We have terribly exciting news regarding the launch of a BRAND NEW ladies fragrance from Beyond the Pale. This one has (like Pearl's Flourish before it) been inspired by reading the erotic memoirs of 19th Century courtesan, Cora Pearl (and goodness, they do bring a blush to the cheeks of even the most jaded of minxes, you know!)
This fragrance is named Jamais avec les domestiques after an "admirable French motto" that Cora Pearl noted but eventually chose to ignore completely. It means "not with the servants", dears, but she did with the servants (only very good looking ones, naturally) several times. Shocking! The better known phrase, employed in English bourgeois homes when the conversation became intimate in nature, was "Not before [or 'in front of'] the servants". In her Memoires she writes:
Up to that time I had always embraced the admirable French motto jamais avec les domestiques; but my observation of the boy's passion for me had me roused to try him. As he gave me his hand to help me step into the bath, I told him to remove his livery, for, said I, it had cost several hundred francs, and I was not eager it should be soiled".

A thoroughly naughty, flamboyantly sensual perfume; a provocative blend of amber, vanilla musk, nutmeg, vetiver & just a touch of clove. For ladies who conduct themselves serenely in Society, but with licentious abandon behind closed doors...
In order to better gauge how many boxes to purchase from our supplier, we are allowing you to PRE-ORDER this perfume before its official launch. This also gives you the benefit of knowing you have snagged yourself a bottle, rather than waiting until launch day and discovering (as usual) they have all sold out within a matter of an hour or so!
( Pre-Order 'Jamias avec les domestiques' directly from Beyond the Pale!Collapse )