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Georgia Furs
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Georgia Furs' LiveJournal:

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Friday, November 8th, 2013
7:36 pm
Inactivity on LJ
If you come accross this message most fur acctivity is on Telegram. Please join us at @georgiafurs
Monday, September 12th, 2011
4:18 pm
Friday, April 8th, 2011
2:05 pm
Saturday, March 12th, 2011
9:30 pm
Hiya everyone
It's bene a while since something was posted here so I figured I'd tell folks hiya and everything.

Anyway, just about an hour ago at the PastaMax in McDonough I spotted someone wearing a nifty yellow FWA pullover/sweatshirt/hoodie type thing.

Since it would have seemed creepy/stalkerish I didn't say hi, though I probably should have. Anyway, if you know who that is or are that person. Hiya. *^_^*

If anyone decides to go, the price is worth it, trust me.

Fox Out.

Current Mood: accomplished
Friday, December 17th, 2010
12:05 am
Morphicon Miscellanea - December 2010 Edition!
-= That Time of the Year =-
Yep, Winter is here again in Columbus. The snow's blowing, folks are travelling, and everything's just plain cold. For you thinner furred among us, there is no better time to use the weather as an excuse to cuddle up next to your other half. For those with thicker coats, see you on the snowball field!

-= This Year's Theme - An Interview =-
Just because we're huddled in our homes trying to keep warm doesn't mean your dedicated staff isn't diligently working on Morphicon 2011. This month, your publicity fox cornered, *ahem*, sat down with our Con Chair Jewel and asked a few questions about this year's theme.

Why Furries in Wonderland?
The movie coming out was definitely a consideration, it adds a bit of timeliness to the choice. Another factor was that Alice In Wonderland is an excellent source to mine for inspiration. I think it's important for a convention theme to be visible to the con attendees. The theme should manifest itself in many ways throughout the convention. It should add a noticeable flair to aspects of the convention, things like decorations, content of performance events, t-shirts, etc. Alice in Wonderland is a great source for inspiration. There's so many iconic characters, places, and things from it. Everyone recognizes the phrase "Off with their heads" and understands the context that it comes from. In that sense Alice in Wonderland adds a lot of symbols that we can draw from to communicate the theme to the attendees.

Hasn't it been done before at other cons?
It has, but that shouldn't stop us from revisiting a good theme. Besides, we at Morphicon are going to do the theme in our own special way. Hopefully even better than when it was done in the past! There's also the issue of the sheer number of conventions now, it's practically impossible to avoid repeats. I believe the year before we did Inner City Critters that another nearby convention did Urban Furs.

Any ideas on what special events (outside the norm) we may have?
Well Morphicon always has the Atomic Battle of Doom, which is a nerf and foam boffer melee like none other. It's really kind of crazy to watch, and every year it gets bigger. There's also the free food which is always popular, and we might do something with an 'unbirthday' event, but there's nothing set in stone for that yet. We are still quite a ways out from the convention proper.

Is there anything else you'd like to add while I have you here?
I would definitely recommend the Spectacle of Doom to anyone who likes adult humor. It's a bit raunchy, but always a ton of laughs. Trickster does the writing every year, and I honestly think it only gets better each time. I'd also like to point out the charity quiz show that Trickster hosted last year. We'll be doing that again, and it was a big smash, so I'd encourage everyone to attend. Even if you don't get selected to play the audience can participate in the game. Besides, there's nothing more funny than seeing some poor confused fur try to remember what species Zig-Zag is.

As a last bit, and we haven't 100% finalized this yet, we should be having Frozen Oasis as an official convention event in place of the Friday dance. There's still some scheduling considerations that we need to figure out, but chances are they'll have the entire Adam's room (yes the far one near the lobby that nobody can find) for the party.

-= Tips for Travel =-
Seeing as more than a few of us will be on the move this season, and don't have a pack of sled dogs living next to us, we would like to offer a few tips for travelling. Please don't use this as a comprehensive list, this should just be used as a heads-up. To see a complete list of recommendations, please see if you plan to fly or for trips by auto.

If travelling by plane, please arrive at the ticket counter at least 90 minutes early. The closer we get to Christmas, the longer the wait to pass through security. Also, you will need to remove your shoes and empty your pockets before passing through to the boarding area. If you plan on bringing a laptop it will need to be separate from other carry-on baggage. Lastly, you will not be able to bring your own beverages past the screening area. Bottled water and other refreshments should be available on the other side.

If travelling by car or truck is more your thing, keep in mind any, and every, thing can happen. In addition to your usual gear (jack, properly inflated spare tire, etc), you'll also want to add a nice, warm blanket to the list. A warm set of sock and waterproof boots aren't a bad idea if you have the room. A small amount of food and water is recommended in the event you're in less travelled areas. Lastly, if you have one, make sure your cell phone is properly charged.

Hopefully these recommendations will all be unnecessary. In the event they are not, however, we hope they will help to ensure you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season.

-= Panels, Here! Get Your Hot Panels! =-
With Morphicon only being a three day event, and with the large number of panels to choose from, we, your staff, would love to have your opinion on what you would like to see or attend at this year's con. We want to make Morphicon 2011 the best we can and, for that, we require your input. Art and gaming panels will again be present, as will writing and crafting panels. Spirituality and SIG's are both good bets, also. The question is, what would you like to see? Give us your raves and rants for panels past and tell us what you would like to include if we don't have it already. Until the new website is up and running, feel free to send your comments and ideas to programming @ and we'll make sure they get to the correct Track Head.

-= Frozen Fur Balls Con't =-
We are still working on having a fursuit bowling event. Though we would like to have it in January, it appears we will be shooting for sometime in February. A poll will be posted online soon so a date can be decided and registration will be necessary so we can get an accurate number for a group rate. Unlike the picnic, this will not be a free event. That's not to say something special might not be done, however. Stay tuned for more information or contact publicity @ if you have any questions or ideas.

-= Still Searching for Artists - Now With Incentives! =-
Woohoo! We're getting art! But a few pictures doth not a conbook make. As always, we are looking for art for the various publications we put out and would love to see what you can come up with. Any donated art will have that artist's name put into a random drawing for a Morphicon t-shirt from years past! Your contribution will be appreciated and mentioned, but now you could also get some cool swag! Send any and all submissions to publicity @!


Want to see additional content or have something to say about the latest newsletter? Please visit the enhanced HTML version at and let us know what you think!
Friday, November 5th, 2010
7:28 am
Time to start thinking about your new years' plans!
So, what are you doing for New Years' Eve?
If I were you, I'd be planning on spending an awesome time at the New Year's Furry Ball! Every year, the pennsylvania furries have put together a fun gathering with food, music, and drinks for a one night all-out party to eclipse all other parties. Well over a hundred people have showed up year after year to ring in the new... year... in style! (I've said the word year so much it's losing meaning!) This year (dammit!), however, we've teamed up with The Furst State (who put on awesome events on a more than monthly basis!) to put together a new years' event to beat all other new years events!
  • Catered dinner!
  • Real bar!
  • Live DJs!
  • A ballroom!
  • Video games!
Tell me more!

Where: The Embassy Suites Newark-Wilmington/South, 854 S College Ave, Newark DE 19713

When: December 31st, 2010 at 8:00pm-1:30am with free AWESOME breakfast the following morning!

How Much: $36 ($35 plus one dollar service fee for the ticket) pre-registration, $40 at the door. If you're feeling extra-charitable, we have the option of buying a 'sponsor' ticket that costs $50. This confers no benefits except our undying love and gratification and the fuzzy warm feeling of knowing you helped make other people feel fuzzy and warm (thanks to all the extra booze and amenities.)

How Do I Pre-Register? Pre-registration is being handled through TicketDerby. To buy your pre-reg tickets, click here. The process is easy, but if you encounter any problems please contact me at [email protected]. We'll announce the date that pre-reg closes in a few days when we have details ironed out. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pre-register if you can. We have to pay the hotel a sum of money that contains four digits in advance of the event and would really like to not have to front it out of pocket - you'll be doing us a great service if you do. Please bring at least an ID with you so we can match it up with registration, but to make things extra fast also bring your printed ticket.

What about a room? We'll have a site soon for you to buy hotel rooms over the internet, but for the time being you can call the hotel at 1-302-368-8000 to book a room - just mention the New Year's Furry Ball. All the rooms in this hotel are suites, and have fold-out sofa beds. You can book either a room with two queen beds or one king, and both are available for the low price of $99.

For more information, our official centralized post on the event is here and you can follow the nyfb community for updates.

Current Mood: excited
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
4:59 pm
Hallow Kitty Original Art Auction
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I decided to create a cute piece celebrating it. I like Hallow Kitty so much I think I might do another one of her! This piece is created on Marker Paper with colored pencils and prisma markers this piece is great for fans of felines or candy laden holidays.

You can bid on this 9 x 12 piece at :

Hallow Kitty
Sunday, August 29th, 2010
4:06 am
4 Days At Dragon*Con
If you've never been and want to see what the convention is like, check this link out - A documentary on the convention.

See if you can "Spot" one of Atlanta's best known Fursuiters! Bonus Points for posting a screen cap of the fursuiter!
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
9:05 pm
Furry Party at Dragon*Con
Dragon Con has reached out to us on its own and is putting together a Furry Meet & Greet/Party Friday Sept 3rd at 8:00pm at the Marriott Marquis - 10th floor. There will be a cash bar on hand. Fursuits, tails, collars ears are encouraged.

Dragon*Con has been interested in working with us over the past couple of years and is now taking steps to make a relationship. If you are going to be in town, and at Dragon*Con, please join us for a fun evening!

You can contact me - Badwolf - at 770-365-4378 or [email protected]
Friday, August 20th, 2010
7:32 pm
SUP! I'm new on here and located in barnesville and currently looking for fursuit/furry friends! Any takers?

Current Mood: cheerful
Sunday, August 1st, 2010
2:20 pm
Morphicon August 2010 Newsletter Now Available!
Morphicon Miscellanea - August 2010 Edition

-= Morphicon End-of-Summer Picnic =-
Yes, fellow furs, it is that time of year to once again look forward to the Morphicon picnic. As in previous years, the picnic will be held at Sharon Woods Metro Park, just north-east of Columbus, and on September 4th. While we understand this is Labour Day weekend, we also know it'll be a great excuse for having to take off Friday from work if "necessary"!
Food, of course, will be gratis, however, if there is anything in particular you would like or want to share with the group please feel free to bring it along. Food donations will also be happily accepted. Activities will include all the amenities the park has to offer, with the addition of horseshoes, frisbee, wiffle ball, and Pictionary. Should you have any events you would like to see please let us know.
With the date still a month away we have plenty of time for flexibility. If you would like to bring any food or something else to do, please send an e-mail to publicity @ and we will get back to you. Information and directions to the park can be found here: Sharon Woods Metro Park. See you there!

-= The Woollybear Festival is Coming! =-
Vermilion, Ohio is once again preparing for the 38th Annual Woollybear Festival & Parade, the largest one-day gathering in the state! On September 26th, thousands will flock the quaint town of Vermilion, located on the shores of Lake Erie. Events will include the parade, music, games, fair food, and more! For more information on the festival, please see the Woollybear Festival home page.
Morphicon has traditionally played a part in the festivities and would like to do so again this year. If you would like to participate, please send a e-mail to publicity @ so we can get in touch with you and coordinate. Please note, this is a family festival and while ears, tails, and fursuits are welcome, anything stronger than G-rated is highly discouraged.

-= Calling All Artists =-
We are always looking for art for various publications we put out. If you have anything you would like to donate, please don't hesitate to let us know. Submissions can always be sent to publicity @ at anytime.

Right now, we are requesting art for our Furry Trackers Guide, a booklet for con-goers, showing various locations were one might procure food, access an ATM, etc. The art should reflect this year's theme of Furries in Wonderland, with a focus on a specific section. Please feel free to send any questions and artwork to Lightpaws. We can't guarantee we can use all the art but your contribution will be mentioned nonetheless.

Want to see additional content or have something to say about the latest newsletter? Please visit the enhanced HTML version at and let us know what you think!
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
10:49 am
Kaze and I have a room reserved for FWA, Thurs thru Sunday, looking for one or two people to share it with to cut costs :) Reply if interested, or e-mail me, jon.fortner @ (remove spaces!)
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010
1:43 pm
Con Badge Sale

I'm a bit short for bills this month and FWA is around the corner. I want to offer some badge commissions to help pave the way there.

I'm offering portrait badges for $40. It's 5 dollars for shipping. Or if you'll be at FWA I can deliver it to you at the Dealer's Den at my tablet so you don't have to pay shipping.  They don't have to be square either. They are fully laminated and are around 3 x 5 inches.

I'll take up to 10  slots.

Here are some examples of my previous badges for others.

You can see more of my art on
Thursday, January 14th, 2010
12:38 am
FurryWeekend Atlanta is coming up in March don't forget!

I'll be in the Dealer's Den selling bunches of stuff like Badges, Prints and Commissions.

Be sure to drop by and say hi!

Monday, January 4th, 2010
2:34 pm
New Dog Park in Brunswick,
If any one is in or near Brunswick, we have good news!

There is now a dog park here! If you didn't see it in today's paper, it's over in Howard Coffin park, near where that community pool is, near highway 17 heading towards Blythe island. Whoo hoo. Spread the word!
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009
9:48 pm
Morphicon Holiday Newsletter
January 2010 Newsletter

Morphicon 7: "State Fair"

May 13-16th 2010
Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington in Columbus, Ohio
Guests of Honor: World Tree creators, Bumblebee and Floki
Full TextCollapse )

Happy Holidays!
-- Jewel, and the rest of Morphicon Staff –
Monday, December 21st, 2009
3:28 am
Hello everyone ^^

I'm looking to meet a few local furr's. ^^  I live around the flowery branch / Buford area, If anyone feels like doing something feel free to message me.
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009
1:58 pm
Atlanta Furs! : Seeking Friends
I live in Cleveland, TN. I was wondering if anyone wants to hang out. It's about an hour drive to Atlanta, GA from Cleveland, TN; so I can visit frequently.

Planning ahead of time is my way of doing things. If you wouldn't mind socializing then drop me a message and I will send you more contact information via PM.

Thanks for reading!

Current Mood: determined
Saturday, October 31st, 2009
8:37 pm
Hello everyone!
Hi, I'm a bisexual female furry living in NE Georgia! It's nice to meet you all!

I don't have a fursona yet, though. Anyone have any suggestions? x3

Current Mood: cheerful
Thursday, October 29th, 2009
5:58 pm
I didn't even know this existed.  Many more than I thought.


Is anyone in the Southwest GA area?

That'd be cool!

Current Mood: grateful
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