la flora (findingtimothy) wrote in geography_club,
la flora

HOWDY ALL! I would love love love love X 129432946.3484 to be able to start a GSA club in my school. Does anyone have any pointers/tips/information/advice i could use. My school is somewhat conservative...but i'd love to get something like this going. So please offer advice opions...etc.

BTW...i don't think i ever posted a mini-bio. I'm Lindsey, 15 from north texas. I'm least i'm pretty sure i'm straight. I'm a sophmore...i make acceptable grades, and i'm in the GT program (gifted and talented students....pssh). I'm big into theatre and i'm most definitely a liberal, but i don't hate bush as much as most liberals. My favorite place is P-Town in cape cod. My god...if you've never been, you should definitely go. It's amazing. And that's about it. ;)

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