Main features of the plugin:
- It supports multi-byte language (such as Chinese). It will not produce gibberish as some other excerpt plugins do.
- The html tags in the original posts, i.e., the font styles, colors, hyperlinks, pictures and such are preserved in the excerpt.
- For better readability, it displays 300 characters for each post on the homepage and 150 characters for each post on archive pages.
- Unzip and upload the
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
And it’s done!
If it does not work, look in your theme directory, edit the index.php file by changing
<?php the_content(); ?>
if (is_single() or is_page()) {
} else {
注意:有些主题在the_content()中还有一些字,比如the_content(’Continue Reading »’),这种要把整句话换掉。有些主题用了其他文件来控制存档页面,如category.php、archive.php等,如有必要,请对这些文件也做修改。
答:进入后台设置页面(Settings——Excerpt),修改Allow these HTML tags中的内容。
其他标签以此类推。 -
为什么我的RSS Feed不显示全文?
答:本插件没有动RSS Feed,你的Feed不显示全文,应该跟本插件无关。请查看你的后台——设置——阅读——Feed中每篇文章,是不是选成摘要了。
答:后台选项中可以设置“继续阅读”的文本,你可以改成“Read more”或其他任何东西。它的class为read-more,可以用CSS进行美化或隐藏。如果你实在讨厌它,请打开插件文件wp-utf8-excerpt.php,找到165行左右的
$text .= "<p class='read-more'><a href='".get_permalink()."'>".$read_more_link."</a></p>";
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Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
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Blêdzje troch de koade , besjoch de SVN-repository , of abonnearje op it ûntwikkelingslogboek troch RSS .
0.8.2 fix a bug caused by function excerpt_remove_blocks() undefined
0.8.1 support password protection; very short posts will also show the ‘read more’ link
0.8 support latest WP version; better performance; fix typos; give warning if the PHP mbstring library is not available
0.6.2 search result page is now treated as archive page
0.6.1 fix numerous compatibility issues after hooking the_content; now works with WP-Syntax!
0.6 support latest WP version; no longer need to edit theme files; i18n; almost rewrite to optimize performance
0.5.3 you can change the text of the read more link now
0.5.2 add more default allowed tags, to make it more convenient
0.5.1 fix a small bug about the tag
0.5 add the option to set the HTML tags you’d like to preserve fix a small bug
0.4.2 fix a bug caused by the bug fixed in 0.4.1
0.4.1 fix a “missing argument for mb_strlen” bug
0.4 add an option page. Now you can set the excerpt length in Settings->Excerpt.
0.3.4 add support for the tag; give the “read more” link a “read-more” class so that one can control its style via css
0.3.3 fix: display the “read more” link even if the excerpt is given by the user
0.3.2 fix a bug in the “read more” link (the permalink)
0.3.1 add a “read more” link
0.3 release