weight: 138 Body Fat: 29%
I guess we'll see. :)