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In this study, interface frictional resistance between organic soil and some of construction material was investigated. Construction materials used in this work are concrete, metal, and wood. Interface friction angle were determined for... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFoundation Engineering
This paper discusses the results of a series of direct shear test that were undertaken to investigate the behaviour of organic soil with granular soil column. The tests focused on effect of diameter of granular column in organic soil.... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFoundation Engineering
In this study, effect of water content, density, and sand content on shear strength parameters of organic soil were investigated. For this purpose, three sets of tests were carried out in the laboratory. In the first set, water content of... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFoundation Engineering
In this study, effect of different sand content on compaction properties of organic soil was investigated. Organic soil used in the study was taken from Sakarya region, Turkey. Compaction test was carried out with standard 2.5 kg hammer.... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFoundation Engineering
In this study, the effect of sand content on compaction, shear strength, and compressibility of fibrous peat was investigated. The sand used for the study is rounded and poorly graded passing 2-mm sieve and retaining on 1- mm sieve.... more
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      Geotechnical InvestigationEngineering Geology and Geotechnical ProblemsGeotechnicsGeotechnical Enginnering
In past few years, the use of bacterial calcium carbonate precipitation (biocementation) has become popular as a ground improvement technique for sandy soil. However, this technique was not applied to organic soil. This study focused on... more
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      Peatland BiogeochemistryORGANIC SOILShear Strength Properties of Organic Soil with Sand ColumnPeat Soil
This study focused on the effect of particle size of sandy soil on bacterial calcium carbonate precipitation (BCCP) . Four samples of sandy soil in different particle size (150-300), (300-600), (600-1mm) and (1mm-2mm), were prepared... more
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      Peatland EcologyPeatland BiogeochemistrySoil organic matterORGANIC SOIL
This article presents the result of laboratory study conducted on expansive soil specimens treated with lignin, rice husk powder (RHP) and rice husk ash (RHA). The amount of lignin produced from paper industry and RHP were varied from 0... more
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      Soil StabilizationLigninUtilization of Rice HuskSoil stabilisation
This paper investigates the fluidity and rheological properties of the cement based grout mixed with rice husk ash (RHA). The experimental program consisted of fifteen different mixture having 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% RHA content and three... more
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The aim of this work; To observe the effect of rice husk powder (RHP) that is an organic waste material on the rheological and mechanical properties of the grout used as a soil improvement material at the soils that have bearing capacity... more
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This paper investigates the fluidity and rheological properties of the cement based grout mixed with rice husk ash (RHA). The experimental program consisted of fifteen different mixture having 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% RHA content and three... more
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The fluidity and rheological properties of the grout mixtures treated with rice husk powder (RHP) were studied. The experimen ts were done by using different RHP content (%4, %8, %12, %16 and %20 respectively) with cement grouts... more
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      Permeation GroutingGroutingUltilization of Rice Husk AshUtilization of Rice Husk
The paper presents the results of series of direct shear tests made on recycled waste expanded polystyrene foams (EPS). Waste EPS were thermally modified in an oven at 130 o C through 15 minutes and crushed into aggregate size before... more
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    • Expanded Polystrene
This work presents an investigation of the effect of waste aluminum beverage cans strips on strength and swelling properties of lean clay. Waste beverage cans (WBC) were cut into 5 mm strips and mixed with soil in 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 %... more
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      Waste recyclingWaste ManagementBeverages
This study was carried out with an intention to observe any sign of improvement of clayey soil due to addition of waste soda lime glass powder (WSLGP). Waste soda lime glasses were crushed and sieved through #200 (75 μm) sieve and mixed... more
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      CONCRETE WITH WASTE GLASS POWDERGlass PowderStability of Waste Glass Powder As a Partial Replacement of Cement In Self Compaction Concrete
Understanding the basic phenomena controlling the mobilization of friction at the soil-solid surface contact is essential for such traditional foundation structures such as piles, micropiles and anchors. In this study, the interface... more
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      Soil organic matterORGANIC SOILInterface Friction between Organic Soil and Construction MaterialsPeat Soil
This paper reports the results of a study conducted to investigate the effects of rice husk powder (RHP) on the rheological properties and the fluidity of grout mixtures. The experiments were carried out with the grout mixtures including... more
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      Permeation GroutingGroutingGrouting MethodsUltilization of Rice Husk Ash
Peat is found in many countries throughout the world where it can be generally seen in thick layers in limited areas. Peat is an extreme form of soft soil and is considered problematic due to the low shear strength and large... more
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      Soil MechanicsSoil organic matterSoil ImprovementDirect Shear Test
This study concluded the results of a research on the features of cement based permeation grout, based on some important grout parameters, such as the rheological properties (yield stress and viscosity), coefficient of permeability to... more
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      Non-Newtonian RheologyPermeation GroutingSoil ImprovementSoil Improvement Techniques
The piled-raft foundation systems have started to be a very popular design method that is commonly used for especially high-rise buildings. In this foundation system, both raft and piles share the applied loads coming from the supper... more
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      Deep FoundationsPilesPile Foundations, Geosynthetics, Finite Element MethodPiles and Piled raft Soil structure interactions