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Monday, February 5th, 2007

Posted by:hulamuffin.
Time:8:11 pm.
Starting TOMORROW (February 6th, 2007) you can buy Valograms at lunch by the main office.

CANDYGRAMS cost $1 - you get a card you can write in and delicious candy (probably a lollipop of some kind) delivered to the person of your choice (lover, best friend, archnemesis) during 5th period on valentine's day.

we currently have 17 designs (many of them designed by fellow GHS students). you can see some of them here. plus we'll add new designs often until valentine's day.

SINGING VALOGRAMS cost $5 - they're more expensive but hella worth it. current acts include Aspen Jordan singing "My Funny Valentine," Clark Rinker reprising his impromptu performance at the talent show, GUeST (Zak Hughes and Mark Raynor) performing "Cannonball," and the MESSENGER BOY BAND featuring Isaac Horwith, Ben Kusak, Carver Low, Zack Bornstein, and Lachlan Huck. PLUS MORE. the performer(s) you select will perform a valentine song for the person of your choice during their 5th period class.

stop by the Valograms table tomorrow at lunch (outside the main office) - they'll be on sale every day during Lunch until February 13th.

(brought to you by the Garfield Messenger - we <3 you guys)
(yeah i realize i posted this on myspace and facebook also. sorry if that bothers you)
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Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Subject:Two questions and an explaination
Posted by:dieforyourcause.
Time:1:14 pm.
What room is Cerquitella in?

What time is lunch?

I want to come visit but I don't want to wander around aimlessly. Or talk to the admin.

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Thursday, October 12th, 2006

Subject:anti-WASL actors needed!
Posted by:didi_the_blue.
Time:10:24 pm.
email from Yasmeen Perez, SYPP Co-DirectorCollapse )
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Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Posted by:abnormalfetish.
Time:8:03 pm.
Mood: tired.
Does anyone know where the cage is at Lincoln?
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Sunday, September 17th, 2006

Posted by:rabid_lilac.
Time:10:19 pm.
can anyone recommend a good tutor for sat II math 2?
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Posted by:fruitoftheloons.
Time:9:33 pm.
Does anyone know if we're allowed to take people from other schools/districts to Homecoming? Or if there's anything special we need to do so that they can come?
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Friday, September 15th, 2006

Subject:The Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
Posted by:seatlequeerfilm.
Time:2:09 pm.
The Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is looking for volunteers to usher, staff the merchandise and will call table, help with setting up and breaking down events, serve food and drinks and more. Volunteers have a great time at the festival, meet new people, and earn coupons to see films for free.

The festival this year is Friday, October 13-Sunday, October 22nd. For more information about the festival visit and to volunteer send an email to: [email protected].
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Sunday, September 10th, 2006

Subject:AP government
Posted by:didi_the_blue.
Time:12:30 am.
is anyone trying to get out of AP government and into regular?
my cousin mistakenly got put into regular, and the counseling office says there's no room for him in any of the AP classes
want to switch with him?

or, alternatively, would anyone like to switch from second to first semester?
if he can't get into AP, he might rather take Latin first semester and government second semester
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Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Subject:Join Arabic Language/Middle Eastern Club!
Posted by:dghettoazngurl.
Time:5:35 pm.
Who: Bulldogs learning Arabic, interested in learning Arabic, and/or interested in the Middle East.

What: There's a new club for practicing/learning Arabic, learning about Middle Eastern culture, traditions, and history, and discussing recent events.

When: Mondays during lunch when school starts up.

Where: Mr. Rye's Room.

Why: Just look at the news.

Okay!: If you're interested in joining, contact me (Yan, '07) by replying to this post, leaving a post in my personal journal, or e-mailing me at [email protected]
I'll add you to the mailing list and notify you of any developments.

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Subject:Any strings interested?
Posted by:brainybraniac.
Time:2:48 pm.

I'm playing in the UW summer orchestra, and we're doing a piece that needs a lot of strings. Would anyone like to play in it? We have a concert on Friday, and all but one of the pieces are fairly easy, we just need more strings because we have to back up a full choir. Anyway, if you're interested, and please be interested, contact Philip Tschopp before Thursday. Also, if you know anyone who would be interested, please pass on the information!

Thank you!

Philip's contact info:

Philip Tschopp, Conductor

Music Director - Cascadian Chorale/Singers/Orchestra

Conductor/Instructor - University of Washington Summer Orchestra

Morrison Fellowship Recipient - University of Washington

Teaching Assistant - UW Symphony/Orchestra Conducting

Principal Conductor - Garret Fisher Ensemble

Principal Conductor - Affinity Contemporary Ensemble

Principal Conductor - Ballet Bellevue

Phone: 206.650.9560

Email: [email protected]
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