Conference Presentations by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
Papers by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 30, 2021
Yenilik faaliyetleri toplumları yapısal, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan etkilemektedir. Bu yenilik faa... more Yenilik faaliyetleri toplumları yapısal, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan etkilemektedir. Bu yenilik faaliyetlerinin ortaya çıkması toplumun kültür özellikleri ile de yakından ilgilidir. O yüzden kültür, toplumda yaşayan insanların değerlerini, yaşam biçimlerini, düşüncelerini ortaya koyan ve şekillendiren tarihsel bir süreçtir. Bu süreç kurumların yeniliği özümsemeleri için örgüt kültürünün oluşumunu sağlamaktadır. Örgüt kültürü, inovasyon kültürü ile ilişkili en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada inovasyon ve örgüt kültürünün boyutları üzerine yapılan çalışmalar incelenerek kavramsal çerçeveye en uygun inovasyon kültürü modeli belirlenmeye ve bu kapsamda gelecek çalışmalara yön verilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Gazi iktisat ve işletme dergisi, Feb 28, 2024
Technological advancements have significant effects on economic, social, and political aspects. T... more Technological advancements have significant effects on economic, social, and political aspects. Therefore, countries monitor and track their progress in science and technology through various policies and strategies. Turkey also sets its goals in the field of science and technology and tracks its progress according to development plans. * 20-22 Mayıs 2023 tarihlerinde İsviçre'de düzenlenen ASEAD 11. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu'nda özet bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Innovative ideas can be gathered from many sources through crowdsourcing and open innovation appr... more Innovative ideas can be gathered from many sources through crowdsourcing and open innovation approaches since these sources have expanded considerably owing to information and communication technologies. Innovation contests are one of the main tools to gather innovative ideas from different sources by open innovation approaches. Innovations that will provide solution to the problem of enterprises may emerge by gathering hundreds or even thousands of innovative ideas through these contests. The difficult part is the stage of selection of the best innovative idea alternative(s) by evaluating these ideas. In this study, a new multi-criteria approach is offered. In this approach primarily, alternatives which take lower score from the dominant or most important acceptance criteria are eliminated. Next, Weighted Sum and TOPSIS methods are used as multi-criteria decision methods among the remaining alternatives. After that, it is implemented one more step to show whether if the variation of weighted score of acceptance criteria affect the ranking order in each method. Hereby, a decision model proposal for innovation projects has been presented to make an alternative approach that allows both fast and correct decision making. Findings show that this method could be seriously considered as an alternative approach when there are lots of alternatives to make a decision in innovation projects.

International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence, 2016
Over time, as the influences of digital technologies on individuals' lives became apparent, t... more Over time, as the influences of digital technologies on individuals' lives became apparent, the concept of digital citizenship as developed. Digital citizenship is considered to consist of 9 dimensions. These 9 dimensions have been previously described by Mike Ribble and his colleagues. These studies demonstrate not only the importance of effective use of digital technologies, and especially online technologies, but also the importance of ethically responsible and critical use. Over time, the concept of digital competence, which represents an integral aspect of digital citizenship, is also defined. In this study, a digital literacy model is created associated with the dimensions of digital citizenship and the aspects of digital competence. Based on this model, the perception of individuals regarding the conscious, proper and effective use of online technologies is assessed, and a comprehensive field study regarding digital citizenship is conducted.

Shanlax International Journal of Education, 2021
As the use of digital tools and the Internet becomes widespread and easier, the age of use is als... more As the use of digital tools and the Internet becomes widespread and easier, the age of use is also decreasing. The decrease in the age of use makes opportunities as well as risks an important factor in digital environments. Children who are not aware of the risks in these environments may be exposed to various risks, especially as the age of Internet usage decreases. Parents are primarily responsible for protecting their children from risks in these environments. Parents can protect their children if they use digital media consciously and safely. In this context, the aim of this study is to investigate the parent’s conscious and safe use of the Internet across Turkey. In accordance with this purpose, the study was designed as a survey study and the data of the study were collected from 9581 parents from 26 provinces with the Conscious and Safe Use of the Internet questionnaire developed by the researchers in the study. Descriptive statistics (%, f, X ̅, SS), t-test for independent s...
Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2021
Yenilik faaliyetleri toplumları yapısal, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan etkilemektedir. Bu yenilik faa... more Yenilik faaliyetleri toplumları yapısal, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan etkilemektedir. Bu yenilik faaliyetlerinin ortaya çıkması toplumun kültür özellikleri ile de yakından ilgilidir. O yüzden kültür, toplumda yaşayan insanların değerlerini, yaşam biçimlerini, düşüncelerini ortaya koyan ve şekillendiren tarihsel bir süreçtir. Bu süreç kurumların yeniliği özümsemeleri için örgüt kültürünün oluşumunu sağlamaktadır. Örgüt kültürü, inovasyon kültürü ile ilişkili en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada inovasyon ve örgüt kültürünün boyutları üzerine yapılan çalışmalar incelenerek kavramsal çerçeveye en uygun inovasyon kültürü modeli belirlenmeye ve bu kapsamda gelecek çalışmalara yön verilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Gazi Journal of Economics and Business, 2018

International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence, 2016
Over time, as the influences of digital technologies on individuals' lives became apparent, t... more Over time, as the influences of digital technologies on individuals' lives became apparent, the concept of digital citizenship as developed. Digital citizenship is considered to consist of 9 dimensions. These 9 dimensions have been previously described by Mike Ribble and his colleagues. These studies demonstrate not only the importance of effective use of digital technologies, and especially online technologies, but also the importance of ethically responsible and critical use. Over time, the concept of digital competence, which represents an integral aspect of digital citizenship, is also defined. In this study, a digital literacy model is created associated with the dimensions of digital citizenship and the aspects of digital competence. Based on this model, the perception of individuals regarding the conscious, proper and effective use of online technologies is assessed, and a comprehensive field study regarding digital citizenship is conducted.
… in the Energy Smart World (PICMET), …, 2011
Although the innovation concept has been around for a while, enterprises still lack full understa... more Although the innovation concept has been around for a while, enterprises still lack full understanding of this concept. Innovation is still confused with research & development and invention. Open innovation is even a newer concept and ways and methods for open ...
Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 30, 2020

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
As the organizations are moving from more traditional "closed innovation" to "open innovation", d... more As the organizations are moving from more traditional "closed innovation" to "open innovation", different methods and tools are being developed and used to take full advantage of open innovation. One such tool "open innovation portals" that are now used by many companies as they offer cost effective and easier access to many innovators all around the world. In previous studies, open innovation concept and open innovation tools in the world were examined. Then, an open innovation survey was conducted in top Turkish companies and the needs for open innovation were discussed with relevant stakeholders. Following detailed studies, an open innovation portal structure is designed using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. QFD allows to "listen to the voice of customers" where the design characteristics of products/services and customer requirements are mainly detected. It is used in the systematic design phase to evaluate the requirements of relevant stakeholders. The purpose is to follow the product development process of QFD to assure systematic innovation that the stakeholders for open innovation are identified, stakeholder needs are fully elicited and the identified needs are satisfied by the design structure.The resulting portal design has been currently put into practice by an innovation management system software company which is funded by the

Online technologies have begun to penetrate society with many different applications and innovati... more Online technologies have begun to penetrate society with many different applications and innovations since 1990s that the internet began to enter our lives. The internet has been regarded as one of the greatest technological discoveries of the century and it has also now evolved into a very different form with close to 30 years of its history. Until the early of 2000s, various public institutions, private enterprises, municipalities, universities and other organizations began to enforce themselves to digital platforms. In the first phase, the main goal was to display their content to the whole world which is called Web 1.0 technologies. The 2000s brought Web 2.0 technologies to internet users. This technology period that we are still in is a chance for internet users not only to reach specific content but also to develop, manage, update and delete those content interactively. The concept of digital citizenship has emerged as a result of these developments. We can define digital citi...

Crowdfunding and open innovation make great contributions to the entrepreneurship and innovation ... more Crowdfunding and open innovation make great contributions to the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem. In this study, we conduct exploratory research to put forward the mechanisms that are developed to benefit from crowds to carry out innovative projects in the context of open innovation and crowdfunding. Our main research problem is whether there is a digital platform that enables both knowledge/technology transfer and project collaboration of entrepreneurs and enterprises on project/idea development. We observe that a hybrid crowd innovation model is needed to create various collaboration and innovation opportunities between entrepreneurs, SMEs, start-ups and corporate enterprises. In this context, we put forth a conceptual framework to show that greater opportunities will emerge in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation if crowdfunding and open innovation hybridize. The main purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual framework within this scope and then to verify...
Conference Presentations by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
Thesis Chapters by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
Papers by Dr. Ahmet ÇUBUKCU, PMP®
Günümüz dünyasında iyi bir vatandaş olma algısı iyi bir dijital vatandaş olma yolunda hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemektedir. Çünkü vatandaşlar arası iletişim ve bilgi aktarımı teknolojik araçlar vasıtasıyla dijital ortamda gerçekleşmeye başlamıştır. Bu da sadece gerçek hayatta değil; en az gerçek hayat kadar etki yaratabilecek sanal ortamda teknolojik araçları kullanırken bilinçli, güvenli ve etkin hareket etme gerekliliğini doğurmaya başlamıştır.
Bu çalışmada, dijital vatandaşlık algısı ve dijital vatandaşlığın dokuz boyutunun (dijital erişim, dijital ticaret, dijital iletişim, dijital okuryazarlık, dijital etik, dijital kanun, dijital haklar/sorumluluklar, dijital sağlık ve dijital güvenlik) internetin bilinçli, güvenli ve etkin kullanımı ile sağlanabileceği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu çalışmayla, birer dijital vatandaş olan etkin internet kullanıcılarına tavsiyeler sunulmakta, Türkiye’de ve dünyada mevcut düzenlemeler irdelenmekte ve bu düzenlemelerin yeni gelişmeler ve ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda geliştirilmesi için özellikle Türkiye’de atılması gereken adımlardan bahsedilmektedir.
Literatürde internet riskleri; içerik riskleri, temas riskleri ve ticari riskler olmak üzere üç kategoride incelenmektedir. Bu risklerin bilinçli, güvenli ve etkin
internet kullanımı konusunda yapılabilecek farkındalık çalışmaları ve gelinen noktada risklerin azaltılmasına yönelik ihtiyaçları karşılayabilecek internet düzenlemeleri ile en az düzeye indirgenebilmesi dijital vatandaş olma algısını güçlendirecektir.
Sonuç olarak, dijital vatandaşın çevrimiçi ortamda hak ve sorumlulukları, interneti etkin ve doğru kullanabilmesinin yanında ilgili diğer internet aktörlerinin de atması gereken adımlar çerçevesinde ele alınarak dijital vatandaşlığın dokuz boyutu,
internet risklerinin üç boyutu ile eşleştirilerek mevcut durum ve ortaya konması gerekenler bu çalışma kapsamında sunulmaya çalışılmıştır