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TGOR Kobold
A downloadable avatar
The Gateway of Realities Kobold is a small scaled bipedal creature of Dragon origins, who was originally created for Second Life.
Now the new remastered version is available for standalone usage and virtual reality social platforms like NeosVR and VRChat, with higher texture resolution, and an even cuter, alive face, fully compliant with VIVE Facial Tacking and standard visemes!
Created in "stylized realism" art-style, TGOR Kobold is aiming to capture realistic details, while still preserving cartoonish lightness and cuteness in its appearance.
The avatar was built with an extensive customization in mind, so with a bit of creative fiddling it can be made into your own personal and unique Kobold. There are many files and presets provided to assist you in this process.
TGOR Kobold has 100+ blendshapes for further personalization, animation and integration of various custom scripts and gestures. You can make your kobold thicc or muscular, skinny or chubby, muzzle shape can be adjusted too.
Adult features
Due to realistic nature of our work, the nude version of the avatar is fully anatomically correct, following the widely accepted conventions of how Dragon anatomy should be like.
- For SFW uses, a variant with non removable clothing is provided.
- For explicit NSFW uses, a variant of the body with blend-shape animated orifices and detailed interiors is provided.
- Genital slit supports both male and female internal variants, however the male "tool" is not included just yet (planned for later).
Upon purchasing you will receive:
NeosVR world access
Access link to a special world in NeosVR where you can "equip" any of 8 pre-made variants or even customize your own in-game.
Avatars has been setup and imported, so there is no need to prepare anything by yourself, it's just one click to get into a fully functional avatar.
Upon purchasing, check your Download & install instructions here on store to get a world link.
VRChat unitypackage
Unity Package base for VRChat avatar uploading.
Using Avatars 3.0 SDK and Unity 2019.4.29f1
The unity scene contains a scene with one pre-customized avatar ready to upload. If you wish to customize it further or change to a different model, you will need to know the basics of Unity and VRC SDK. You will also need to setup dynamic bones by yourself.
Additionally, following assets are included in this package:
- 8 different pre-made avatar models with tons of blenshapes.
- 10 different body materials with textures set up
- 13 different eye materials with textures set up
- The loincloth model is modular and parts of it (other than underwear) can be toggled.
Please note, VRC support is quite basic, experimental and largely untested. If you have problems with it, we'll gladly give help you on our Discord and we can work together to improve the Kobold for VRC.
Blender source files
For ultimate creative freedom, usage in other platforms, or just for rendering various sexy kobold poses, we included the original blender files containing all the rigged meshes of different toggleable bodyparts for personalization. It also includes:
- 8 different pre-customized character presets.
- All necessary PBS textures (packed in Unity-compliant format), including 10 different premade body albedo texture variants.
- Krita file (.kra) for creation of body albedo textures, with 64 pre-painted mask layers for easy customization of colors and markings. No need to paint anything - just toggle these layers and change gradient-map colors!
- Substance Painter files for body and clothing textures as an alternative to Krita texturing method.
- Blender scene is setup for yet another method of painting textures using procedural workflow and nodes, for advanced blenderers. There is no tutorial how to use it just yet, but feel free to ask for directions.

You can use TGOR Kobold commercially to create custom skins, clothing, or additional bodyparts if its intended as a commission (provided both parties have the TGOR Kobold purchased), or if you wish to sell your new creations separately, without including any original files. For the latter, it's best to contact us via Discord so we can make sure everything is OK and so we can also promote your work!
You can also to create (SFW and NSFW) images and animations for public or paid access.
If you wish to use TGOR Kobold in a game, please contact us first.
The Gateway of Realities is not affiliated with NeosVR or VRChat.
Usage of NSFW avatars on those platforms in public is not allowed.
We are not responsible for any misuse of the model or any penalties that might occur on those platforms.
Be responsible and follow platform's guidelines.
Contacts and credits
The TGOR Kobold avatar is created by Salireths.
Inspired and influenced by BanditRaptor of BoldKobold.
Scripting and custom tools by Hopfel.
Proudly sponsored by our patrons on Patreon.
If you have difficulties with the product, or want to ask any question about it, please don't hesitate to contact us:
In order to download this avatar you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $40 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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is this ever gonna be updated with the rest of the nsfw features???
Yes! I’m currently working on a new line-up of avatars, made specifically for VRC. Once that is done, I will re-master this kobold with an entirely new model and features. It is taking a while though, but I’m doing all I can!