This plugin provides a simple and powerful interface for managing custom post type slugs. With it, you can:
- View: See a complete list of all custom post types registered on your site.
- Edit: Quickly and safely change the slug of any custom post type. For example, you can transform “vehicle” into “car” for shorter and more descriptive URLs.
- Delete: Completely remove the slug of a custom post type, simplifying your URL structure.
If you have a custom post type called “vehicle” with a URL like, this plugin will allow you to change the slug to “car” to get the URL or even remove it completely to have
- Greater control over your URLs.
- Flexibility to adapt URLs to your specific needs.
- Ease of use thanks to its intuitive interface.
Using the WordPress Plugin Installer
- Go to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard.
- Search for “CPT Slug Editor”.
- Click “Install Now”.
Manual Installation
- Download the plugin ZIP file.
- Upload the ZIP file to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory on your WordPress site.
- Activate the plugin from the “Plugins” menu.
Activate the Plugin
- Go to the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress dashboard.
- Find the “CPT Slug Editor” plugin.
- Click “Activate”.
Configure Settings
- Go to Settings > CPT Slug.
Edit or Delete Slugs
- On the settings page, you can now edit or delete the slugs of your custom post types.
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“Custom Post Type Slug Manager” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
Meiwurkers“Custom Post Type Slug Manager” is oerset yn 2 lokaasjes. Tank oan de oersetters foar harren bydragen.
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