Zippem zips a folder on your site and lets you download it: your media library complete with folder structure; theme files which you’ve edited; plugins folder; or simply all files on your site.
- Go to Tools -> Zippem
- Set the source folder and target file
- Zippem!
By default, the target zip file is created under the uploads directory. There is also an option to delete the created file.
For upload and extraction of zip files, try: WP Easy Uploader.
- Install and activate through Plugins->Add New
- Go to Tools -> Zippem
- Set the source folder and target file
- Zippem!
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Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
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- Improvements: plugin page and code organization
- Confirm compatibility with latest WordPress version
- Cleaner and more efficient code
- Added readme.txt, banner, screenshot
- Uploaded to WordPress plugin directory