Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

JTC Slides


I have seen this style of slideshow on many sites but have not found a plug in that does it so I made my own. It features a left navigation of title boxes that take up the height of the slideshow and a portion of the width (set by you). This slideshow is responsive, mobile friendly. It is also very light weight. The javascript file only loads on pages that have the short code. It is highly customizable. You can set colors, widths, heights etc. You can even add your own custom CSS to style the slide show. It also includes an auto play feature. Demo: http://jtc-art.com/code-blog/jtc-slide-show-demo-1/ Documentation: http://jtc-art.com/code-blog/jtc-slide-show-info/

1. Left box style navigation
2. Responsive (mobile friendly)
3. Highly Customizable
4. Light Weight (and only loads .js file on pages with short code)
5. Has a field for custom CSS on each slide show


  • Front End
  • Back End Slide Edit Page
  • Back End Slide Show Edit Page
  • Mobile Version


  1. Upload the unzipped jtc-slides file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \\’Plugins\\’ menu in WordPress
  3. Create a slide show then add slides
  4. Place the short code in your content or templates


Please, let me know if you have any questions


D’r binne gjin resinsjes foar dizze plugin.

Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders

“JTC Slides” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.


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  • Plug in created


  • Fixed Chrome bug – not loading when back button pressed


  • Fixed Chrome bug – not loading when back button pressed again


  • Fixed white gap in image by adding background color and adding Math.Floor to height adjustment on window resize.