A lightweight WordPress plugin that can shrink and combine CSS and JavaScript files on your website.
Automatic Installation
Once you have entered the WordPress panel, you can automatically install the plugin by searching for “G File Merge & Minify” in the “Install Add-ons” page.
Manual Installation
- Load the “g-file-merge-minify” folder in the ZIP file you downloaded into the “wp-content/plugins” folder in the directory of your WordPress installation.
- From your WordPress panel, go to the “Plugins” page and activate the “G File Merge & Minify” plugin.
It’s that easy! Now when you enter the edit page of any of your content, you can see the “G File Merge & Minify” box at the bottom of your page.
- Is there a setting panel?
Yes there is.
- Do you add any files to the web page (CSS, JS etc)?
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