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Дипломная работа. В результате работы над дипломным проектом были созданы геоэкологические карты на акватории Баренцева и Печорского морей: Баренцево море: 1.Геоэкологическое районирование Баренцева моря; 2.Содержание Cs-137 в донных... more
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      GeographyMarine And Environmental PollutionEarth and Environmental SciencesBarents Region
Methods of GIS mapping of environmental of the Barents and Pechora Seas under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors have been devised. For integrated GIS project of the Russian Artic Seas several thematic layers have... more
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      Barents RegionBarents Sea
Methods of GIS mapping of environmental of the Barents and Pechora Seas under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors have been devised. For integrated GIS project of the Russian Artic Seas several thematic layers have... more
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    • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Accurate models of the geodynamic-tectonic evolution contain some of the most important parameters for understanding and reconstruction of the respective regional and global palaeo-environment. The region of the Amundsen Sea embayment and... more
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      Climate ChangeAntarctic Geology
Gohl K., Uenzelmann-Neben G., Eagles G., Fahl A., Feigl T., Grobys J., Just J., Leinweber V., Lensch N., Mayr C., Parsiegla N., Rackebrandt N., Schluter P., Suckro S., Zimmermann K., Gauger S., Bohlmann H., Netzeband G., Lemenkova P.... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate Change
The reconstruction of the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic development of the late Quaternary south polar ocean and adjacent continental areas in high temporal and spatial resolution is the main goal of our long-term study. During this... more
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      GeologyAntarctic Geology
The paper focuses on analysis of Central Asian hydro-energetic system and water usage in Tian Shan region. Tian Shan system is important water resource in Central Asia: mountains river waters are intensely taken for hydropower energy,... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
The study area is located in Central Europe and focusing on Mecsek Hills, a low mountain range in the south western part of Hungary. The region of central Europe includes complex mis of elements from mediterranean and continental climate,... more
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      Climate ChangeLand use and land cover change modelingLand cover mapping and change detectionLand-use/ Land-cover Change
The emphasis of this research is application of spatial analysis using clustering algorithm, and remote sensing data (Landsat TM imagery) for agricultural mapping of land cover types. The study area covers Mecsek Hills region, located in... more
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      Remote Sensing (Earth Sciences)Remote sensing and GIS Satellite Remote Sensing & Image ProcessingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
This research focuses on landscapes studies with selected research area located in central Slovakia, Sitno area. The research purpose is to perform spatial analysis of the landscapes and patches within the landscapes, in order to assess,... more
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Research work analyzes current situation and development of tourism in the region of Baltic Sea. Specific case study of this paper is Pärnu Bay, Estonia. This region is known for unique environmental settings: mild maritime climate, broad... more
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesLandscape and Land-use-history
The Izmir region in Turkey is extremely valuable for the environment while being used immensely for tourism, agriculture and recreation. The geographic area of western Turkey is known for its unique physical and environmental settings.... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyLand use and land cover change modelingLand-use/ Land-cover Change
Presented work illustrates application of the GIS based processing of various geographic data: satellite images and CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) layers at the lessons of geography in the high schools and... more
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      Remote SensingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The goal of the study is to perform comparative analysis of image processing methods, enabled by means of IDRISI GIS software. The purpose has two aims. First, a spatial analysis of land cover types in the coastal landscapes of western... more
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      Physical GeographyImage ProcessingRemote SensingClustering and Classification Methods
This paper focuses on monitoring of landscapes downgrading in specific conditions of Arctic ecosystems with cold climate conditions (marshes, permafrost, high humidity and moisture). The paper has a special focus on spatiotemporal... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Land-use/ Land-cover Change
The research focuses on the environmental mapping of the Šumava National Park (ŠNP), the largest of the four national parks (68,064 hectares) located in the south-west of Czech Republic, on the border with Germany. Since 1990 it has been... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpatial EcologyLand-use/ Land-cover Change
Calculation of vegetation indices, especially Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), has become one of the most successful, popular and traditional attempts in biogeographical research methods, because NDVI has certain advantages... more
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      Physical GeographySoil ScienceRemote SensingClimate Change
The study area is Šumava National Park (ŠNP), the largest of the four national parks located in the south-west of the Czech Republic, established as a special regime of environmental protection. A unique mosaic of forest habitats of... more
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      BotanySoil ScienceForestryRemote Sensing
Current work is aimed at the deriving of information from the remote sensed VHR data using a priori knowledge in the Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) approach. OBIA technology is new and effective tool for urban mapping, as it enables... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingOBIA (Object Based Image Analysis)Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
The emphasis of this article is placed on the technical application of the remote sensing tools and methods for studies of vegetation coverage in northern ecosystems. The study area is located in Yamal peninsula, the Russian Federation.... more
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    • Land-use/ Land-cover Change