Custom Post Type Slug Manager


This plugin provides a simple and powerful interface for managing custom post type slugs. With it, you can:

  • View: See a complete list of all custom post types registered on your site.
  • Edit: Quickly and safely change the slug of any custom post type. For example, you can transform “vehicle” into “car” for shorter and more descriptive URLs.
  • Delete: Completely remove the slug of a custom post type, simplifying your URL structure.


If you have a custom post type called “vehicle” with a URL like, this plugin will allow you to change the slug to “car” to get the URL or even remove it completely to have


  • Greater control over your URLs.
  • Flexibility to adapt URLs to your specific needs.
  • Ease of use thanks to its intuitive interface.


Using the WordPress Plugin Installer

  1. Go to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Search for “CPT Slug Editor”.
  3. Click “Install Now”.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Upload the ZIP file to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory on your WordPress site.
  3. Activate the plugin from the “Plugins” menu.

Activate the Plugin

  1. Go to the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Find the “CPT Slug Editor” plugin.
  3. Click “Activate”.

Configure Settings

  1. Go to Settings > CPT Slug.

Edit or Delete Slugs

  1. On the settings page, you can now edit or delete the slugs of your custom post types.


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  • First version