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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in g_sport's LiveJournal:

Thursday, July 22nd, 2004
7:07 pm
What Up guys im going to create a LJ M4M Chat Room using Aol so if your interested and want to join in the chat room or if your just super bored im me at NeoMage1
bye ohh or just put your im sn in the comment box and ill im you a invite
on non aim ppl can join in to

Current Mood: nervous
7:06 pm
What Up guys im going to create a LJ M4M Chat Room using Aol so if your interested and want to join in the chat room or if your just super bored im me at NeoMage1
bye ohh or just put your im sn in the comment box and ill im you a invite

Current Mood: nervous
Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
6:30 pm
Gay Games VII
Chicago was awarded the rights to host Gay Games VII in July 2006
Chicago beat out Los Angeles for the rights to the Games.

you can

Current Mood: excited
Monday, April 26th, 2004
12:05 am
im, and Ive played a ton of sports. Baseball,track,gymnastics,soccer, and now tennis. Im just learning but im pretty decent,if i do say so myself! haha. My cousin is giving me lessons, which is cool.

My favorite male athlete would have to be...
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im, and Ive played a ton of sports. Baseball,track,gymnastics,soccer, and now tennis. Im just learning but im pretty decent,if i do say so myself! haha. My cousin is giving me lessons, which is cool.

My favorite male athlete would have to be...
<img src=""/img>
Andy Roddick, just cuz hes wicked hot.
Sunday, April 25th, 2004
9:58 pm
Hey I'm Rachel! 18 year old freshman at Springfield College. I play rugby and do track and field, but rugby is my passion :-D.
7:09 pm
hey there
my name's jaye and i am a player for the Rhode Island Intensity, Rhode Island's women's pro-tackle football team.
you can check out our website here

Im looking forward to hearing about other GLTB friendly sports teams/groups in the area.

Current Mood: awake