Dit tema is yn mear as 2 jier net bywurke . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Ridizain is a redesigned version of the default theme Twenty Fourteen – Create a responsive magazine website with a sleek, modern design – full width and fully centred. Feature your favourite homepage content in either a grid or a slider. Use the three widget areas + the custom recent posts and the ephemera widgets to customize your website, and change your content’s layout with a full-width page template and a contributor page to show off your authors. With full color control for many of the theme’s elements, creating a magazine website with WordPress has never been easier. View demo at: http://demo1.ridizain.com/
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