Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Ultimate Fonts


Ultimate Fonts helps WordPress users, even beginners to add custom Google Fonts to their WordPress website without coding. The plugin works with any theme and integrates with the WordPress Customizer to preview Google Fonts in real-time.

The power of the plugin comes from the flexibility to select any element on your website to add fonts to. Once the elements are added to the list, they will be instantly available in the Customize with a set of settings that allows you to customize everything for the font.

With Ultimate Fonts, you can fully control the typography of your WordPress website with no coding knowledge!

If you like Ultimate Fonts, you might want to check out Ultimate Colors which allows you to change fonts on your WordPress website.


  • Supports Google Fonts: Get access to the largest free font collection on the Internet with Google Fonts. More to come!
  • Live preview with Customizer: Smooth integration with WordPress Customizer to give you preview the changes in real-time.
  • Optimized for performance & SEO: The plugin is well coded and optimized for the best website loading speed. Enjoy the beautiful look and high SEO score!
  • Works with any theme: Made for users, Ultimate Fonts works with any theme. No conflicts, no extra setup. Just install and enjoy!
  • Automatically enqueues all stylesheets for your chosen google fonts.
  • Developer & User friendly: The plugin is easy to use and easy to integrate into themes if theme authors want to have font options for their users.

Love the plugin? Check out our WordPress themes!


  • Settings
  • Customizer panel
  • Font settings


  1. Go to Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for Ultimate Fonts
  3. Install and activate the plugin


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  • Update for compatibility with latest WordPress versions.


  • Simplify default selectors
  • Add options for “Force Style”


  • Use !important rule to make the selector always work. Users don’t need to care about the CSS specificity


  • Fix for font size, line height, letter spacing value


  • Optimize JS


  • Initial release