Galway Game Jam turns 10 years old

Galways first Galway Game Jam ran at 091 Labs, in March 2013. Ten years of game jams! We are looking forward to putting on an extra special game jam to celebrate. Thank you all for your amazing contributions over the years. Watch this space!

Categorised as News

Global Game Jam Galway 2023 now supported by Ardán

Hi folks, Great news for us jammers and organisers! Our upcoming game jam is supported even more by Ardán, our local game industry support organisation! Ardán were already helping the jam to cover event insurance, but in addition to that, they will sponsor food and drink for the event and provide a few high performance… Continue reading Global Game Jam Galway 2023 now supported by Ardán

Galway Game Jam Twitch recap 2022

An email landed in the Galway Game Jam inbox today with some fun stats. Ha, well I know I lost some folks with the words “fun” and “stats” together, but if I haven’t lost you yet, that means you are geeky/nerdy enough to be somewhat intrigued by the results. These live streams occur over the… Continue reading Galway Game Jam Twitch recap 2022

Categorised as News

Global Game Jam 2023 Registration Open

Hey folks! Galway Game Jam presents Global Game Jam 2023, from Portershed a Dó, Market Street, Galway! Global Game Jam Make some fun! Click the link below to view the Galway jam-site details and register as a jammer. To register, create a new user account on the website. Global Game Jam have their own… Continue reading Global Game Jam 2023 Registration Open

Galway Game Jam 20 – “Propinquity”

Hi folks, it’s jam time again! We are going to run yet another hybrid game-making event after the success of our previous hybrid jam. Thanks to support from Ardán and GTC for helping us put together another venue-based jam. [Update for Day 2]Super thanks to GameCraft (supported by Coding Grace) for sponsoring our post-jam drinks and food. This is… Continue reading Galway Game Jam 20 – “Propinquity”

Global Game Jam 2022 in Galway!

Hi folks, it’s time for Global Game Jam, to largest game jam event in the world! Join us online and make a game over a weekend! It can be a computer game, board game, card game, table top game, social game, it’s up to you! Registration open! Registration and details here: Theme Reveal Jammers (you!)… Continue reading Global Game Jam 2022 in Galway!

Galway Game Jam 18 – Livestream schedule (last update 12th November)

10:00 is Sophia Impetus with “How to turn Concepts into Designs”,
11:00 is Dr. Sam Redfern (Psychic Software) with “Building your GameDev Inventory”
12:00 is Live development followed by break,
13:00 is Alastair Low (Lowtek Games) with “Accessibility and Dislectek”,
14:00 is Leela Colins ( with “Organised fun @ NIGD”,
15:00 is Jupiter Hadley with “Making a good first impression”
16:00 is Live development followed by break,
17:00 is Jammer end of day progress update and playtests
18:00 we Wrap up the livestream

November Slow Jam! – Galway Game Jam 18

Make a game throughout the month of November! On the last Saturday of the month (27th) we will run a showcase livestream on our Galway Game Jam discord server where we will play everyones jam creations. Join the jam on Join the discord server: Discuss the jam in our #galwaygamejam18 channel and… Continue reading November Slow Jam! – Galway Game Jam 18

Global Game Jam Online!

Register at Livestream:

1GAM Galway and Galway Game Jam

Our community Discord server will host virtual 1GAM Galway meetups. 1GAM Galway is a monthly game-maker enthusiast meetup. What is 1GAM Galway? 1GAM is an acronym for One Game A Month which references the personal challenge of the same name. Over time our meetup has evolved it’s scope as a more general game-makers meetup, sometimes… Continue reading 1GAM Galway and Galway Game Jam

Virtual Gatherings to have the craic during Social Distancing

Hi folks, Galway Game Jam is hosting a schedule of virtual meetups during the week. We will be running them from our Discord server. Check the sidebar for a link, and say hi. The schedule will be updated throughout the week, with games, times and links to game pages and downloads etc. I’ll be managing… Continue reading Virtual Gatherings to have the craic during Social Distancing

Global Game Jam ’20, Galway

48 hour gamejam from Jan 31st to Feb 2nd, at PorterShed, Galway. Please register your place here: Click Join This Jam Site and follow the instructions to create an account if you have not already. Event details are provided at the jam-site page.

Complete! Galway Game Jam 15 done, games are up!

Thanks again to everyone for making Galway Game Jam 15 possible. It was a cozy little jam and we are delighted with the results. We were very impressed by the professionalism shown by the film students from GMIT while undertaking their observational documentary project, from initial meetings setting up the project, through to execution over… Continue reading Complete! Galway Game Jam 15 done, games are up!

Galway Game Jam 15

This two-day game jam will be taking place in Galway, a city along the Atlantic coast of Ireland, during the growing wintery darkness of November. It’s okay, we have hot beverages and donuts to keep you warm and cozy as you create weird and wonderful games! Dates: Sat 23rd November Sun 24th November Admission: €10… Continue reading Galway Game Jam 15