? ?
06 September 2013 @ 06:13 pm
Hi, I'm a new member, but an old fan. I'm looking for an old Gargoyles fic that had Puck as Merlin. King Arthur & Griff were talking about finding Merlin, & it was revealed that Puck was actually Merlin. Google has failed me, can anyone help? Please & thanks:)
03 May 2013 @ 11:42 pm
Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!!

Prompt: grace
31 January 2013 @ 01:29 pm
Title: Through different Eyes
Author: karrenia_rune
Characters: Jeanine "Fox" Xanatos, Owen Burnett
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: A little soul-searching late at night on the aspects of nature vs. nurture.
Disclaimer: Gargoyles belongs to Disney and Buena Vista Television. It is not mine.

Disclaimer: Gargoyles is the creation of Greg Weisman and belongs to Disney and Buena Vista Televsion. It is not mine.
“Through different Eyes” by karrenia

differenteyesCollapse )
18 November 2012 @ 03:09 pm
Pairing: Elisa/Fox
Rating: R
Disclaimer: No money made from fic.
Summary: Sort of a sequel to story "A Million Reasons"
Beta: Sideadde
Tags: ,
11 November 2012 @ 05:55 pm
I've written a new Elisa/Fox story, would be considered a prequel to a previous story called "A Million Reasons," New story is called "Bound," rating is pg-13 and about 3,000 words. If you want to contact me directly my email is [email protected]
Current Location: usa
Current Mood: happy
Title: Red is the New Black
Author: karrenia
Rating: Teen
Characters: Hyena and Jackal, back-story
Also written and posted for the fanfic100 challenge prompt #18 black.
Summary: A back story look at both characters, from Hyena's POV
Words: 603

Disclaimer: Gargoyles: the Animated Series belong to Disney and Buena Vista Television. It is not mine. Jackal and Hyena were never given ‘real’ names in the series so I haven ‘adopted’ names for them for the purposes of the fic.

Read more...Collapse )
Tags: ,
Current Location: here
Current Mood: awake
Title: Blood is Thicker than Water
Fandom: Gargoyles
Author: karrenia_rune
Character: Thailog POV
Rating: general audiences
Also written and posted for fanfic100 prompt #22 enemies
Fandom: Gargoyles, general series

Link to the Little Table:

Disclaimer: Gargoyles: the Animated Series is the creation of Greg Weisman,
and the property of Disney and Bunea Vista Television; they are not mine.

bloodthickerCollapse )
Title: A Short History of the Illuminati by David Xanatos
Author: karrenia_rune
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings/Spoilers: (where applicable - e.g. femslash, slash, comics, etc)none
Summary: In the wake of an intense investigation of Xanatos' connections to
the secret society known as the Illuuminati, Xanatos writes a letter to Detective
Matt Bluestone; which, while it does answer a few of his many questions it could lead to even more than he had bargained for.
Words: 512
Prompt: #41 triangle

Disclaimer: Gargoyles: the Animated Series belongs to Disney and Buena Vista Television as do the characters who appear here or are mentioned; they are not mine.

brief"Collapse )
17 April 2011 @ 10:05 pm
Prompt: heart

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max. in length. NO TIME LIMIT. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) 

Title: Coffee Date
Fandoms: X-Men and Gargoyles
Pairings: implied Scott/Elisa
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: AUish. Language.
Summary: Scott and Elisa drinking coffee.
Notes: Written for [info]galorechallenge prompt Scott/Elisa - coffee.
coffee date........ )

Title: Castle Date
Fandoms: Gargoyles and X-Men
Pairings: Scott/Elisa
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Sequel to "Coffee Date"
Summary: Scott and Elisa have a night to themselves in the castle.
Notes: Written for [info]galorechallenge prompt Scott/Elisa - kiss and written for [info]7_crossovers prompt castle. With this story, I completed my table for Scott @ 7_crossovers - YAY!
[ ...Table... ]
castle date........ )