Provide an interface to add Google Adsense ads after the first or the second paragraph. You can add not only Adsense ads but any ad or affiliate link you want your visitors to pay attention to.
It is known that most visitors are fully ignoring Adsense ads from header, sidebar or footer. They are able to identify where the content is and go directly to it ignoring everything else. Placing ads in sidebars, header or footer will only make your website to look ugly.
The solution is to place the advertisements where the visitors pay their full attention: in the content. It is true that they might get upset that their content is interrupted by the ad, but there is only a small price to pay to read quality articles.
I have implemented this solution to my blogs and the revenue per thousand ad views was 10 times bigger for the ad placed after the first or the second paragraph than any other ad on sidebars, headers, footers or even before and after posts.
Support this free plugin by trying out our other plugin Wp Auto Affiliate Links:
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload the plugin to the
directory or download it directly from your administration panel. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go to ‘Settings’ -> ‘FS Revenue Maximizer’ page and select where you want your ad to be displayed and put your ad code into the box.
- Is this in compliance with Google Adsense Terms of Service and Policies ?
Google adsense allows ads to be placed inside the content. However, you should review Google Adsense Terms of Service and Policies to make sure that your content is good to place ads in it. Your google ads should not be associated with other images in your content, should not be placed along with pornographic content. Since the ads are added automatically, you must check that they do not end up to be displayed in a way that is not recommended by Google.
- Why the ads appear on a single post but not on the homepage ?
If your theme contains a slider or any other feature that will use the_content function the ads won’t be displayed on the homepage. We are working to fix this.
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- Tested and updated to work with WordPress 5.3.2
- Updated to work with WordPress 4.6
- Checked and updated to work with WordPress 4.5.3
- Added option to align to right
- Adapted to work with wordpress 4.1.1
- Updated to work with WordPress version 4.1
- Checked and tested for WordPress 4.0.1 compatibility
- Tested and updated to work with 3.9.1 WordPress version
- Added the option to center the ad
- Minor change to prevent the ad to be displayed twice.
- Added an extra option to fix compatibility issues that might appear with some plugins and prevented the ads to show.
- Now ads can show on homepage too ( only on the first post )
- Fixed the problem when ads were not displayed in some situations
- This is the first version of the plugin. Any suggestions and feedback is highly appreciated.