This is Jen |
[6:37pm Sunday, July 22nd, 2007] |
Well, our dear moderator beat me to the first entry, but here we go.
I'm Jennifer, 21 years old, originally from Germany (but I've lived in a few different countries, including France, England, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia). I'm about 5'2 and 117lbs, which makes me very small and curvy. My goal weight would be 105lbs, which is my calculated ideal weight. But I enjoy my food waaaayyy too much, so I'm not going to beat myself up if I stay the way I am. It's still a very healthy weight.
I successfully completed the Sydney Half Marathon this May. Needless to say I'm a big fan of running, but on my lazy days I also enjoy walking, horse riding or swimming. I actually used to swim competitively, but quit when I was 15 because my schedule became just too busy. Winter time is snowboarding time (I live in Europe, which means I'm only a few hours away from the mountains - perfect weekend getaway!)
What I really want is to incorporate fitness into my daily life, and to consistently eat healthy so I can pig out when I do feel like it. My mum's a personal trainer and nutritionist, she's been nagging at me forever to get in shape. Now that I've been working out (6 months and counting!) and changing my eating habits, I really feel a lot better. I think this community is a great idea for everyone who's wanting to make a positive change.