Georgia Institute of Technology
Robotics and Intelligent Machines Center
Our team, the jet engineers, set out to find solutions for the obsolete KJ66 model turbine engine used for static testing and RC plane flying. Our goal was to design a more efficient and performance enhanced model that will compete with... more
We demonstrate a methodology for achieving safe autonomy that relies on computing reachable sets at runtime. Given a system subject to disturbances controlled by an unverified and potentially faulty controller, this methodology computes... more
This paper presents a new algorithm for mobile robot localization, called Monte Carlo Localization (MCL). MCL is a version of Markov localization, a family of probabilistic approaches that have recently been applied with great practical... more
This paper describes an interactive tour-guide robot, which was successfully exhibited in a Smithsonian museum. During its two weeks of operation, the robot interacted with thousands of people, traversing more than 44 km at speeds of up... more
This paper describes Minerva, an interactive tour-guide robot that was successfully deployed in a Smithsonian museum. Minerva's software is pervasively probabilistic, relying on explicit representations of uncertainty in perception and... more
This paper explores several statistical pattern recognition techniques to classify utterances according to their emotional content. We have recorded a corpus containing emotional speech with over a 1000 utterances from different speakers.... more
We describe a particle filter that effectively deals with interacting targets -targets that are influenced by the proximity and/or behavior of other targets. The particle filter includes a Markov random field (MRF) motion prior that helps... more
To navigate reliably in indoor environments, a mobile robot must know where it is. This includes both the ability of globally localizing the robot from scratch, as well as tracking the robot's position once its location is known. Vision... more
We describe a Markov chain Monte Carlo based particle filter that effectively de als with interacting targets, i.e., targets that are influenced by the proximity and /or behav-
Solving the SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) problem is one way to enable a robot to explore, map, and navigate in a previously unknown environment. Smoothing approaches have been investigated as a viable alternative to... more
We are interested in the synthesis of autonomous agents using evolutionary techniques. Most work in this area utilizes a direct mapping from genotypic space to phenotypic space. In order to address some of the limitations of this... more
A method is presented to recover 3D scene structure and camera motion from multiple images without the need for correspondence information. The problem is framed as finding the maximum likelihood structure and motion given only the 2D... more
This note represents my attempt at explaining the EM algorithm . This is just a slight variation on Tom Minka?s tutorial , perhaps a little easier (or per haps not). It includes a graphical example to provide some intuition.
Black's influential paper on EigenTracking, they were successfully applied in tracking. For noisy targets, optimization-based algorithms (including EigenTracking) often fail catastrophically after losing track. Particle filters have... more
Development is an important, powerful and integral element of biological evolution. In this paper we present two models of development that can be used to evolve functional autonomous agents, complete with bodies and neural control... more
We present a real-time model-based vision approach for detecting and tracking vehicles from a moving platform. It was developed in the context of the CMU Navlab project and is intended to provide the Navlabs with situational awareness in... more
We present incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM), a novel approach to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem that is based on fast incremental matrix factorization. iSAM provides an efficient and exact solution by updating a... more
Learning spatial models from sensor data raises the challenging data association problem of relating model parameters to individual measurements. This paper proposes an EM-based algorithm, which solves the model learning and the data... more