Papers by Necati Cemaloğlu

Main purpose of this study is to determine the relation between humor acts of school principals a... more Main purpose of this study is to determine the relation between humor acts of school principals and exposure level of teachers to mobbing and organizational cynicism based on the perceptions of teachers who serve at primary schools. 550 teachers who serve at primary and secondary public schools in Yenimahalle district, Ankara Province and participated in “My Leader Teacher Project” in 2012-2013 acedemic year constitute the population. 232 teachers who have been chosen using simple random sampling based on the principle of voluntariness constitute the research sample. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression are used to perform data analysis. In consequence of the study, it is discovered that school principals exhibit non-humorous acts more and cynical humorous acts at the least; teachers suffer from mobbing although it is not severe; they have medium-level organizational cynicism and although humor acts of principals affect t...
Educational Research, 58, 1-26.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationships between supportive behaviors of schoo... more The purpose of this study is to determine the relationships between supportive behaviors of school principals and teacher leadership in state high schools. A total of 485 teachers employed in high schools in Kastamonu, participated in this study. The research was designed using a correlational model. Data was collected via "Teacher Leadership Scale," developed by Beycioğlu and Aslan (2010), and the "Principal Support Scale," developed by Litrell (1992) and adapted into Turkish by Günbayı, Dağlı and Kalkan (2013). Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients, and Simple Linear Regression were conducted to analyze the data. Results revealed that teachers' perceptions of teacher leadership behaviors is at a high level; teachers exhibit such behaviors usually in terms of a professional improvement subscale; teachers' perceptions of support from their principal is high; as school principals' supporting behaviors increase, teachers' levels of exhibiting teachers' leadership behaviors also increase; school principal's support was a significant predictor on all subscales of teacher leadership. The findings of the study are discussed in relation to literature and some suggestions are offered.
Örgütsel davranış ve yönetimi

Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2006
The aim of this study is to analyse the primary school teachers' perception of organizational... more The aim of this study is to analyse the primary school teachers' perception of organizational health in terms of different variables. The sampling of the study is comprised of 385 primary school teachers who attended a course in Aksaray and Esenköy in-service training centers. The Organizational Health Inventory (OHI-S), which was developed by Hayand Miskel, was used in the research. The Organizational Health Inventory (OHI-S) scale was adapted to Turkish by the author and validity and reliability studies were conducted. Fre.:ıuency, arithmetic mean, t-test and variance analysis were calculated in the study. The research results were tested at p<.05 leve!. The research revealed that primary school teachers state that Initiating Structure (IS) dimension is much frequently realized, while Academic Emphasis (AB) subdimension is less realized. When the relationship between the subdimensionsof the organizational health are analysed, a relationship from the middIe !evel to the uppe...
Educational research quarterly, 2010

Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2007
Bu arastirmanin amaci, okul yoneticilerinin liderlik stillerinin, ogretmenlere yonelik isyeri yil... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, okul yoneticilerinin liderlik stillerinin, ogretmenlere yonelik isyeri yildirmasinin (workplace bullying) yordayicisi olup olmadigini saptamaktir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, 2005-2006 egitim-ogretim yilinda random teknigi ile secilen Ankara, Yozgat, Kastamonu ve Van illerinde devlete bagli 25 ilkogretim ve ortaogretim okulunda gorev yapan toplam 500 ogretmen olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada, ilkogretim okulu yoneticilerinin donusumcu ve islemci liderlik stilini belirlemek icin Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5 – x short (MLQ) kullanildi. Yildirma davranislarina maruz kalma durumu, olumsuz davranis sorularini iceren Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ) kullanilarak olculdu. Verilerin hesaplanmasinda Pearson Momentler Carpimi Korelasyon Katsayisi ve Coklu Regresyon Analizi tekniklerinden yararlanildi. Arastirmanin sonucunda, okul yoneticilerinin liderlik stillerini dusuk duzeyde gerceklestirdikleri, okulda ogretmenlerin orta duzeyde yildirma (bullying, mobbing) mag...

Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan ogretmen ve okul yoneticilerinin maruz ... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan ogretmen ve okul yoneticilerinin maruz kaldiklari yildirmayi cinsiyet acisindan incelemektir. Arastirma, tarama modelindedir. Arastirmanin orneklemini 2004-2005 egitim-ogretim yilinda Ankara’nin 4 merkez ilcesinde gorevli 347 ogretmen ve okul yoneticisi olusturmaktadir. Veriler, ogretmenlerin maruz kaldiklari yildirmanin sikligini olcmek icin 5’li Likert turu olcekten olusan anketle toplanmistir. Arastirmada frekans (f), yuzde (%), kaykare (χ2) ve t-testi hesaplanmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda; ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan erkek ogretmenler, “Kendini gosterme ve iletisim, sosyal iliskiler, itibara saldiri, yasam kalitesi ve mesleki durum” alt boyutlarinda kadin ogretmenlere gore daha fazla yildirmaya maruz kaldiklari, bu kisilere yonelik yildirmaya basvuranlarin dortte ucunun erkek, dortte birinin ise kadin oldugu saptanmistir.

Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretimde gorev yapan ogretmenlerin goruslerine gore, ok... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim ve ortaogretimde gorev yapan ogretmenlerin goruslerine gore, okul yoneticilerinin gosterdikleri liderlik stillerini farkli degiskenlere gore saptamaktir. Arastirma tarama modelindedir. Arastirmanin orneklemini 2005-2006 egitim-ogretim yilinda rastgele secilen Ankara, Yozgat, Kastamonu ve Van illerinde resmi 25 ilkogretim ve ortaogretim okulunda gorev yapan toplam 500 ogretmen olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada Bass ve Avolio (1995) tarafindan gelistirilen “Cok Faktorlu Liderlik Anketi - Degerlendirme Formu (5x Kisa)” (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ) kullanilmistir. Anketteki 45 maddenin toplam Cronbach Alpha Katsayisi =,95’tir. Veriler hesaplanirken, ikili karsilastirmalarda t-testi, ikiden fazla gruplarin karsilastirilmasinda tek yonlu varyans analizi (F) liderlik alt boyutlari ile etkileri arasindaki iliski icin de Pearson momentler carpimi korelasyon katsayisi ( r ) hesaplandi. Sonuclar, p≤0,05 ve p≤0,01 duzeyinde test edilmistir. Bu arastirm...

Bu calismanin amaci, resmi ortaokul ve liselerde ogrenim goren ogrencilerin, sosyal aglarda ogret... more Bu calismanin amaci, resmi ortaokul ve liselerde ogrenim goren ogrencilerin, sosyal aglarda ogretmen-ogrenci arkadasligina yonelik algilarini saptamaktir. Calisma, betimsel nitelikte bir arastirmadir. Arastirmaya Corum ili, Sungurlu ilce merkezinde ogrenim gormekte olan ortaokul (8. sinif) ve lise (12. sinif) ogrencileri olmak uzere toplam 730 ogrenci katilmistir. Alan uzmaninin goruslerine basvurularak hazirlanan anket formlari ogrencilere uygulanmis veriler SPSS 15 programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Ogrencilerin sosyal aglarda daha cok ogretmenlerinin bilgi, beceri ve goruslerinden yararlanmak, onlarla iletisim kurmak, dersler ve odevler hakkinda sorular yoneltmek amaciyla arkadaslik kurmak istedikleri; ogretmenleri ile sosyal aglar araciligiyla kurduklari iletisimin okula yonelik tutumlarinda olumlu/olumsuz herhangi bir degisiklik yaratmadigi, ogrencilerin, ogretmenlerinin sosyal aglardaki paylasimlariyla olculu, saygili, kulturlu birer insan olduklarini ve ogretmenlerin so...

It's aimed to evaluate the quality policies for education in Turkish National Educational Sys... more It's aimed to evaluate the quality policies for education in Turkish National Educational System according to the opinions of the directors of departments for policies who are in charge at Ministry of National Educational and the projection of these policies on quality of education in this study. The study is designed as a qualitative research model and interview technique which is one of a technique of phenomenology model. Study group of this research which has used purposive sampling is consisted from all of the directors of educational polity departments who are in charge of General Directories within the Ministry of National Education. Data were analysed by content analysis in Nvivo 10 packet programme. It's found that the themes and codes that were revealed in the research show parallelism with system approach. It's come through that there are progresses both capacities of physical and quantitative aspects as decreasing the kind of schools, lowering the classrooms s...
Papers by Necati Cemaloğlu