YoutubeSubscriberCount Plugin/Widget for WordPress
A customizable widget that allows admins to add a Youtube Button to their WordPress site. Enables admin to indicate Channel, Layout and Count visibility.
Getting Started
Download the plugin and extract it inside the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress site.
Indicate a valid Channel ID on Widget options.
Invalid Channel ID will cause the plugin to display Error. Get ID from here(
Here’s the step by step instructions on how to install the plugin.
First, download a copy of the plugin from WordPress plugin directory, Bitbucket or our official website (
Second, extract files on wp-content/plugins folder.
Third, go to your WordPress Admin Plugins Page, find and activate “YT Sub Counter”
Fourth, go to WordPress Admin Widgets Page, Look for Youtube Subscribers add to a widget area as desired.
Fifth, edit widget and change widget settings and save.
- Ronknight
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
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Project maintained on github at ronknight/show-youtube-subscribers-count.
Add theme options dark and defaults
correct error when using a non custom youtube URL