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The transgender people (hijra), who claim to be neither male nor female, are socially excluded in Bangladesh. This paper describes social exclusion of hijra [The term is used in this abstract both in singular and plural sense] focusing on... more
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      Social ChangeDemographyNutrition and DieteticsHealth Promotion
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CHAPTER I-INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II-LITERATURE REVIEW 76-102 2.1 Professional Concerns of Teachers …………………………………………….. 77 2.2 Sources of Professional Development………………………………………...... 79 2.3 Gender Difference In Professional Development of... more
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      PsychologyGovernment college university Lahore
This study aims to assess the impact of self-consciousness, self-objectification, and social anxiety on photo editing behavior among emerging adults. Correlational research strategy was used for the present quantitative research, and... more
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    • Psychology
CHAPTER I-INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II-LITERATURE REVIEW 76-102 2.1 Professional Concerns of Teachers …………………………………………….. 77 2.2 Sources of Professional Development………………………………………...... 79 2.3 Gender Difference In Professional Development of... more
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      PsychologyGovernment college university Lahore
This paper assesses whether vartan bhanji exchange practices are a boon or a burden, an enabling or disabling factor, a pass or an impasse for social mobility of the poor households of biraderis living in rural areas of Pakistan. Vartan... more
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    • Gift Exchange
Despite more than two decades of critical scholarly engagement, “development” is far from shedding its hierarchical, patriarchal, and colonial underpinnings. In academic research and teaching, power relations are continuously perpetuated... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisDevelopment StudiesCritical Pedagogy
Katja (2015): Vartan bhanji-exchange practices and social (im-)mobility: Exploring the coping strategies of low-income households of different biraderis in rural Punjab. In: Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series, No. 29.
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      SociologyGift Exchange
Pakistan is a multilingual and multi-ethnic country: all provinces have their own regional languages as lingua franca, while Urdu is the national language and English the official language. This means Urdu is the language of the majority... more
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The research project examined the relationship between mental health and selfesteem in a forensic learning disabilities setting in the UK. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) was used as a measure of self-esteem. Global Severity... more
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    • Psychology
An action research was conducted to develop an intensive multi-pronged individualized therapeutic plan for an autistic child (Asad*). The plan was based on humanistic and behavioral approaches. Mixed method approach was adopted in order... more
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Several studies have addressed the importance and function of music for Western adolescents, but so far no research has considered whether these findings can be generalized to non-Western samples. Accordingly, data was collected from 1000... more
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The present study was conducted to explore the experiences of type II diabetes in patients and their caregivers in Pakistan. Sample consisted of 8 participants, 4 were diabetic patients and 4 were their caregivers. Age range of diabetic... more
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The present study investigated the cognitive schemas of an ideal spouse among young adults. The study comprised of two phases the first phase was carried out to gather information about the characteristics that young adults desire to have... more
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The mandate for police officers in the United States to be armed while not on official duty is an area that has not been thoroughly researched. In 1981, the New York City Police Department's (NYPD) "Carry Policy" went from mandating... more
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    • Cognitive Science
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing career decision making of adolescents at higher secondary level of education. A qualitative inquiry was done using grounded theory method that aimed at developing a... more
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In any given organization, leadership maintains important and significant influences on its followers and organizations (Abdullah, 2011) to directly affecting performance and growth of employees (Popa, 2012). The purpose of this study was... more
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    • Psychology
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIndia-Pakistan Relations