Plugin Tag: Android App
Super Progressive Web Apps
(225 totale wurdearrings)SuperPWA helps you convert your WordPress website into a Progressive Web App instantly.
AppPresser – Mobile App Framework
(53 totale wurdearrings)Connect your WordPress site to a native mobile app.
Androapp – Native Android mobile app for wordpress site
(65 totale wurdearrings)Native mobile app for android platform, create a beautiful mobile app for your wordpress blog in minutes, no programming knowledge required.
MobiLoud – WordPress Mobile Apps – Convert your WordPress Website to Native Mobile Apps
(111 totale wurdearrings)The best way to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android from your WordPress site.
Appmaker WP – Convert WordPress to Native Android & iOS App
(5 totale wurdearrings)Appmaker WP helps you convert your wordpress news website or wp magazine into native iOS and Android mobile apps in minutes.
Reactor: Core
(2 totale wurdearrings)Reactor: Core connects your site to mobile apps built with Reactor: Builder. Adds JSON API endpoints to allow custom data in your Reactor powered apps …
Knowband Mobile App Builder
(3 totale wurdearrings)The Knowband Mobile App Builder converts your online store into a pair of native Android & iOS apps without any coding.
- – Convert Your WordPress Website to an App and Send Push Notifications
(0 totale wurdearrings)✅ Convert Website to App ✅ Android & iOS ✅ Automatically Shows Website Changes ✅ Publish in App Stores ✅ Send Push Notifications with this Plugin ✅
Android Appmaker
(0 totale wurdearrings)Mit diesem Plugin kannst du für deine Seite eine Android-App erstellen. iOS Apps können auf Anfrage erstellt werden. Nach wenigen Klicks sind deine In …
WP Droid
(0 totale wurdearrings)WP Droid helps you customise the native Android app built using WordPress Rest API.
Android Appmaker
(0 totale wurdearrings)With this plugin you could generate an application for android devices. You could use the generator for free. More information:
(0 totale wurdearrings)Launch a world-class mobile app for your brand within minutes, without codes. Ready-to-market feature-rich app for your e-commerce store instantly.
Google Play Store App Search And Insert
(1 totale wurdearrings)This plugin help you search and insert android app info from Google Play Store to content very quickly.
(3 totale wurdearrings)Convert your wordpress website into android app instantly
Apperr – Android and iOS App builder for WooCommerce and WordPress
(0 totale wurdearrings)Get Android and iOS App for your WooCommerce store and WordPress Website in minutes
(1 totale wurdearrings)miTT PWA FREE WP transforms your WordPress Website into a Progressive Web App (PWA) and makes it offline ready using Service Workers.