curl ',-0.12768?geoit=xml&auth=your_api_key'
curl ',+57632+Berzhausen?json=1&auth=your_api_key'
curl -X POST -d scantext="Ma io stasera volevo cenare al lume di candela, non cucinarci! #Milano #blackout" \ -d geoit="XML" \ -d auth="your_api_key" \
curl -X POST -d scantext="The Vienna Tourist Board [3] operates information and booking booths at the airport Arrival Hall, 7AM-11PM and in the center at 1., Albertinaplatz/Maysedergasse. Information and free maps are also avialable from the ÃBB InfoPoints and offices at train stations." \ -d json="1" \
curl -X POST -d scantext="The most important museums of Amsterdam are located on the Museumplein, located at the southwestern side of the Rijksmuseum." \ -d geojson="1" \
curl -X POST -d scantext="The most important museums of Amsterdam are located on the Museumplein, located at the southwestern side of the Rijksmuseum." \ -d geoit="xml" \ -d sentiment="analysis" \
curl -X POST -d scantext="In the bestselling novel Crazy Rich Asians, author Kevin Kwan fills his pages with juicy drama involving Singaporeâs elite families, and he almost devotes the same amount of space to the Southeast Asian nationâs mouthwatering food." \ -d geoit="json" \ -d sentiment="analysis" \
curl -X POST -d locate="415 C'WEALTH AVE WEST Singapore" \ -d geoit="XML" \
curl -X POST -d locate="55.6802779000,12.5900501000" \ -d geoit="XML" \
curl -X POST -d locate="" \ -d geoit="XML" \
You may also access our API via a third party module such as Geo::Parser::Text
Please note: Usage Limits for unauthenticated users may be changed at any time without further notice. Email [email protected] if you wish to obtain greater access for non-for-profit uses.
To avoid "File name too long" errors on long input strings, we recommend using the parameterized version with the "locate" parameter via a GET or POST method.
There are 4 possible output formats:{text}&outputformat
(you may also send text to the API via a POST method)
Parameter Name | Description | Permitted Values |
locate | The location may be a street address/postal code/landmark/ip address/city name/etc (forward geocoding) or a latitude,longitude point (reverse geocoding). | A string containing a free text location or a point expressed as a latitude,longitude pair (in that order!) |
scantext | Free form text containing locations. | text |
Parameter Name | Description | Permitted Values |
auth | The authentication code (for registered/subscribed users). | A string containing the authentication code provided by our registration interface. |
geoit | The output type desired. | Only one of two allowed values: XML or CSV |
json | Output in JSON format. | Optionally you may request data in JSON format. Accepted value: 1 (For JSONp include a callback parameter) |
geojson | Output in GeoJSON format. | Optionally you may request data in GeoJSON format. Accepted value: 1 |
callback | Callback string if Output is in JSONP format. | Optionally you may request data in JSONP format. The callback can be any string value and is required if you request JSONp output. |
id | optionally you can include your own transaction id. this will be returned along with the response if provided. | a number or string no longer that 15 bytes. |
strictmode | Just return the core address components on reverse geocoding (skip computing administrative boundaries, poi information, etc) | Allowed values are Integer 0 or 1. |
nostrict | Set promiscuous mode on. Will return all matched locations, even those with low confidence. (might result in a lot of matched items in geoparsing mode) | Allowed values are Integer 0 or 1. |
sentiment | Do Sentiment Analysis in geoparsing mode. | Allowed values are Integer 0 or 1. |
moreinfo | Return more information, such as the Timezone and Elevation of the location. | Allowed values are Integer 0 or 1. |
region | The region parameter defines the region/country to limit the search results for geoparsing functions (scantext) or single response geocoding (locate) |
Technical Note: This API geoparses/geocodes a large array of location data, from street addresses to zip codes. Sometimes the exact same zip code or address may exist in more than one country. For example: Zip Code 04548-005 will match:
For example:
region=UK (limit to the UK) or region=FR (limit to France)
All supported countries of the WorldThe complete worldwide country list under the area of coverage (with official country names) is provided here: AD Andorra AE United Arab Emirates AF Afghanistan AG Antigua and Barbuda AI Anguilla AL Albania AM Armenia AN Netherlands Antilles AO Angola AQ Antarctica AR Argentina AS American Samoa AT Austria AU Australia AW Aruba AX Aland Islands AZ Azerbaijan BA Bosnia and Herzegovina BB Barbados BD Bangladesh BE Belgium BF Burkina Faso BG Bulgaria BH Bahrain BI Burundi BJ Benin BL Saint-Barthélemy BM Bermuda BN Brunei Darussalam BO Bolivia BQ Bonaire BR Brazil BS Bahamas BT Bhutan BW Botswana BY Belarus BZ Belize CA Canada CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands CD Zaire CF Central African Republic CG Congo CH Switzerland CI Côte d'Ivoire CK Cook Islands CL Chile CM Cameroon CN China CO Colombia CR Costa Rica CU Cuba CV Cape Verde CW Curaçao CX Christmas Island CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic DE Germany DJ Djibouti DK Denmark DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic DZ Algeria EC Ecuador EE Estonia EG Egypt EH Western Sahara ER Eritrea ES Spain ET Ethiopia FI Finland FJ Fiji FK Falkland Islands FM Micronesia FO Faroe Islands FR France GA Gabon GD Grenada GE Georgia GF French Guiana GG Guernsey GH Ghana GI Gibraltar GL Greenland GM Gambia GN Guinea GP Guadeloupe GQ Equatorial Guinea GR Greece GS SGSSI GT Guatemala GU Guam GW Guinea-Bissau GY Guyana HK Hong Kong HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands HN Honduras HR Croatia HT Haiti HU Hungary ID Indonesia IE Ireland IL Israel IM Isle of Man IN India IO British Indian Ocean Territory IQ Iraq IR Iran IS Iceland IT Italy JE Jersey JM Jamaica JO Jordan JP Japan KE Kenya KG Kyrgyzstan KH Cambodia KI Kiribati KM Comoros KN Saint Kitts and Nevis KP North Korea KR South Korea KS Kosovo KW Kuwait KY Cayman Islands KZ Kazakhstan LA Lao PDR LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia LI Liechtenstein LK Sri Lanka LR Liberia LS Lesotho LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg LV Latvia LY Libya MA Morocco MC Monaco MD Moldova ME Montenegro MF Saint-Martin MG Madagascar MH Marshall Islands MK North Macedonia ML Mali MM Myanmar MN Mongolia MO Macao MP Northern Mariana Islands MQ Martinique MR Mauritania MS Montserrat MT Malta MU Mauritius MV Maldives MW Malawi MX Mexico MY Malaysia MZ Mozambique NA Namibia NC New Caledonia NE Niger NF Norfolk Island NG Nigeria NI Nicaragua NL Netherlands NO Norway NP Nepal NR Nauru NU Niue NZ New Zealand OM Oman PA Panama PE Peru PF French Polynesia PG Papua New Guinea PH Philippines PK Pakistan PL Poland PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon PN Pitcairn PR Puerto Rico PS Palestinian Territory PT Portugal PW Palau PY Paraguay QA Qatar RE Réunion RO Romania RS Serbia RU Russian Federation RW Rwanda SA Saudi Arabia SB Solomon Islands SC Seychelles SD Sudan SE Sweden SG Singapore SH Saint Helena SI Slovenia SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SK Slovakia SL Sierra Leone SM San Marino SN Senegal SO Somalia SR Suriname SS South Sudan ST Sao Tome and Principe SV El Salvador SX Saint-Martin SY Syria SZ Swaziland TC Turks and Caicos Islands TD Chad TF French Southern Territories TG Togo TH Thailand TJ Tajikistan TK Tokelau TL Timor-Leste TM Turkmenistan TN Tunisia TO Tonga TR Turkey TT Trinidad and Tobago TV Tuvalu TW Taiwan TZ Tanzania UA Ukraine UG Uganda UK United Kingdom UM US Minor Outlying Islands US United States of America UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VA Vatican VC Saint Vincent and Grenadines VE Venezuela VG British Virgin Islands VI Virgin Islands, US VN Viet Nam VU Vanuatu WF Wallis and Futuna Islands WS Samoa YE Yemen YT Mayotte ZA South Africa ZM Zambia ZW Zimbabwe |
citybias | A string containing city names separated by commas. | This is an optional parameter to bias geocoding / geoparsing results to specific cities. (to be used in conjunction with region biasing for best results) |
{ "longt":"0.00000", "standard":{ "street":{ "01139":{ "city":"Dresden, SN", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"3178" }, "01139 Dresden":{ "city":"Dresden", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"2014" }, "01139 Radebeul":{ "city":"Radebeul", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"21" }, "01139 Mickten":{ "city":"Mickten", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"6" }, "01139 Kaditz":{ "city":"Kaditz", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"6" }, "01139 Dresden, ":{ "city":"Dresden, ", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"4" }, "01139 Radebeul, SN":{ "city":"Radebeul, SN", "post":"01139", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"1" } } }, "matches":7, "error":{ "description":"Your request produced the following suggestions.", "code":"008" }, "suggestion":{ "region":"DE", "locate":"01139 Dresden, SN" }, "latt":"0.00000" }
{ "longt":"0.00000", "standard":{ "street":{ "AlbanistraÃe":{ "city":"Munchen", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"3" }, "AlbanistraÃe München":{ "city":"München", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"3" }, "Albaniwall":{ "city":"Göttingen", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"3" }, "Albaniplatz":{ "city":"Göttingen", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"2" }, "Albanikirchhof":{ "city":"Göttingen", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"2" }, "Albanistrasse":{ "city":"Munchen", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"2" }, "Albanistrasse München":{ "city":"München", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"2" } } }, "matches":7, "error":{ "description":"Your request produced the following suggestions.", "code":"008" }, "suggestion":{ "region":"DE", "locate":"AlbanistraÃe Munchen" }, "latt":"0.00000" }
You may also provide a cityname parameter, to autocomplete both the city the street names. For eg:
{ "longt":"0.00000", "standard":{ "street":{ "GartenstraÃe":{ "city":"Bad Segeberg", "post":"", "street":"", "num":"", "score":"28" } } }, "matches":1, "error":{ "description":"Your request produced the following suggestions.", "code":"008" }, "suggestion":{ "region":"DE", "locate":"" }, "latt":"0.00000" }
Parameter Name | Description |
region | Two letter region code. |
streetname | The partial street name or the partial zip code |
cityname | The partial city name |
geoit | Output type: Either XML or JSON. |
Parameter Name | Description | Expected Output Values |
name | The full street name. | String. |
cities | The city names for each street | An array of city names. |
city | city name | A single city name. |
post | the post or zip code | A single postal or zip code. |
street | street name | A single street name. |
num | street number | A single street number. |
score | The ranking score of the match. The larger the number the better the match | A single number. |
The output may contain the following parameters:
Parameter Name | Description | Expected Output Values |
latt | The latitude. | A decimal number. |
longt | The longitude. | A decimal number. |
elevation | The elevation in meters. | A decimal number. |
timezone | The timezone. | A string. |
geocode | geocode is an alphanumeric string representing both latitude and longitude as one value. Nearby points will have similar geocodes. | A string composed of two parts: 1) The name/acronym of the most promiment location in the vicinity, 2) A string no longer than 5 bytes defining the location within a 10 m by 10 m box. |
altgeocode | altgeocode is an alternative geocode. Differently from geocode, altgeocode contains the closest location name to the point. If geocode and altgeocode are the same, then you are near the center of the promiment location. | A string composed of two parts: 1) The name/acronym of the closest location in the vicinity, 2) A string no longer than 5 bytes defining the location within a 10 m by 10 m box. |
geonumber | geonumber is the geocode number. Every 10m by 10m square of the earth is converted to a unique integer, the geo number. | An integer. (Note: To retreive the latitude,longitude of the center of the 10x10m2 polygon, pass the geonumber parameter to the API: For example: ) |
id | Transaction id. | If supplied in the input the transaction id will be returned along with the output. |
stnumber | The properly formated address to be returned. | The street number (integer value). |
staddress | The properly formated address to be returned. | The formated street address. |
city | The properly formated address to be returned. | The city name. |
prov | The properly formated address to be returned. | The country code. |
countryname | The properly formated address to be returned. | The country name. |
confidence |
The Geocoding Confidence Score is a number representing our accuracy estimate on a geocoding request. This number ranges from 1 to 0. A higher score indicates a closer match (A score of 1 meaning best match accuracy.) A result with confidence score less than 0.5 is rarely returned to the user (it will most likely result in a suggestion being returned.)
The algorithm that computes the confidence score takes into account two main factors: a) The quality of the matched data in the DB, b) The number and type of matches between the input string and the structured location data in the DB. | a number [0..1] 1=best match, 0=no response. |
MentionIndices | In a Geoparsing response indicates the index location in the string where a given location was matched. | One or more numbers, separated by commas. |
matchtype | In a Geoparsing response indicates the type of location matched. | Possible values {street, intersection, locality, landmark, postcode} |
inlatt | The input latitude. | If the input contains a latitude/longitude pair for reverse geocoding. |
inlongt | The input longitude. | If the input contains a latitude/longitude pair for reverse geocoding. |
distance | The distance of the result location from the input location. | in kilometres (km) |
class | The class parameter, derived from OpenStreetMap's maxspeed, indicates the speed limit and/or the road type. |
In the reverse geocoding API. For eg: class=100 indicates speed limit of 100 km/h, or class=footway the path type. If class is a number it is a speed limit in kilometers per hour, otherwise it is the road type or a number with miles per hour indication.
For a detailed explanation of the class parameter read the maxspeed wiki page. |
poi | poi - Point of Interest data is derived from OpenStreetMap's POI tags. | It will return the nearest point of interest to the input point. For example:,19.49845?geoit=xml will return: The poidist is the distance of the input point to the point of interest location in kilometres (km). |
osmtags | osmtags - OpenStreetMap administrative area tags of the smallest admin level. | It will return the administrative area tags of the smallest admin level polygon where the input point is in. For example:,19.49845?geoit=xml&lang=en will return: |
adminareas | adminareas - All admin levels of the OpenStreetMap administrative area tags. | It will return the administrative area polygon hierarchy where the input point is in. For example:,19.49845?geoit=xml&lang=en will return: |
NearRoad | The nearest Road to the input point. | |
NearRoadDistance | The distance of the nearest Road to the input point in kilometres (km). |
#!/bin/bash while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do echo $line,`curl -X POST -d locate="$line" -d geoit="csv"`; done < "$1"Save as then chmod a+x then run it as:
Your input file might look something like:
Berlin, DE London, UK Rome, ITand the output
Berlin, DE,200,0.90,52.50219,13.40741 London, UK,200,0.90,51.50565,-0.11599 Rome, IT,200,0.80,41.94176,12.61489Four columns were appended to the input file. The status (200 success), the confidence score (a number between 0 and 1, with 1 being best match), the Latitude and the Longitude.
Here is another batch geocoding example, which sends a set number of calls in parallel, and prints out more results on the output file:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use utf8::all; my $o = open(F, ">out.csv"); my $oo = open(NOTF, ">outerr.csv"); use JSON::XS; use Encode; use Data::Dumper; use File::Slurp; use URI::Escape; use HTTP::Request; my @lines = read_file( "/home/ec2-user/smalltest.txt", {binmode => ':utf8'} ) ; use HTTP::Async; my %args = ( slots => 30, timeout => 180, #(seconds) max_request_time => 300, #(seconds) max_redirect => 7, poll_interval => 0.05 #(seconds) ); my $async = HTTP::Async->new(%args); my %rows; my $rownum=1; my %output; foreach (@lines) { chomp; $rows{$rownum} = $_; my $safe = uri_escape_utf8($_); $async->add( HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$safe?json=1&row=$rownum&auth=" ) ); $rownum++; } while ( $async->not_empty ) { if ( my $response = $async->next_response ) { my $input = Dumper $response->{_request}->{'_uri'}; if ($input =~ /\/(.*)\?json=1\&row=(\d+)/) { $output{$2} = $response->{'_content'}; } } else { } } foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %rows) { my $response = $output{$_}; eval { my $myHashRefDecoded = decode_json($response); my %ohash = %$myHashRefDecoded; if ($ohash{error}) { print NOTF $rows{$_} . ",error\n"; } else { delete $ohash{postal} if $ohash{postal}=~ /^HASH/; delete $ohash{stnumber} if $ohash{stnumber}=~ /^HASH/; my $confidence = $ohash{standard}{confidence} || $ohash{confidence}; my $stnumber = $ohash{standard}{stnumber} || $ohash{stnumber}; my $addresst = $ohash{standard}{addresst} || $ohash{staddress}; my $city = $ohash{standard}{city} || $ohash{city}; my $prov = $ohash{standard}{prov} || $ohash{prov}; my $postal = $ohash{standard}{postal} || $ohash{postal}; my $countryname = $ohash{standard}{countryname} || $ohash{countryname}; print F $rows{$_} . ",$ohash{latt},$ohash{longt},$confidence,\"$stnumber\",\"$addresst\",\"$city\",\"$prov\",\"$postal\",\"$countryname\"\n"; } }; } close F; close NOTF;
For best results, use our Batch Geocoding Interface.
Python Reverse Geocoding:
import requests resp = requests.get(",0.0079?json=1&auth=your auth code") json = resp.json() print(json['altgeocode'])Forward Geocoding:
# Python 3 import http.client, urllib.parse conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('') params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'auth': 'your auth code', 'locate': '34 THREADNEEDLE STREET, London, United Kingdom', 'region': 'UK', 'json': 1, }) conn.request('GET', '/?{}'.format(params)) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode('utf-8'))Reverse Geocoding:
# Python 3 import http.client, urllib.parse conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('') params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'auth': 'your auth code', 'locate': '51.51420,-0.08477', 'region': 'UK', 'json': 1, }) conn.request('GET', '/?{}'.format(params)) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode('utf-8'))Geoparsing:
# Python 3 import http.client, urllib.parse conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('') params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'auth': 'your auth code', 'scantext': 'The most important museums of Amsterdam are located on the Museumplein, located at the southwestern side of the Rijksmuseum.', 'region': 'NL', 'json': 1, 'sentiment': 1 }) conn.request('GET', '/?{}'.format(params)) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode('utf-8'))
Ruby Reverse Geocoding:
require "net/http" require "json" resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(",16.55724?json=1&auth=your auth code")) json = JSON.parse(resp) puts json['altgeocode']Forward Geocoding:
require 'uri' require 'net/http' uri = URI('') params = { 'auth' => 'your auth code', 'locate' => 'Plein 1944 in Nijmegen', 'geoit' => 'xml' } uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) puts response.read_body
PHP Geoparsing:
$queryString = http_build_query([ 'auth' => 'your auth code', 'scantext' => 'Stora Torget 1, 582 19 Linkoping', 'region' => 'SE', 'geojson' => '1' ]); $ch = curl_init(sprintf('%s?%s', '', $queryString)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $json = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $apiResult = json_decode($json, true); print_r($apiResult);
Nodejs Forward Geocoding:
const axios = require('axios'); const params = { auth: 'your auth code', locate: 'Stora Torget 1, 582 19 Linkoping', json: '1' } axios.get('', {params}) .then(response => { console.log(; }).catch(error => { console.log(error); });Reverse Geocoding:
const axios = require('axios'); const params = { auth: 'your auth code', locate: '58.41032,15.62162', json: '1' } axios.get('', {params}) .then(response => { console.log(; }).catch(error => { console.log(error); });
jQuery Forward Geocoding:
$.ajax({ url: '', data: { auth: 'your auth code', locate: 'Avenue FR DE LA JOSNIERE 13 LE DORAT', json: '1' } }).done(function(data) { console.log(data); });Reverse Geocoding:
$.ajax({ url: '', data: { auth: 'your auth code', locate: '46.21777,1.07601', json: '1' } }).done(function(data) { console.log(JSON.parse(data)); });
Go Reverse Geocoding:
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" ) func main() { baseURL, _ := url.Parse("") baseURL.Path += "/" params := url.Values{} params.Add("auth", "your auth code") // Query = latitude,longitude params.Add("locate", "51.507822,-0.076702") // Optional parameters params.Add("lang", "en") params.Add("json", "1") baseURL.RawQuery = params.Encode() req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", baseURL.String(), nil) res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) defer res.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) fmt.Println(string(body)) }