? ?


hey all... it's been super quiet in here! 

someone's got to have something sexy to talk about... i wish i's been too hot for that sort of business :)

Just a friendly little cat!

my friend Anthony showed me this video on youtube the other night. Turn up the volume, and prepare to laugh your ass off.


sex positions

So me n my gf don't see each other much b/c she lives far away but when we do its amazing and She wants to do new positions n all that I'm bringin lub..but yeah i was wonderin if any of yall could tell me or help me w/ sum good ass positions or hot ass positions either thanks ;)

I need some advice.  I have been living with a woman for the past 5 months and  we have been having some problems in the bed room.  Mainly, I want more sex than she does.  i feel really bad about a recent event and we are currently trying to work things out.  It went like this....
We went away for the weekend to visit a friend of mine who lives a couple hours away.  my friend gave us her bedroom to stay in while she went to stay with her mother.  we were fooling around a bit that evening and i was extremly turning on (ps....i was 1 day away from period....hormones on Extreme high)  so, lights out, small small bed, i want to have sex.  shes uncomfortable bc its my friends house and bed.   she suggests i masturbate.  i ask if i can hump her  i ask if she will kiss me.  no.  i get really frustrated and annoyed and cant sleep and she cant sleep and i dont understand.  if she was ever horny i would help her out as much as i could.  i dont understand.  she doesnt understand that i dont understand.  i would do anything and i think its lame.  im having trouble letting it go.   both really stressed.  i masturbate and finally we fall asleep.
now.  i feel bad i didnt understand.  i am convinced i have  a problem and maybe should not have a girlfriend.  i am in love with her and we are so sweet at times.  i am scared to continue with her bc i dont want that happening agian.  i want to be satified and i know she could but she is not as comfortable as i am and she is not really willing to try. sex is not as inportant to her.  i am pretty adventurous and ready most of the time and she is not.  i am ashamed at how i acted and worried that i couldnt calm the fuck down.  i didnt respect her enough.   im afraid things wont work between as because of this.  and its too bad becasue we are so good in so many other ways.  and it feel so petty that sex could drive us apart.  maybe its and underlying issue having nothing to do with sex?  aghhhhh...i think we both love each other a lot.  how can we be happy?

help please!!

Hello.SO I'm new but I was wondering if any of yall could help me..Ok so I'm having problems w/ my girl..I can make her orgasm when I'm on her clit, but how do I make her orgasm using my fingers (penetration) or however? I mean she loves when I get her 2 on her clit..but I don't want her 2 get bored n its bothering me i don't kno how to any other way! does any1 know??

feel free 2 message me.

The Lesbian Girl

Was talking with a co-worker about some poerty I read once in a class in college, thought you all might enjoy it too. It was written by a rather sexually frustrated older man in ancient Greece.

Seems that even then, lesbians preferred other girls to wrinkled old men!

Anacreon (c. 563-478 B.C.E.)

The Lesbian Girl (15)

Ah! Golden-haired Eros strikes me
with his bright-colored ball
and calls me to join in play
with the girl in the bright slippers.
But no, she is from wealthy Lesbos,
and so she finds fault with my hair,
for it is white,
and she goes gaping after another girl

Another favorite:

The Thracian Filly (76)

Pray, why do you look disdainfully at me, my Thracian filly,
and shun me so resolutely as though I knew nothing of my art?
I would have you to know I could bridle you right well
and take the reins and ride you about the turning-post of the course.
But instead you graze in the meadows
and frisk and frolic to your heart's content;
for you have not a clever breaker to ride you.

huge problem

I have a problem.

I haven't seen my girlfriend in 4 months. Which means I haven't had sex in four months. So, in the meantime, I've been getting a lot of use out of Paul the Green Vibrator.

Before I started using the vibrator, I had no problems getting off with my hands. Now that I've grown accustomed to the vibrator, though, I can't for the life of me come without it.

My girlfriend arrives in 4 days. I'm worried that she just won't be able to make me come on her own, and that she'll be really sad.

What to do?!?!

Call for help/advice

A bit of history: I have a smallish shoulder-bag I carried around the whole time I was in college, and I have (obviously) become rather attached to it. On the front flap I have a smallish collection of obnoxious buttons. Here are a few examples of what they say:

Stop using Jesus as an excuse for being a narrow-minded bigotted asshole
Dykes for Bush (this is not a political button)
Bisexuals are equal-opportunity lovers
Does this dick in my mouth make me look gay?
How come all the cool girls are lesbians?

I think you catch my drift...

Earlier this week:
Not thinking anything of it, I grabbed the button-bag on the way out the door to work at the veterenary hospital. As usual, I hung my stuff on a hook in the closet where we all stash our things, and went about my business.

End of history lesson.

Here's what I was told, by a co-worker from the grooming-kennel half of the facility this evening, as we were finishing up for the day:

Oh, by the way... I heard Dr. S talking about the buttons on your bag the other day. Thought you might want to know about it.

Oh really, I ask..

Well, yeah. You were out (lunch, I guess) and she was showing everyone the buttons on your bag, making fun of them. Laughing, saying things like "Ew! Gross!" "That's disgusting" and "ugh - that's sick, it's just wrong"

I asked who she was saying all this stuff to...

All the other techs.

How'd you react? I asked

I said, "yeah, so what? Who cares?" and walked off. I didn't want to engage her.

I asked how the others were reacting...

They were all laughing together.


Dr. S has been acting really catty to me and has made several hurtful comments over the past months, snapping at me for things she barely blinks about for others. I know I'm supposed to take a certain ammount of shit from the doctors, they're allowed to get snappy because of the stress levels they work under -everything that happens in the hospital is ultimately their responsibility. Even if it's MY fuck-up. This, I sorta understand and am willing to deal with.

What I am NOT ok with is being made fun of behind my back, bringing others in on it as well, disrespecting me and worst of all, the blatant homophobia of it all.

Here's my question: what the fuck can I *do* about this? I am NOT willing to let this slide. I didn't trust her much already, due to her cattiness. This is a fucking LOG breaking a camel's back.

Do I go after this from the perspective of it being homophobic (and therefore workplace distrimination), or should I attack it as simple workplace harrassment? I don't know (yet) if our code of conduct say anything about homophobia. I'll be figuring that out within the next 24 hours.

HELP!!! What should I do?


gertrude stein
queer women/sex & sexuality

Latest Month

August 2008


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  • gertrudes_salon
    17 Aug 2008, 21:54
    ooh, i think we're having some frozen chicken/pasta in a bag thing i picked up at the grocery. not that exciting. sadly, this comm is super quiet. :(
  • gertrudes_salon
    8 Jul 2008, 05:22
    On the contrary, it's too cold for that sort of carryon here!
  • gertrudes_salon
    14 Apr 2007, 23:30
    OMG!! that is Too funny!
  • gertrudes_salon
    21 Mar 2007, 14:30
    I have never orgasmed from anything but clitoral stimulation, BUT there are still ways to mix it up! It feels totally different if it's a fast orgasm vs. long, d-r-a-w-n out, slow build-up, or even…
  • gertrudes_salon
    21 Mar 2007, 03:36
    i agree w/
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