University of Gaziantep
Vocal cord paralysis is a disease that can cause voice disability and aspiration problems. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE; Gore-Tex) has been widely used in cardiovascular and plastic surgery; however, its biocompatibility and... more
The purpose of this study is to evaluate hearing results of our experience with ionomeric bone cement repair of ossicular discontinuity between incus and stapes. STUDY DESIGN: Case series with chart review. SETTING: Tertiary referral... more
To assess the clinical significance of Ko¨rnerÕs septum (KS) or petrosquamosal (PS) lamina in different chronic ear pathologies, a surgical and anatomic study was carried out, in which the significance of KS was assessed in various... more
The objective of the study was to assess whether a relationship exists between the auditory brain stem response (ABR) results and diabetes mellitus with and without complications. In the clinical and audiometry laboratory settings,... more
We present a supernumerary muscle in the anterior compartment of the neck previously undescribed in the English electronic literature--rectus cervicalis. History: A 3-year-old boy presented with a history of recurrent infections of a... more
who presented with worsening stridor and hoarse voice. Flexible bronchoscopy revealed an oedematous and narrowed subglottic area. Cytomegalovirus was cultured from swabs taken from the subglottic area. The patient was treated with oral... more
Malignant triton tumor (MTT) is a relatively rare, aggressive tumor comprised of both malignant schwannoma cells and malignant rhabdomyoblasts. Only three cases of MTT which arose after radiation therapy were reported in the literature.... more
Epidermoid cysts are rare benign tumors that are derived from the development of abnormally situated ectodermal tissue. Although they may originate from any part of the body head and neck region is occasionally affected. Epidermoid cyst... more
The CT and MRI findings in a case of chondrosarcoma of the hyoid bone are reported. Although chondrosarcoma is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor, only 10 % of chondrosarcomas occur in the head and neck region. The hyoid... more
Objective: The purpose was to find out whether there is a relationship between the central nervous system involvement and retinopathy in diabetes mellitus. Study Design: In a multidisciplinary clinical study, diabetic patients with and... more
Tuberculosis can affect every organ, most importantly the lungs, and worldwide it is the leading cause of death attributable to a single infectious agent. Tuberculous involvement of the neck is also possible. Patients mostly present with... more
Congenital hearing loss is a common birth defect that affects approximately 1-3 children per 1000 births. [1] Among the etiological factors affecting prelingual deaf patients, 60% are hereditary, while 40% are environmental or iatrogenic.... more
- by Semih Mumbuç
Özet: A¤›r konjenital iflitme kayb›nda glutatyon peroksidaz ve katalaz enzim gen polymorfizmleri Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac› konjenital a¤›r iflitme kayb› olan koklear implantl› hastalarda glutatyon peroksidaz 1 geni (GPX1) üzerindeki... more
- by Semih Mumbuç