Galway Game Jam 19 – HYBRID JAM!

Galway Game Jam Poster. Original artwork by Tia Friedel, GreenRat
Galway Game Jam Poster. Original artwork by Tia Friedel, GreenRat

Hi folks, it’s nearly jam time again! We are going to run a hybrid event: both virtual and venue based participation. We can’t wait to bring you our first in-person compatible jam since 2020! This event will also be part of the Wild Galway Games Initiative from Ardán and Galway City Council, look out for their theme on the day!

Theme and Diversifiers: [to be announced on the day]


Carve these dates out of your calendar:

  • Day 1: Saturday 16th July
  • Day 2: Saturday 23rd July


Venue Description

We will be using the Portershed’s latest facility at Bowling Green, located in the heart of Galway city.

Here we will have access to an event space which contains desks, chairs, power and internet. So, please bring your own computer/laptop and cables. There are a few small booths available for use, including a sound treated streaming booth (a dream for you audio folks who like to record bespoke sounds and Voice Overs on the day!).

We will be streaming from the venue to our Twitch channel during the event, and a large screen will showcase our virtual jammers and stream right in the space. Hopefully we can collide the seperate worlds of the hybrid jam together even more for this one.


  • Kitchen area with tea/coffee making facility
  • Accessible unisex toilets
  • Open plan event area with natural light, internet and power (please bring your own laptop/computer + cables)
  • Large screen in event area (used for presentation/showcase and live-stream)
  • Whiteboards
  • Individual meeting booths (talk with your remote team members)
  • Sound-treated streaming booth (to host Galway Game Jam live-stream, but we can vacate during breaks to facilitate game audio recordings)
  • Centrally located near restaurants, cafés and convenience stores.
  • Car Parking available beside venue (pay-by-hour, no guarantee of free spaces)

Rules & Requirements

Code of conduct:

Covid restrictions: In-person jammers, please take an Covid-19 antigen test on the morning of the jam. If your test result is positive, do not attend the venue. You are very much welcome to participate remotely, see links above for details and links.

Contact: We will provide stickers to attendees to indicate the level of contact they are happy with in a traffic-light system. Red = no contact. Yellow = Hand contact is okay. Green = Full contact is okay. If you are unsure, please ask!

Photography: If you wish to be excluded from photography please wear the no-photo badge/sticker provided. There will be some photography at the event for internal use by Ardán, as well as some photography for promotional use on social media and website by Galway Game Jam. 

With support from

Comhairle Cathrach na Gallimhe | Galway City Council

Join the jam on Discord!

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