annnnna's Journal

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Friday, March 23rd, 2007

location change: houston, tx. since 11.22.2006
3:04 am.
Mood: frustrated.
moved back to houston in november, originally with my sister but now i am living in a duplex with two girlfriends. i like it. i'm just confused as always. i have been listening to jimmy eat world. im going to write a letter now:

dear you,
i am not upset because you have broken my heart i am upset because you did not worn me. yes, i knew it was coming, and yes i did warn myself.. but what i don't get is why you did it so cowardly. you are a coward. i want to still be your good friend because you know so much about me, and me about you. we are the same people. this is why we never worked. we both have egos, we need to be in control, and together we never felt like we were so we always got frustrated at one another. it would have never worked, and we both talked about and knew this. but we just kept trying because it was comfortable. well it wasnt anymore and i knew this too... but this still does not give you a reason to disappear... with no warning. all i ask for is respect, and what you did was almost the most disrespectful thing anyone has done to me. hope to see you around- things shouldn't be weird, and if they are it's your fault.

the end,
keep flying.

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

hello again.
9:59 am.
i haven't seen you in so long.

i'm very confused right now... i don't know what is going on, i have no control over what's going to happen in my life and i hate this feeling so much. i just want to get on my bed in fetal position and cry. i don't know what's wrong i just wish people would understand that i am not good at dealing with drama, emotions are things that i try very hard not to release, i have never been good at dealing with them, so i usually avoid them.

but when people that are extremely close to me have their feelings hurt to such an extreme level, it hurts me. i know this is unrealistic but i worry about everyone else to hide my own emotions and feelings. because trust me they're there.. but so are everyone else's and it seems easier to try and help them rather than burden them with my own problems.

the problem is i'm running out of things to say and now i'm getting upset.
1 wild parrot | keep flying.

Friday, October 6th, 2006

3:01 am.
well i wrecked my car, it wasn't my fault.. the girl didn't left turn yield, i find out if it is totalled tomorrow. i also have a shit load of pictures but i'm too lazy to post them
keep flying.

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

2:55 am.
wooooow. life sucks right now, when do i get to see the world?
2 wild parrots | keep flying.

Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

2:48 am.
the us will invade iran, eventually. (i put my money on within the next month.)
the morning after pill is sold over the counter, FINALLY.
industrial hemp is now legal to grow in the state of north dakota.

bad news first, good news second.
1 wild parrot | keep flying.


about me.
a date in time.
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