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Wireless microsensor networks have been identified as one of the most important technologies for the 21st century. This paper traces the history of research in sensor networks over the past three decades, including two important programs... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformatics
Cardiovascular related diseases are the most significant health concern around the globe. The most crucial health indicator is blood pressure because it gives essential information about the health of a patient's heart. Cardiovascular... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhotoplethysmogram
In e-commerce, user reviews can play a significant role in determining the revenue of an organisation. Online users rely on reviews before making decisions about any product and service. As such, the credibility of online reviews is... more
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    • Computer Science
Online reviews have a significant influence on customers' purchasing decisions for any products or services. However, fake reviews can mislead both consumers and companies. Several models have been developed to detect fake reviews... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingarXiv
Web services and Grid computing are technologies with a great impact these days. Both technologies are taking a syntactical based approach to describe services, and therefore, limited support is provided for service related tasks like:... more
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      Grid ComputingWeb ServicesSemantic WebConceptual Model
The challenge of finding services or resources in Web services and Grid environments has recently been the subject of a lot of attention. Different solutions to this problem were proposed, each with its specific model and realization.... more
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      Web ServiceJit
In this paper, we present the collaborative environment reference architecture (CERA) with the aim of supporting collaborative work environment (CWE) interoperability. The vision of CERA is to support users who are engaged in common... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingService Oriented ArchitectureSemantic Web
In underwater situations, clarity of images are degraded by light absorption and scattering. This causes one colour to dominate the image. In order to improve the perception of underwater images, we proposed an approach based on slide... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingRGBImage Enhancement
Underwater images are affected by reduced contrast and non-uniform colour cast due to the absorption and scattering of light in the aquatic environment. This affects the quality and reliability of the image processing and therefore colour... more
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    • Image Enhancement
Trust is an essential requirement for effective Human-Agent interaction as artificial agents are becoming part of human society in a social context. To blend into our society and maximize their acceptability and reliability, artificial... more
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    • Computer Science
Increasing man-machine trust has burgeoned during the last few decades. The growing interest in trust-building has led to the study of the non-dichotomous nature of trust. Trust as social behavior is an integral part of effective team... more
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This paper presents an insight on the effects of mobile phone radiations on human health; specifically the health of elderly aged diabetic patients.The paper aims to expose the extremely negative effect of usingmobile phone& its radiation... more
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    • Mobile Learning
There are different schemes for streamed audio video (AV) IPTV content across mobile WiMAX to reduce packet loss and latency. The objective of this paper is to verify the effectiveness of forward error correction (FEC) techniques and to... more
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      MANET Routing protocolsGSM, WiMAX, LTE
This paper presents scientific reasoning as well as mapping of the concept of Angels to its derived and illustrated meaning of "Light" or "Noor" which in Arabic and in Hebrew refers to body of light in its original meaning. The author in... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityQuranic Studies
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    • Computer Applications
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    • Computer Applications
Body area network (BAN) is an emerging technology in computer world, and plays very vigorous role in a society, mainly in health services. BAN helps in monitoring vital signs of a patient and can monitor patient's history in routine life... more
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    • Information
The Independent Evaluation Group is an independent unit within the World Bank Group; it reports directly to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors. IEG assesses what works, and what does not; how a borrower plans to run and maintain a... more
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      MathematicsCognitive developmentEconomic GrowthHuman Development
This paper illustrates effects of academic education on the crime ratio prevailing in the South Asian countries. The study introduces practical impacts amongst crime and education in South Asian countries and particularly in Pakistan,... more
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    • Social Sciences
This paper illustrates a new electronic model for successful entrepreneurs. The authors have analyzed classical models namely 5ls Model, 10 C's of Marketing, 3-Race Planning, 4 C's marketing model & McKinsey's consumer decision journey,... more
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    • Social Sciences