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Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway is a well-packaged Pandora’s box among modernist novels that focus on life with the evils of death. Death is a widely used theme from ancient times to modern times both in philosophy and literature. It... more
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      Modernism (Literature)Death StudiesMemento MoriVirginia Woolf Studies
Aslan 1 Dystopic Sexual Identity in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale The Handmaid's Tale was written in 1985 as a dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood, a break grounding novelist, critic, story writer, and environmental activist.... more
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      Postmodernism (Literature)Margaret AtwoodPostmodern feminism
New historicism rewrites history from different viewpoints in order to prove that the past is inaccessible, and all historians can do is to work on incomplete knowledge, aware of the fact that a teleological, linear approach to their... more
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      English LiteratureNew HistoricismTom StoppardPostmodern Literature
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      ParodyPostmodern LiteratureOrhan PamukTurkish Studies
Since evil has been inherent in man's lot because of his all-too-human imperfections, because he lacks the omnipotence of God, literature -the art of mimesis-has taken it as one of its main topics while illustrating the human nature.... more
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      English LiteratureProblem of EvilEvil
The Sense of an Ending: Frank Kermode and Julian Barnes. Published as book section in English Studies:New Perspectives Ed. Mehmet Ali Çelikel and  Baysar Tanıyan. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015
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      English LiteratureContemporary FictionJulian BarnesFrank Kermode
There is an ongoing and somewhat deliberate evaporation of the term "ideology" from the writings of postmodernism. This evaporation might be detected not only in academia but also in the streets. Ideology does not seem to hold a place in... more
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      IdeologyLouis AlthusserSlavoj ŽižekPostmodernism
published by Inönü University Journal of Social Sciences
“James Joyce on Art, Poetics and Pornography”. 9th IDEA English Studies, International Symposium. 15-17 April 2015, Inönü University, Malatya.
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      James JoyceModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)James Joyce the Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
Romanla ilişkimiz tıpkı Aziz Augustinus'un “Zaman nedir?” sorusuna verdiği yanıttaki gibidir: Sorulmadığında biliriz ama sorulunca bilemez, şaşırırız. Hemen herkes roman denince ne kastedildiğini bilir. Herkesin romanın ne olduğu veya... more
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    • Roman Kuramı
Jeanette Winterson attempts to provoke a new consciousness of existence in her 2007 novel The Stone Gods and stir the masses to re-evaluate the human condition under the encroaching shadow of death awaiting our mother earth. The Stone... more
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      EcologyPostmodern FictionJeanette WintersonDystopia
T.S. Eliot, in his famous essay “Tradition and Individual Talent” overtly attacks the Romanticist understanding of poetry in England, which was defined by William Wordsworth as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected... more
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      Modernist poetryT.S. EliotPaul RicoeurWilliam Wordsworth
Stoppardian Drama: The approach towards a text through a postmodernist and counter-postmodernist consciousness brings into mind new methods and theories of criticism like New Historicism. This study, however, is not merely committed to an... more
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      New HistoricismDramaTom StoppardPostmodern Drama
“Sanat, zamana direnmesi beklenen eserlerden oluşur. Bu kavram ise her şeyi tüketen, çabucak unutan ve çöpe atan bir toplum düzeninde son derece nostaljik olur. Kundera’nın bu toplumsal yapı karşısında kendini konumladığı yer uzak bir... more
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      KitschMilan KunderaRoman Kuramı
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      RomanticismEkphrasisMikhail LermontovDemon
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      EkphrasisGoyaMilos Forman
the Elder 1525-1560 yılları arasında ya amı Hollanda'lı bir rönesans ressamıdır. Daha çok köy ya amını konu eden pastoral resimler çizmesine ra men bugün Bruegel, Babil Kulesi (1563) ve karus'un Dü ü ü ve Bir Manzara (1558) adlı iki... more
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      EkphrasisPieter Bruegel the Elder
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      PostmodernismAntoni Gaudi
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      Virginia WoolfPablo Picasso
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      PostmodernismPop ArtMarcel DuchampAndy Warhol
Northrop Frye in his seminal work Anatomy of Criticism states that in literary fictions, the plot consists of somebody doing something; and he classifies fictions not morally but by the hero's power of action, which may be greater than... more
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    • Theory of Fiction