Thursday, April 7th, 2011 |
11:44 am [wcg]
Whole lot of shakin' goin' on. Time | | Magnitude | | Location | 1 hour ago | | 7.1 | | Near the east coast of Honshu, Japan | | Map | 1 hour ago | | 4.3 | | Baja California, Mexico | | Map | 2 hours ago | | 6.5 | | Veracruz, Mexico | | Map | |
Saturday, February 5th, 2011 |
11:44 am [wcg]
Cartograms of river systems
You may have seen the iconic maps of the London subway system. They employ a simplified cartographic system that makes it easy to see the interconnections while straightening out the bends and twists of the real system. Well, Daniel Huffman decided to do the same sort of thing with river systems. Here's his take on the Mississippi River system:  (Click on the map to read the full article.) Hat tip to hitchhiker for the link. |
Friday, February 4th, 2011 |
2:20 pm [wcg]
Monday, January 24th, 2011 |
3:56 pm [mactavish]
Thursday, January 13th, 2011 |
4:09 pm [wcg]
Monday, November 22nd, 2010 |
6:24 am [elainegrey]
California Geological Survey, 150 years later
A historical California Geological Survey is being re-documented. About Up and Down California: The Whitney Survey 150 Years Later
150 years ago the California Geological Survey, under State Geologist Josiah Whitney, began their exploration of the natural resources of the brand new state of California. From 1860 to 1864 they traveled over 14,000 miles around the state, mostly on foot or muleback, in a state much of which was barely known (and some completely unknown) to white people. The field leader, William H. Brewer, described their travels in letters to his family; those letters, which were later collected and published as Up and Down California, are the most comprehensive portrait of California at that time.
This group is for modern-day photos of the places they visited in their travels around California--photos that convey a sense of place, and collectively create a visual record of how much (or how little) those places have changed since the Whitney Survey visited them 150 years ago.
Also...since Brewer was the botanist as well as field leader, and collected over 2,000 plant specimens in his travels, photos of California native plants (of species collected by Brewer) are welcome. Blog republishing the letters: Group: |
Saturday, November 6th, 2010 |
6:57 pm [brittdreams]
Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 |
5:56 pm [mactavish]
Monday, September 27th, 2010 |
8:18 pm [ekh_78]
We're number one
Have you seen this map Because every country is the best at something? Some suprises - apparently The Democratic Republic of Congo is best in renewable energi* and Uruguay is best at science for kids** - some less suprising - Japan is stil number one then it comes to robots, it's nice to see that some things haven't changed. The map mix serious things - Chad is the poorest country, Angola has the highes infant mortality - with the trivial - Canadians drinks the most fruit juice in the world. * Hydroelectricity, I guess. ** Well someone should be best, why not Uruguay. |
Friday, September 24th, 2010 |
10:39 am [wcg]
Mapping Stereotypes This website has a bunch of different maps of Europe, showing stereotypical views of various places by different points of view. For example: |
Friday, September 17th, 2010 |
10:01 am [wcg]
Thursday, September 9th, 2010 |
2:45 pm [mactavish]
Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 |
3:34 pm [wcg]
Thursday, April 15th, 2010 |
9:38 am [mactavish]
Saturday, April 10th, 2010 |
10:16 am [mactavish]
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 |
1:33 am [framlingem]
Just because you'll all get it...
After six years of trying (and it being full, or not working with any of the other classes on my schedule, or me being sick or broke and not being able to take classes, or any of a million things) I'm finally taking my university's hands-on intro to Earth Science class. It's worth noting that I live in Newfoundland, which, bar Australia, is arguably the best place in the world to do a hands-on geology class. I live about an hour's drive from the Tablelands, fer cryin' out loud. I LOVE THIS. WHEE. Current Mood: enthralled |
Monday, March 8th, 2010 |
12:45 pm [lightning_rose]
11:40 am [mactavish]
Friday, February 26th, 2010 |
9:35 am [wcg]
Thursday, January 14th, 2010 |
3:09 pm [helping_haiti]