Papers by Oluwagbemiro Adesina

International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Social Science
African literature is characterised by the struggles and challenges of Africans, entailing pains ... more African literature is characterised by the struggles and challenges of Africans, entailing pains of slavery, primitive colonization and modern colonization otherwise referred to as neo-colonization or imperialism. The continent’s postcolonial challenges include poor leadership, government instability, corruption, poor justice administrative system, underdevelopment, and poverty, among others. Prison memoir, which is a form of witness and resistance literature, particularly, the one written by Prisoners of Conscience (POC), is usually a documentation of these challenges including the trauma experienced as a result of torture experienced from bad leaders. Journalists, being part of society have not been excluded from the societal problems, principally, the torture and trauma experienced from undemocratic leaders. Some journalists have captured these experiences in their writings. However, while scholarship in African literature has paid attention to the various problems of Africa, it ...

Marxist theory or Marxist criticism, one of the theories used in literary criticism, is based on ... more Marxist theory or Marxist criticism, one of the theories used in literary criticism, is based on the ideologies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who argue that all societies (with the exception of primitive hunter/gatherers) are divided along class lines and are characterised by class struggle. This paper examines Sam Aihimegbe's Blood in the Creek as a reflection of Marx's explanation regarding the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat resulting from economic, political and social imbalances. Marxism here is used as a lens to unveil how the capitalists: Government, their friends and oil companies explore the oil resources of Odi and other parts of the Niger Delta only for their financial benefits without consideration of the proletariat, the working class. In the face of uneven distribution of resources among the strata of the society, the masses revolt and this revolution is met with stiff resistance from the oil benefactors. This paper argues that studyi...

Studies in Literature and Language, 2017
Marxist theory or Marxist criticism, one of the theories used in literary criticism, is based on ... more Marxist theory or Marxist criticism, one of the theories used in literary criticism, is based on the ideologies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who argue that all societies (with the exception of primitive hunter/gatherers) are divided along class lines and are characterised by class struggle. This paper examines Sam Aihimegbe’s Blood in the Creek as a reflection of Marx’s explanation regarding the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat resulting from economic, political and social imbalances. Marxism here is used as a lens to unveil how the capitalists: Government, their friends and oil companies explore the oil resources of Odi and other parts of the Niger Delta only for their financial benefits without consideration of the proletariat, the working class. In the face of uneven distribution of resources among the strata of the society, the masses revolt and this revolution is met with stiff resistance from the oil benefactors. This paper argues that studying Bloo...
Papers by Oluwagbemiro Adesina