GC University Faisalabad
Applied Linguistics
The aim of the study is to carry out a comparative corpus driven stylistic analysis of modal verbs in Pakistani and British English fictions. For this purpose, corpora of Pakistani English fiction (PEF) and British English fiction (BEF),... more
This study is a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Pakistani and Indian budget speeches.
The purpose of the present research is to analyse the role of the linguistic devices which the writer has used to represent ethnicity in the novel, The Kite Runner. The present research was conducted primarily in accordance with the... more
The present study investigates the route of English words borrowed into Punjabi via Urdu. Differences and similarities between bilingual and monolingual speakers have been highlighted to determine the route of borrowing. The study is... more
The paper intends to look into the prescribed English language syllabus for the secondary level in Pakistan. It explores to what extent the English syllabus a) serves the needs of the intended citizenship and b) meets the international... more
This research is a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Figurative language in Pakistani English Newspapers. A corpus has been compiled from four English Newspapers: Dawn, The News, The Nation and The Express Tribune on the basis of best... more
In the guise of inseparable relationship between language and culture the ELT textbooks writers and publishers of the native speaker countries produce such textbooks in which a great cultural gap is found between the contents of the... more
The present study is aimed at examining how critical literacy helps the students in using language efficiently and exploring new ways of reading any text. The study focuses on gauging the place of critical literacy at graduate level and... more
This research is a comparative study of Newsworthiness (importance of news items) in English and Urdu newspapers. This research is a qualitative study that explores the impact of the placement of news items in the newspapers. The data has... more
This study is a comparative stylistic analysis of Pakistani and British English fictions. The purpose of this study is to bring forth the representation of Man and Woman in both Pakistani and British English fictions. The research is a... more
This article aims to explore the utility of the relationship between lexical richness and size as an indicator of acquisition status of English language of L2 learners of intermediate level, having rural background on the basis of their... more
Based on the spherical cavity expansion (SCE)
Athetis lepigone (Mö schler), a new lepidopteran pest in China, has spread quickly to seven provinces since it was Þrst reported causing damage on summer maize in Hebei province in 2005. Whether this species is a migrant or not remains... more
A new withanolide, physalolactone C (17S, 20S, 22R-6a-chloro-4f3, 5f3, 17p, 20a,-tetrahydroxyl-oxo-ergosta-2,14,24-trienolide) (l), has been isolated and characterized by a study of its physicochemical data and its semisynthesis from... more
Objective: To determine the efficacy of Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAGs) with and without Isometric Exercise Training Program (IETP) in Non-specific Neck Pain (NSNP) Methods: This randomized control trial of one year duration... more