Papers by Felix Hamza-Lup
Proceedings of SPIE, Aug 5, 2002
In this paper, we shall present an overview of research in augmented reality technology and appli... more In this paper, we shall present an overview of research in augmented reality technology and applications conducted in collaboration with the 3DVIS Lab and the MIND Lab. We present research in the technology of head-mounted projective displays and tracking probes. We then review mathematical methods developed for augmented reality. Finally we discuss applications in medical augmented reality and point to

IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Mar 27, 2004
Technological advances in virtual environments facilitate the creation of distributed collaborati... more Technological advances in virtual environments facilitate the creation of distributed collaborative environments, in which the distribution of threedimensional content at remote locations allows efficient and effective communication of ideas. One of the challenges in distributed shared environments is maintaining a consistent view of the shared information, in the presence of inevitable network delays and variable bandwidth. A consistent view in a shared 3D scene may significantly increase the sense of presence among participants and improve their interactivity. This paper introduces an adaptive scene synchronization algorithm and a framework for integration of the algorithm in a distributed real-time virtual environment. In spite of significant network delays, results show that objects can be synchronous in their viewpoint at multiple remotely located sites. Furthermore residual asynchronicity is quantified as a function of network delays and scalability.

arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 20, 2019
D istributed systems tec hno logies supporti ng 3D visualizati on and social collabo rati on w il... more D istributed systems tec hno logies supporti ng 3D visualizati on and social collabo rati on w ill be increasing in frequenc y and type over t ime. An emerging type of head-mou nted display referred t o as t he head-m oun t ed project ion display (H MPD) was recent ly develop ed t hat only requ ire s ultralight optics (i.e., less t han 8 g per eye) that enables irnrnersive mult iuser, mo bile augment ed reality 3D visualization , as well as remote 3D collabo ratio ns. In t his paper a review of the development of lightw eight H MPD tec hno logy is provided, toge ther w it h insight into w hat makes thi s te chnology t imely and so unique. Two nov el emerging HMPD-based tech no logies are then descr ibed : a tele portal H MPD (T-HMPD) enabling facet o-face communicat ion and visualization of shared 3D virtua l objects, and a mo bile HMPD (M-HMPD) designed for out door w earable visualization and commu nication. Finally, the use of H MPD in medical visualiza t ion and t raining. as w ell as in infospaces, two applications develop ed in the O DA and MIN D labs respect ively, are discussed.
Atragem sp-ecialistiIT&C pentn: echipele de suport din Romania si unele tari din grupul France'Te... more Atragem sp-ecialistiIT&C pentn: echipele de suport din Romania si unele tari din grupul France'Telecom" ' (Pog. 9) Interviu cu Viorel NEDELCU, Resourcing Manager Orange Romania Publicatie pentru IT management • lanuarie/Februarie2013 • Nr. 1 (367) • Anul XIX • Se distribuie controlat U~DUUG) G)DUOlJDOlJ~ ~®1J ~8 ~~Ql]~~1@~ ~~[Q)@[J[fj)~~~ ata cateva repere lmportantesl evenimentedeosebitela nivel intematlonal privind cyber security care ne indreptatesc sa credem astfel. in data de 11 ianuarie 2013 a fost deschis noul Centru european de com batere a criminalitalii informatice (EC3), in cadrul Oficiului European de Polltle, Europol, la Haga-Olanda, pentru a contribui la protejarea entitalilor publice ~i private europene fala de criminalitatea informatica.

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 19, 2018
The use of computer-aided and web-based educational technologies such as Virtual Learning Environ... more The use of computer-aided and web-based educational technologies such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) has increased significantly in the recent past. One example of such a VLE is Virtual Interactive Engineering on the Web (VIEW). VIEW is a 3D virtual, interactive, studentcentered, framework of web-based modules based on the Extensible 3D standard. These modules are dedicated to the improvement of student success and learning. In this paper, an overview of the recent developments in VIEW along with associated assessment results is presented. An experimental study was also performed to compare the learning experience and performance of students in a physical dissection activity vs. that in a virtual dissection activity using a VIEW module. The results of this study show that students can meet given learning objectives and that there is limited difference in their learning and performance irrespective of a physical or virtual setting.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2012
The teaching of abstract physics concepts can be enhanced by incorporating visual and haptic sens... more The teaching of abstract physics concepts can be enhanced by incorporating visual and haptic sensory modalities in the classroom, using the correct perspectives. We have developed virtual reality simulations to assist students in learning the Coriolis effect, an apparent deflection on an object in motion when observed from within a rotating frame of reference. Twenty four undergraduate physics students participated in this study. Students were able to feel the forces through feedback on a Novint Falcon device. The assessment results show an improvement in the learning experience and better content retention as compared with traditional instruction methods. We prove that large scale deployment of visuo-haptic reconfigurable applications is now possible and feasible in a science laboratory setup.
This publication was published in E-Learning Industry. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and Aug... more This publication was published in E-Learning Industry. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and Augmented Reality (AR) provide powerful paradigms for the next generation advanced learning systems. We independently define ITS, AR as well as the merger of these systems into a highly complex Intelligent Augmented Reality Tutoring System
Atragem sp-ecialistiIT&C pentn: echipele de suport din Romania si unele tari din grupul France'Te... more Atragem sp-ecialistiIT&C pentn: echipele de suport din Romania si unele tari din grupul France'Telecom" ' (Pog. 9) Interviu cu Viorel NEDELCU, Resourcing Manager Orange Romania Publicatie pentru IT management • lanuarie/Februarie2013 • Nr. 1 (367) • Anul XIX • Se distribuie controlat U~DUUG) G)DUOlJDOlJ~ ~®1J ~8 ~~Ql]~~1@~ ~~[Q)@[J[fj)~~~ ata cateva repere lmportantesl evenimentedeosebitela nivel intematlonal privind cyber security care ne indreptatesc sa credem astfel. in data de 11 ianuarie 2013 a fost deschis noul Centru european de com batere a criminalitalii informatice (EC3), in cadrul Oficiului European de Polltle, Europol, la Haga-Olanda, pentru a contribui la protejarea entitalilor publice ~i private europene fala de criminalitatea informatica.

arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 24, 2010
Extensible 3D (X3D) modeling language is one of the leading Web3D technologies. Despite the rich ... more Extensible 3D (X3D) modeling language is one of the leading Web3D technologies. Despite the rich functionality, the language does not currently provide tools for rapid development of conventional graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Every X3D author is responsible for building-from primitives-a purpose-specific set of required interface components, often for a single use. We address the challenge of creating consistent, efficient, interactive, and visually appealing GUIs by proposing the X3D User Interface (X3DUI) library. This library includes a wide range of cross-compatible X3D widgets, equipped with configurable appearance and behavior. With this library, we attempt to standardize the GUI construction across various X3D-driven projects, and improve the reusability, compatibility, adaptability, readability, and flexibility of many existing applications.
Knowledge is embedded in people and unlike information, knowledge creation occurs in a process of... more Knowledge is embedded in people and unlike information, knowledge creation occurs in a process of social interaction. As our service-based society is evolving into a knowledge-based society, there is an acute need for more effective collaboration and more effective knowledge sharing systems for use by geographically scattered people. This paper investigates the use of 3D components and standards such as Web 3D in combination with Virtual Reality paradigms for e-Learning. We are outlining the e-Learning concept in the European Union context. We are presenting a few case studies and investigating the application of Web 3D technologies to enhance e-Learning of economic concepts.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Control Network and System Engineering Research
Real-time autonomous wireless sensors must provide information that is both accurate and timely. ... more Real-time autonomous wireless sensors must provide information that is both accurate and timely. With the widespread of IoT, a myriad of sensors are producing a large quantity of numeric data. Still, as users, we are inclined to consume data that has been processed and displayed as visual information in order to facilitate decision processes. Web standards have evolved significantly over the past decade with X3D being adopted as an open ISO standard for Web3D. X3D and associated extensions like WebGL allows web-enabled visualization and facilitates remote collaboration. In this paper, we present a software architecture that allows data collection from IoT sensors, data processing and an interactive Web-enabled 3D visualization using the X3D standard for soft realtime systems. We also discuss the potential applications of such a system in several domains.

Design Education Today, 2019
As human beings, from an early age, learning and discovery are enabled by senses: visually explor... more As human beings, from an early age, learning and discovery are enabled by senses: visually exploring the 3D world around, holding and touching objects or listening to others and asking questions. In a traditional education environment, training setup or collaborative work, the majority of the interaction modalities and written materials are still designed for a 2D visual space (e.g., books, course web pages, articles, videos, and images). With the rapid advances in technology, new interaction modalities become widely available and have the potential to improve, and often revolutionize the way we interact, learn and cooperate with each other. The chapter explores new interaction paradigms and systems enabling the shift from a 2D visual space to 3D user interfaces, as well as the addition of a new interaction modality, the tactile or touch modality, through haptic user interfaces. The International Standards Organization's extended 3D (X3D) open standard provides a considerable opportunity to design and implement innovative and revolutionary Web-based interfaces to support and augment engineering courses and design activities. Haptics devices and associated APIs are enabling a revolution in engineering interaction design and engineering education. Several use-cases and example Web3D applications are presented to provide an overview of the existing trends. A concise presentation of the human tactile system, followed by a survey on current haptics hardware accompanied by several successful implementations for engineering education, highlights the near future trends.

Some forces in nature are difficult to comprehend due to their non-intuitive and abstract nature.... more Some forces in nature are difficult to comprehend due to their non-intuitive and abstract nature. Forces driving gyroscopic precession are invisible, yet their effect is very important in a variety of applications, from space navigation to motion tracking. Current technological advancements in haptic interfaces, enables development of revolutionary user interfaces, combining multiple modalities: tactile, visual and auditory. Tactile augmented user interfaces have been deployed in a variety of areas, from surgical training to elementary education. This research provides an overview of haptic user interfaces in higher education, and presents the development and assessment of a haptic-user interface that supports the learner's understanding of gyroscopic precession forces. The visual-haptic simulator proposed, is one module from a series of simulators targeted at complex concept representation, using multimodal user interfaces. Various higher education domains, from classical physics to mechanical engineering, will benefit from the mainstream adoption of multimodal interfaces for hands-on training and content delivery. Experimental results are promising, and underline the valuable impact that haptic user interfaces have on enabling abstract concepts understanding, through kinesthetic learning and hands-on practice.
As radiation treatment/surgery becomes increasingly available at various medical centers around t... more As radiation treatment/surgery becomes increasingly available at various medical centers around the world, it becomes also the preferred choice for tumors treatment. Planning is a crucial part of the process because it can detect collisions between various components of the hardware delivering the radiation and the patient. Simulated planning requires a 3D model of the patient. This paper reports on the design and implementation of an on-the-fly conversion system of the patient CT (Coherent Tomography) data into a 3D representation. This work is complementary to the goal of creating a real-time 3D graphical simulator for an advanced radiation therapy/surgery system that improves the planning process supporting the decision making process as well as innovation in medical planning.
Haptic Environments for K-16 (HaptEK16) is a multimodal haptic simulator designed to assist stude... more Haptic Environments for K-16 (HaptEK16) is a multimodal haptic simulator designed to assist students in understanding difficult concepts related to hydraulics. The simulator includes three different components: pressure measurements, hydraulic machines simulation, and hydraulic car lifting. Multimodal interfaces combining 3D graphics and haptics have the potential to advance understanding of concepts and phenomena as well as promote new methods for teaching and training. This project explores such interfaces, called haptic interfaces that include a 3D representation of a hydraulic system designed to simulate various forces and pressures.

2021 13th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2021
Artificial Neural Networks are known as powerful models capable of discovering complicated patter... more Artificial Neural Networks are known as powerful models capable of discovering complicated patterns and are de facto standard models in deep learning. But they are also universal function approximators and, consequently, their applicability extends to finding approximate solutions for many computational problems. These applications are interesting not only for mathematicians, but also for computer scientists and engineers interested in learning new models for many classical problems (for instance, fluid dynamics modelling, dynamical systems control, etc.). We present Neural Networks based methods for solving differential equations analytically and use the underlying optimization problem’s loss function to produce localized additional training data. Our method uses a reduced initial training dataset, which is gradually, non-uniformly augmented in order to reduce the model’s approximation error. This method can be used to directly produce analytical solutions for differential equations or as a pre-processing method for finding optimal, non-uniform grid points for traditional grid-based methods.
Papers by Felix Hamza-Lup
In this presentation we discuss the main stimuli, concepts and the progression of the semantic Web3D direction to facilitate ontology-based representation of 3D content built upon the X3D standard. The methodology proposed can integrate the Semantic Web with interactive 3D technologies within different domains, thereby serving as a step towards building the next generation of the Web that incorporates semantic 3D contents, enabling intelligent behavior.