Papers by Dr.Muhammad Afzaal

Soybean has good nutritional and functional properties, which are essential for human physiology.... more Soybean has good nutritional and functional properties, which are essential for human physiology. Okara, a residue from soybean processing industries has a distinct profile of nutrients and phytochemicals. Therefore, the current study was planned to investigate the functional importance of okara. In the first phase of this study, okara was isolated from soybean and characterized in terms of protein, fat, ash, soluble dietary fiber, and insoluble dietary fiber. Furthermore, the okara flour was characterized using FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), and micrograph images were obtained using SEM (scanning electron microscope). In the second phase of study, synbiotic (prebiotics + probiotics) yogurt was prepared with 3% concentrations of okara. Treatments were named as OFYo (control), OFY1 (probiotics), and OFY2 (3% okara + probiotics). Yogurt was subjected to physicochemical, antioxidant, microbiological, and sensory analysis. The addition of okara significantly affected n...

The world is facing tremendous challenges in tackling waste diversion from landfill to resource r... more The world is facing tremendous challenges in tackling waste diversion from landfill to resource recovery. Conversion of organic waste into biofertilizer would reduce its environmental impacts by improving soil nutrient contents level and decreasing the requirements of mineral fertilizer (MF). Phosphorus (P) is the primary least available mineral in many cropping environments. The current study was aimed to isolate an efficient P-solubilizing fungi and to investigate its influence on total organic carbon (TOC), C/N ratio, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP), total potassium (TK), and germination index (GI) of press mud to convert into biofertilizer. P from biofertilizer was then evaluated in different treatments in terms of maize biological yield, grain yield, P use efficiency (PUE), and P agronomic efficiency (PAE) in comparison to MF. Among seven P-solubilizing fungal isolates, A. niger was selected for its highest P-solubilizing activity in solid (1.5 cm) and liquid media (389 ug/ml) by solubilizing insoluble tricalcium phosphate (TCP). It was also found to mobilize zinc (Zn) from insoluble zinc oxide (ZnO). Bioaugmentation of press mud with A. niger shortens maturity period, improved nutrient contents and GI. Analysis of maize in different treatments revealed that P from mineral and biofertilizer enhanced crop yield. The competency of treatments was measured on higher PUE and PAE. Higher grain yield and harvest index (HI) were achieved in T5 (100%Org+50%MF) containing a higher amount of P from mineral and biofertilizer. However, higher PUE and PAE were found in the order T6>T5>T2>T3>T4>T1, demonstrating the importance of integrated and balanced use of fertilizers.

The aim of this study is to assess the water quality of Lower Jhelum Canal (LJC) and its suitabil... more The aim of this study is to assess the water quality of Lower Jhelum Canal (LJC) and its suitability for irrigation purposes. An effort has been made to develop a method by integrating water quality index with geographic information system (GIS) for an effective interpretation of LJC water quality. The pollution status of LJC was estimated by different physicochemical and biological parameters. Based on results of analysis, a spatial distribution map of selected water quality parameters was prepared using GIS. An inverse distance weighting (IDW), which is an interpolation technique, was applied to prepare a thematic layer of parameters at each station of Lower Jhelum canal. The results of individual parameters showed that the concentrations of contamination were within permissible limits of WHO and NEQS guidelines except for E. coli. Overall, most of the water falls in excellent quality category indicating the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. The results suggest that most of the water can be used for irrigation and various intended purposes except direct use of water for potable or drinking purposes without treatment.

Greater awareness towards the environmental issues such as global warming, emission of toxic poll... more Greater awareness towards the environmental issues such as global warming, emission of toxic pollutants and contaminants in the sea, air and on land, destruction of biodiversity and the needs to meet the sustainable development goals, has stimulated interest in the development of recyclable and eco-friendly single polymer composites. These are composite materials with mechanical properties comparable to the heterogeneous composites, fully recyclable and therefore providing economic and environmental advantages. An increasing trend is the use of natural fiber reinforced composites as low-cost composites with low density and high specific properties, non-abrasive and biodegradable. The major challenge in the fabrication of single polymer composites is the small melting temperature difference between the fiber and the matrix, and in the case of natural fibers, the incompatibility of the fibers with the matrix, and the poor resistance to moisture. This review article gives an overview of the developments in single polymer composites relating to the polymer sciences, materials selection, fabrication methods and the different types of recyclable and eco-friendly single polymer composites.

Naturally occurring heavy metals are becoming concentrated as a result of human activities such a... more Naturally occurring heavy metals are becoming concentrated as a result of human activities such as factory wastes, chemicals releasing from the automobiles, and several other sources toxic to human. These activities posed heavy metal pollution to irrigated water, soil, and vegetables. These metals are not digested into human body and stores in the body tissues leading to the metabolic disorders through the food chain. To assess these health risks, it is essential to quantify the heavy metals in the vegetables. This study was conducted to investigate heavy metals (Zn, Ca, and Mg) concentrations in different parts (roots, stems, leaves, and fruits) of tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum), sampled from three different locations of Multan district. Roots, leaves, stems, and fruits were oven dried at 110˚C and 2 g of each sample was digested with 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid (Merck). These samples were then subjected to atomic absorption spectrometry (Hitachi Model A-1800) for analysis of these metals. The results of this study revealed that the concentration of metals in L. esculentum increased in the order of Ca > Mg > Zn. By the comparison of all three metals accumulated in different parts of L. esculentum, we concluded that Ca and Mg are present in higher concentration with the exception of zinc which has rather low toxicity but a severe impact on human health. Results of our scenario show that HRI value for Zn is greater than 1 so it poses potential risks to human health.

To assess health risks due to heavy metals, it is essential to quantify them in the vegetables. H... more To assess health risks due to heavy metals, it is essential to quantify them in the vegetables. Hence, this study was conducted to investigate heavy metals (Zn, Ca, and Mg) concentrations in different parts (roots, stems, leaves, and fruits) of tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum), sampled from three different locations of Multan district. The collected samples such as roots, leaves, stems, and fruits were oven dried at 110˚C and 2 g of each sample was digested with 5 mL of concentrated nitric acid (Merck). These samples were then subjected for analysis of these metals using atomic absorption spectrometry (Hitachi Model A-1800). The results of this study revealed that the concentration of metals in L. esculentum increased in the order of Ca>Mg>Zn. By the comparison of all three metals accumulated in different parts of L. esculentum, we concluded that Ca and Mg are present in higher concentration with the exception of zinc which has rather low toxicity but a severe impact on human health. Results of our investigation show that HRI value for Zn is greater than 1 so it poses potential risks to human health.
Packed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra... more Packed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra (L). Gaertn. (kapok) for the heavy metal removal from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) under varying flow rate (5-10 ml/min) and packing density (0.04-0.08 g/cm 3). A multilevel factorial design based on Packing density and flow rate of the influent was developed. Maximum metal reductions for Fe, Mn and Zn were 2.06 ppm, 0.081 ppm, and 0.064 ppm respectively obtained at 0.08 g/cm 3 packing density and 5 ml/min flow rate. The results suggest the suitability of raw kapok fiber for low-cost removal of heavy metals.

Human population has been increasing rapidly which ultimately increase human consumption especial... more Human population has been increasing rapidly which ultimately increase human consumption especially, animal protein requirement. Therefore demand of animal protein consumption is increasing worldwide at an extraordinary rate. In order to meet the protein demand intensive animal and aquaculture farming are considered. Like livestock farming (poultry, pigs, sheep, livestock, horses, rabbits etc.), aquaculture farming (fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc.) is also become the globe's emergent protein production sector. More than 580 aquaculture species are farmed worldwide. Current food animal and aquaculture farming are coupled with standard usage of antimicrobials. The antimicrobial drugs are major solutions for the management of contagious illnesses in food animals and aquaculture. In animal husbandry, antimicrobials are widely utilized for animal therapy, prophylaxis or as growth promotants. Imprudent usage of these antimicrobials in food animals and aquaculture is a major contributing factor in the spread of anti-microbial resistance.The widespread use of veterinary medicines is considered to signify a frightening populace health threat. It not only results in the disclosure and escalation of resistant microbes but also cause other individual, animal and ecological deterioration. The contribution of resistant microbes from various sources seems to be the major base of resistance in the environment. However, strict policies and regulations for the antimicrobials usage in food animals and aquaculture must be made and applied. It is important to prevent their negative effects in humans, food animals, aquaculture and environment.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Emerging Contaminants and Associated Treatment Technologies focuses on contaminant matrices (air,... more Emerging Contaminants and Associated Treatment Technologies focuses on contaminant matrices (air, land, water, soil, sediment), the nature of pollutants (emerging, well-known, persistent, e-waste, nanomaterials, etc.), health effects (e.g., toxicology, occupational health, infectious diseases, cancer), treatment technologies (bioremediation, sustainable waste management, low cost technologies), and issues related to economic development and policy. The book series includes current, comprehensive texts on critical national and regional environmental issues of emerging contaminants useful to scientists in academia, industry, planners, policy makers and governments from diverse disciplines. The knowledge captured in this series will assist in understanding, maintaining and improving the biosphere in which we live. The scope of the series includes monographs, professional books and graduate textbooks, edited volumes and books devoted to supporting education on environmental pollution at the graduate and postgraduate levels.

A case study of an innovative medium sized commercial-industrial bioenergy plant is portrayed. Th... more A case study of an innovative medium sized commercial-industrial bioenergy plant is portrayed. This plant effectively runs on various agricultural waste feedstocks like; animal-manure, vegetable, poultry and sugar wastes etc. The plant design is based on anaerobic fixed dome triple digester system connected via underground lagoon. Thus system is facilitating continuous flow of the input feedstock capacity up-to four tonnes per day. This modern scheme is built on innovation with the inclusion of mechanical stirrers, gas scrubbers, filtration, compression and storage systems. This research paper highlighted the potential techno-economic impacts of such bioenergy plant for the energy stressed small-medium industrial sector in developing countries like Pakistan. It has the capability of 142 MWh energy generations per year; rate of return 15.42% and employment growth prospects in SME sector up-to 55%.

In this study, the kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics of heavy metal ions sorption onto nove... more In this study, the kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics of heavy metal ions sorption onto novel magnetic biosorbents synthesized from the Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) fibers, Ceiba pentandra (kapok) and cellulose extracted from EFB were evaluated. Different effective factors such as contact time, initial metal ion concentration and also temperature were investigated for the removal of Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II) and Ni(II) ions from the aqueous solutions. The adsorption efficiency of metal ions onto magnetic biosorbents was increased as compared to when using the micro-sized raw fibres. The experimental data fitted well to the pseudo-second-order kinetics while the equilibrium sorption data for both the raw and magnetic sorbents obeyed the Freundlich isotherm model. The n value for Freundlich and the R L separation factor for Langmuir suggested that the metal ions are favorably adsorbed by all the three magnetic biosorbents. Furthermore, the E value from Dubinin-Redushkevich (D-R) equation indicated the low contribution of physisorption mechanism. The thermodynamics analyses indicate that the metal ions sorption on all the examined biosorbents is feasible, spontaneous and generally endothermic in nature.

Microalgae have received great attention as a source of bioenergy production and potential for in... more Microalgae have received great attention as a source of bioenergy production and potential for industrial effluent remediation. Malaysian palm oil industry is discharging a huge amount of industrial effluent in the form of palm oil mill effluent (POME) containing a high amount of biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, and heavy metals, which can cause severe pollution to the environment. Consequently, the palm oil industry is facing remarkable challenges to obey environmental regulations. POME has its own potential for sustainable reuse through biotechnological advancement. Microalgae cultivation limitation and expensive growth medium are the main drawback for the algal industry; therefore, the incorporation of wastewater treatment has provided a possible solution to reduce dependency on commercial medium while it remediates the wastewater. The integrated POME treatment by culturing microalgae could potentially reduce the retention time for wastewater treatment and eliminate toxic elements, which are utilized as a nutrient by the microalgae. Furthermore, harvesting of microalgal cells from treated effluent is also the main challenge. This review article discusses the potential, benefits, strategies, and challenges of microalgae to be used for integrated effluent treatment, mainly (POME) due to its hazardous properties. Immobilization of microalgae for continuous, efficient POME treatment and harvesting of immobilized microalgae through simple filtration method have also been discussed.

Fixed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra ... more Fixed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra (L). Gaertn. (kapok) in removal of residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME) under varying flow rate and packing density.A multilevel factorial design based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity of the effluent was developed. COD was significantly affected by the effects of flow rates. The maximum packing density and flow rate for maximum COD reduction were observed at 0.08 g/cm 3 and 5ml/min, COD reductions were observed more than 99% at all packing densities and flow rates and turbidity reduction ranges from 92.9-95.8% at all packing densities and flow rates. Fixed bed column designed has been successfully achieved to remove residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME) under different packing densities and flow rates. The results suggest that kapok fiber can be used as a low-cost alternative for the removal of residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME).
** If there are inclusion / exclusion and changes in the authorship provision, please send us an ... more ** If there are inclusion / exclusion and changes in the authorship provision, please send us an email with justification and knowledge of all authors.

Biogas can be used as main component towards energy scarcity. It is important to find out social ... more Biogas can be used as main component towards energy scarcity. It is important to find out social and economic assessment of different commonly adopted biogas plants in deprived rural areas at domestic level. The study design was based on questionnaire, field visit, observation and manipulation in terms of change in energy usage, kind of benefits, incidence of disease, change in sanitation, gender empowerment and operational activities of biogas plant. The results of questionnaire showed that installation of biogas plant has resulted in economic, social and health improvements by reducing expenditure of fuel and fertilizer along with time saving and lessen cases of disease. Biogas plants were mostly installed in those houses that have higher number of family members ranged from 12 to 15. Saving on energy expenditure was 53.3% due to use of biogas. It appeared that 43% women were getting more benefits from biogas by saving 50% of their time which was previously used for collection of wood. Total monthly saving in term of socioeconomic and health was 48$ by the use of biogas plant of single household. There was 25% reduction in respiratory ailment and cardiovascular disease due to the reduction in air pollution by the use biogas plant.

Fixed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra ... more Fixed bed column studies were carried out to evaluate the performance of natural Ceiba pentandra (kapok) in removal of residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME) under varying flow rate and packing density. A multilevel factorial design based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity of the effluent was developed. COD was significantly affected by the effects of flow rates. The maximum packing density and flow rate for maximum COD reduction were observed at 0.08 g/cm 3 and 5ml/min. COD reductions were observed more than 99% at all packing densities and flow rates. Turbidity reduction ranged from 92.9-95.8% at all packing densities and flow rates. Fixed bed column designed had been successfully achieved to remove residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME) under different packing densities and flow rates. The results suggest that kapok fiber can be used as a low-cost alternative for the removal of residual oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME).
Papers by Dr.Muhammad Afzaal