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This study was carried out and planned in order to reveal the opinions of univesity students on meeting clothes needs, on their perspective of fashion and the extent they can pursue fashion. The material of the study is composed of 340... more
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The history of fashion has shown that art and fashion are influenced by each other. Cooperation between the two disciplines is quite extensive. In this work, first, the installation artist Yayoi Kusama's installations and the clothes that... more
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Son yıllarda tüketim davranışı araştırmaları, tüketicilerin tüketim deneyimlerine yani ürün/hizmetlerin yarar boyutlarına odaklanmaktadır. Yarar boyutu, satın alma nedeninin temel belirleyicileri arasındadır, bu özellikleriyle marka... more
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Cerrahi operasyonlarda kullanilan hasta onluklerinin hasta, servis ve ameliyathane hemsirelerinin gorusleri dogrultusunda incelenip, tasarim iyilestirmelerinin yapildigi bu arastirma iki asamadan olusmaktadir. Birinci asamada mevcut... more
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    • Medicine
Brand personality attributed to the brand is in case the condition of human character traits. One of the areas of the brand personality is the outdoor sports clothing also knowing as "outdoor" that working city people's adoption of... more
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Traditional Turkish apparels have a distinctive place in Turkish cultural history. Known as an indispensable part of Turkish history and taking part among our historical proofs, our traditional apparels are important sources of data... more
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In this research, the aim is to identify the problems experienced by elderly people in using medical products and their expectations related with these products. The research material consists of resources and data obtained by 95... more
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Aging is a regular and inescapable process that causes some changes on psychology, intelligence qualifications and social relations of people. Importance of clothing increases during elderly stage due to physical changes at the body and... more
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Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim birinci kademede ogrenim goren ogrencilerin giysi tercihlerini, giysi alimlarindaki secimlerini ve giysi satin alma davranislarina etki eden faktorleri belirlemektir. Arastirma kapsaminda Ankara’da... more
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    • Art
The aim of this research is to study various entaries belonging to the 19th century and early 20th century in terms of design elements and principles. As result of the studies, it was seen that the X silhouette, the straight line type,... more
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With competition becoming ever fiercer, brands must conform to modern marketing and become more influential on consumer perceptions by developing strategies according to the needs and demands of consumers. Hence it is very important to... more
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      BusinessMarketingBrand ManagementBrand equity
Sürekli değişen dünya düzeni içerisinde bu değişiklere ayak uydurma isteği, her koşulda yeni ve farklı olanı arzulayan tüketim toplumlarını, moda dünyasında ise neredeyse altı aydan da kısa süren trendleri gündeme getirmektedir.... more
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    • Art
The history of fashion has shown that art and fashion are influenced by each other. Cooperation between the two disciplines is quite extensive. In this work, first, the installation artist Yayoi Kusama’s installations and the clothes that... more
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      ArtFashion Industry
Öz Kostüm; onu taşıyan karakterin üzerinde kalmamakta giysileriyle farklılık isteyen eğlence ya da tarz oluşturan kişilerce, hayran oldukları karakterin dış görüntüsüne bürünerek onun ruh haliyle kendilerini içselleştiren kişiler... more
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Öz Gözün gördüğü, tek boyutlu uzunluk sembolüne, çizgi denir. Çizgi geometrik karakter bakımından düz çizgi, eğri çizgi ve kırık çizgi olarak üçe ayrılmaktadır. Giysilerde çizgiden, bazen bir elbisenin kesiti veya ana hattı bazen de... more
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Moda tasarımı alanı, son yıllarda yeni modellerin ve yüzeylerin tasarlanmasında, çeşitli disiplinlerden, sanat akımlarından, kuramlardan ve sosyolojik olaylardan etkilenmektedir. Bu araştırmada görsel sanatlar içinde önemli bir yere sahip... more
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In this research, it is aimed to identify the work satisfaction levels of employers who are employed in ready to wear companies, by identifying the employing alternatives, job properties, payment levels, environment properties,... more
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    • Business
This study consisted of two stages in which the patient aprons used in surgical operations are examined according to the opinions of the patients, service and operating room nurses and the design improvements are made. In the first stage,... more
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The importance of the fact that Turkish brands should cross the borders, that Turkish manufacturer should leave aside contract manufacturing and that a positive image should be acquired in the international platform is continuously... more
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Hayat agaci dunya kulturlerinin bildigi ve sevdigi, insanligin ortak kulturel unsurlarindan biridir. Agacin sembolizmde cesitli yonlerden yorumlara yol acan bir yeri bulunur. Hayat agaci gunumuzde de gunluk hayatta, edebiyatta, sanatta ve... more
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    • Art