Taxonomy Extender enhances your WordPress site by:
- Adding Categories and Tags to Pages: Assign categories and tags to pages just like posts.
- Enhanced Categories Widget: Extends the default Categories widget to allow excluding specific categories via checkbox controls.
- Enhanced Tag Cloud Widget: Extends the default Tag Cloud widget to allow excluding specific tags via checkbox controls.
- Assign categories and tags to pages just like posts.
- Extends the default Categories widget to allow excluding specific categories via checkbox controls.
- Extends the default Tag Cloud widget to allow excluding specific tags via checkbox controls.
- Works perfectly out of the box without any additional configuration.
- Easy to use and configure.
- Follows WordPress coding standards and best practices.
- Extend the default WordPress categories and tags without compromising site speed.
This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.
Developed by W3netLab Innovations.
- Support: For support, please visit the plugin’s support forum.
- Contributions: Contributions are welcome. Please contact the author for more information.
Exclude Tags in Widget Settings: Exclude specific tags via checkboxes in the Tag Cloud widget settings. Exclude Categories in Widget Settings: Exclude specific categories via checkboxes in the Categories widget settings. Categories and Tags on Page Edit Screen: Categories and Tags meta boxes displayed when editing a page.
- Upload the Plugin:
- Download the plugin ZIP file from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
- Navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
- Click on the Upload Plugin button at the top-left side of the page.
- Select the plugin ZIP file and click Install Now.
- Activate the Plugin:
- Navigate to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin dashboard.
- Find Taxonomy Extender in the list and click Activate.
- Configure the Plugin:
- Assign Categories and Tags to Pages:
- Edit a page in the WordPress admin.
- You will see the Categories and Tags meta boxes available for pages.
- Assign categories and tags to pages as needed.
- Configure Widgets:
- Edit a page or post in the WordPress admin.
- Add the Categories or Tag Cloud widget to your desired area of webpage.
- In the widget settings, you will see the new Exclude Categories or Exclude Tags sections with checkboxes.
- Select the categories or tags you wish to exclude.
- Save the changes.
After activating the plugin, edit any page in your WordPress admin dashboard. You will find the Categories and Tags meta boxes on the page edit screen, similar to posts.
How do I include pages in category and tag archives?
The plugin automatically modifies the main query to include pages in category and tag archive pages. No additional configuration is needed.
- Categories Widget:
- Edit a page in the WordPress admin.
- Add the Categories widget to your widget area.
- In the widget settings, you’ll find an Exclude Categories section with checkboxes.
- Select the categories you want to exclude and save the widget.
- Tag Cloud Widget:
- Edit a post in the WordPress admin.
- Add the Tag Cloud widget to your widget area.
- In the widget settings, you’ll find an Exclude Tags section with checkboxes.
- Select the tags you want to exclude and save the widget.
- Categories Widget:
Is this plugin compatible with custom taxonomies?
Currently, the plugin adds support for the default Categories and Tags taxonomies to pages. It does not modify custom taxonomies.
Will this plugin affect my site’s performance?
The plugin is lightweight and designed to follow WordPress best practices. It should not have a significant impact on your site’s performance.
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1.0.1 – 2024-12-04
- Documentation Updates:
- Improved plugin usage guide and screenshots.
- Clarified instructions for setting up the plugin in WordPress.
- Live Preview button is added to the plugin page.
1.0.0 – 2024-12-03
- Initial Release
- Added: Category and tag support to pages.
- Added: Enhanced default Tag-Cloud Widget to allow excluding specific Tags.
- Added: Enhanced Categories Widget to allow excluding specific categories.