It’s a plugin that lets the users upload video files and transcode them on-the-fly using AWS Elastic Transcoder and S3 Services.
Using Kumori is pretty simple, just select the presets you want, upload the file, and then your video file becomes kumori-fied!
It also provides a simple management of AWS S3 and Elastic Transcoder services within the WordPress Admin Menu.
It requires a subscription at AWS.
Next major version features:
* Allow the transcoding of existing video files in Media library
* Allow the transcoding of existing video files in S3
* Provide the new features of Elastic Transcoder
* Friendlier user messages
* More checks for file operations
- Upload the zip file via the Add new Plugin Page
- Activate it via the Installed Plugins Page
- Set the AWS credentials through WordPress Admin->Settings->Media page
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“Kumori (曇)” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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- Fix (possibly and hopefully) the fatal errors from not setting the AWS credentials BEFORE using the plugin actions
- Fix (hopefully) the require_once path nightmares
- Change the max wait attempts from 5 to 15
- Point to the Settings->Media page for settings the AWS credentials
- Fix action in forms
- Fix Typo in S3 Actions
- Make use of WordPress CSS