Papers by Maria da Conceição Oliveira Lopes
Iberoamérica : comunicación, cultura y desarrollo en la era digital: ibercom 06, IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Comunicación, 2009, ISBN 978-84-472-1154-8, 2009
Livro de Actas do Congresso 4º SOPCOM. …, 2005
Page 1. LIVRO DE ACTAS 4º SOPCOM 447 Design de Criatividade uma abordagem sistémica na análise ... more Page 1. LIVRO DE ACTAS 4º SOPCOM 447 Design de Criatividade uma abordagem sistémica na análise compreensiva da promoção e desenvolvimento da criatividade no quadro da experiência criativa e da pragmática de aprendizagens e de ...
Sopcom 2005 4o Congresso Da Associacao Portuguesa De Ciencias Da Comunicacao, Oct 30, 2005
Iberoamerica Comunicacion Cultura Y Desarrollo En La Era Digital Ibercom 06 Ix Congreso Iberoamericano De Comunicacion 2009 Isbn 978 84 472 1154 8, 2009

This paper results from a study carried out in 2005 in communities that contain Luso-Americans: p... more This paper results from a study carried out in 2005 in communities that contain Luso-Americans: people born in Portugal who emigrated to the USA over 30 years ago and who are American citizens or hold dual nationality; Americans: born in the USA but of Portuguese descent and living in the East Providence and Fall River areas. The purpose of this study was to construct an understanding of the Festivities of the Divine Holy Spirit as an essential context for the process of building co-cultural identities. The thesis that we defend is that the Festivities of the Divine Holy Spirit (FDHS), as unique mani- festations of communication, ludicity and experience for those that participate in them, are essential learning and change processes that actively contribute to the construction of the Luso-American and Luso-descendant American co-cultures. Thus, we believe that the FDHS in the USA are an integral part of the ecology of the human spirit of each of the participants, independent of which...

The contributions of the biologist, anthropologist and communication theorist Gregory Bateson (19... more The contributions of the biologist, anthropologist and communication theorist Gregory Bateson (1904- 1980) form the nucleus of the cross-disciplinary theoretical principles which led to the founding of the web of thought spun by Watzlawick, Weakland, Beavin, Fish, Jackson, Erickson, Foster, Haley and Satir, amongst others. These authors were united by a common theoretical standpoint which foregrounded the ecology of the human spirit and saw communication as process, a system of transactional interaction. They were also similarly influenced by cybernetics, systems theory and constructivism. Energised by the clash of the ideas in their exchanges, they constructed the orchestral theory of communication, formalised by Paul Watzlawick, Donald Jackson and Janet Beavin. Today, Watzlawick (1967) is regarded as a seminal publication in the annals of interpersonal communication studies. Moving beyond the confines of the original object of study – face-to-face communication – this theory has been increasingly applied to the analysis of institutionally mediated communication and to the understanding of the construction of learning and change in organisations. However, in current circumstances, its set of axiomatic principles would benefit from the inclusion of a medium-message axiom to allow a fuller understanding of the realities of the mediated communication process that the process contains. This paper proposes the inclusion of this new axiom, medium-message; a proposal which is based on the work of Gregory Bateson, the ecology of the human spirit, the orchestral theory of communication and the thinking of the Media Ecology Association. It aims to help build a more profound insight into the realities of the process of human communication

This paper highlights the consequential nature of communication, literacy and citizenship and the... more This paper highlights the consequential nature of communication, literacy and citizenship and the meta-pattern that connects everything together-the ecology of the human spirit. It argues that, just like human communication, literacy is consequential in nature for humankind. Through each of our different worlds of experience and processes of communication, we manifest both of these human conditions and co-construct everyday practices that engender a plurality of effects. Literacy is a concept common to all humankind. Thus, it forms an indivisible whole with communication. This viewpoint is at odds with that which confines literacy to being understood as the acquisition of certain competences. It is arguable that, just like communication, the human condition of literacy needs to be both encouraged and developed. We suggest here that the idea of borders in literacy should be questioned. The work of Gregory Bateson on the ecology of the human spirit-an imminent characteristic of the human species that is based on the physiological structure of the living being and is in permanent interaction and reconnection with both the biosphere and our ways of seeing the world-supports the viewpoint put forward here. From the communication mediatised by a children's television channel, from SIC K and from the results of studies carried out into children's use of television we draw the examples that shall illustrate the theoretical approach taken here. They also underpin two premises of an ongoing project. Firstly, television is part of the solution in that it encourages and develops communication-literacycitizenship-education-connectivity. Secondly, human rights form a shared platform from which to orient the use of Technologies and define connection strategies for the active participation of the children.

BEING HUMAN is an extraordinary privilege. Every woman and every man that is born has something t... more BEING HUMAN is an extraordinary privilege. Every woman and every man that is born has something to learn and a project to build throughout their lives. Designing futures in the present and affirming what makes them BE HUMAN requires work, study and fun. Since the first decade of the 21st century, the Human Rights in Action project, by Civitas Aveiro, has helped, through its work with children, young people and teachers, to construct answers to the question: what makes us truly human? What are the effects of technologies' in our life? The Aveiro charter of rights of the Human Being is one of the results of the 10th edition of the project developed in partnership with the University of Aveiro, with the backing of the Municipality and local Businesses. Twenty-five education and teaching institutions, from Nursery School to University, and a total of eight hundred Children and Young People, joined by around fifty teachers, from various subject areas, were involved in the development of the one hundred and twenty six rights inscribed in the Charter of Rights of the Human Being, which has been turned into an agenda for 2010. The dissemination of the charter by Civitas Aveiro aims to make a contribution in order that the citizens of the city of Aveiro, upon hearing the voices that speak out in this charter, may take steps toward making Aveiro a city blessed + dreamed with the Rights of the Human Being. The purpose of this presentation is to lay out and encourage discussion on the process of collective participation in the construction of the Charter of Rights of the Human Being, in various contexts, the methodology used and the analysis of the rights inscribed in it.
Maria da Conceicao Oliveira Lopes, professora Associada com Agregacao, da Universidade de Aveiro.... more Maria da Conceicao Oliveira Lopes, professora Associada com Agregacao, da Universidade de Aveiro. Doutorada em Ciencias e Tecnologias da Comunicacao, mestrado em ciencias da comunicacao e licenciatura em comunicacao social. Autora dos conceitos de Ludicidade (1998) e design de ludicidade (2004)1 . Quarenta anos depois da publicacao da Pragmatica da Comunicacao Humana de Paul Watzlawick et al. (1967) acrescenta a esta teoria o axioma medium-mensagem. E investigadora do ID+ nas areas do design institucional e media e cultura. Autora e coordenadora de varios projetos de investigacao-accao. A entrevista aqui publicada foi gentilmente concedida a professora Cristina Maria d’Avila (Universidade Federal da Bahia), bem como a contribuicao da Professora Marilete Calegari Cardoso (Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia), em 15 de Maio de 2015.
Literacia Media E Cidadania, Jul 7, 2011

Animus Revista Interamericana De Comunicacao Midiatica, Sep 2, 2013
Editorial / 07 Discursos sobre a exclusão / 09 urbana no cinema brasileiro Miriam de Souza Rossin... more Editorial / 07 Discursos sobre a exclusão / 09 urbana no cinema brasileiro Miriam de Souza Rossini Design de / 22 Comunicação Institucional Conceição Lopes O humor e a ironia/ 41 na comunicação e na cultura Marcio Acselrad Realidade virtual / 51 como instrumento de Relações Públicas na comunicação com os públicos Vagner de Carvalho Novas sociabilidades juvenis / 68 a partir do movimento hip-hop Gustavo de Souza Avanços tecnológicos e os processos / 78 comunicacionais na educação Maria de Fátima R. de Andrade Discursos sobre a exclusão urbana no cinema brasileiro Miriam de Souza Rossini revista interamericana de comunicação midiática ANIMUS Resumo: A partir da análise de filmes de diferentes épocas, pretendese compreender os discursos que vêm sendo construídos no cinema brasileiro sobre a marginalidade urbana. Busca-se, com isso, perceber os discursos que vêm sendo construídos sobre o espaço da favela, tanto de um ponto de vista estético quanto de abordagem do tema.
O processo de criação de marcas-branding-decorre do trabalho de uma equipa de especialistas com p... more O processo de criação de marcas-branding-decorre do trabalho de uma equipa de especialistas com perfis disciplinares diferenciados. Comunicação, marketing, naming eo design são alguns dos campos que influenciam a construção da identidade da marca. ...
The present communication aims to introduce an intercession tool in the design or re-design proce... more The present communication aims to introduce an intercession tool in the design or re-design process of a brand for the creation-conception-assessment of impacts of the brand, which will support the designer in his decision making. In his performance, the designer is ...

Comunicação e Cidadania. Actas do 5º …, 2008
Estando as marcas portuguesas a atravessar uma fase de grande dinamismo, no que diz respeito à re... more Estando as marcas portuguesas a atravessar uma fase de grande dinamismo, no que diz respeito à reformulação e afirmação das suas identidades, tendo em vista o seu crescimento em mercados mais atractivos e globais, vem este texto abordar em simultâneo e de forma reflexiva, duas questões interligadas: A relação do desenvolvimento das marcas portuguesas com o contexto económico e social, tanto no plano nacional como internacional e a sua atitude face aos novos mercados em que se pretendem implementar. Para tal exemplificam-se dois casos distintos: as marcas "Cereja do Fundão" e "Galp Energia", colocando-se em destaque alguns aspectos das suas estratégias de comunicação que podem potenciar ou limitar a capacidade de afirmação da marca em mercados alargados e mais competitivos. O segundo aspecto prende-se com a importância da certificação das marcas, um dos principais caminhos a seguir para a sua consolidação, para poderem fazer face aos novos desafios que enfrentam num mercado cada vez mais globalizado, onde o seu valor intangível é tão ou mais importante que o produto disponibilizado. .
Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, 2011
Resumo: O presente artigo busca expor diversos aspectos das festividades de São Gonçalo, na regiã... more Resumo: O presente artigo busca expor diversos aspectos das festividades de São Gonçalo, na região de Aveiro em Portugal, para por meio deles analisar os simbolismos presentes no ritual. O texto se articula em discursos verbais e não-verbais do ritual, testemunhos dos devotos e ampara-se também nas publicações locais sobre a festa.
Comunicação e Cidadania. Actas do 5º …, Jan 1, 2008
Papers by Maria da Conceição Oliveira Lopes