Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

AdRedux – Insert Ads & Analytics Codes


Easily insert advertisements and codes in your websites. Connect Google Analytics & Google Tags with WordPress. Simple in-post ad management plugin to help you show ads on your website easily. Insert Google Adsense code, or cutom ad codes, newsletter signup alerts, image banners, Google Analytics and other analytics codes, meta tags, verification codes, etc. Place your ads within the content in posts and/or pages without editing the theme or using any shortcode. Place you ads at strategic locations within the content and also rotate the ad placements to fight ad-blindness. The plugin has been tested to work with the latest WordPress 6.3 & with the Gutenberg editor, and works with PHP 8.

Manage and insert Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tags and other codes easily. No need to edit the theme files, which means your codes and analytics visitor tracking keeps working even when your theme is updated or switch to a new theme.

Plugin to insert codes (eg: Google Analytics, Google Tags) and advertisements (eg: Google Adsense) within your posts to help you show ads on your website easily. Connect Google Analytics & Google Tags with WordPress. Insert Google Adsense code, custom advertisement codes, newsletter signup alerts, image banners, etc. You can include scripts and CSS files, and also add meta tags in your website head section. No need to edit your theme files.

Use this plugin to insert codes for analytics, chat, social media integration and more. Never lose your codes or meta tags on theme updates.

Place your ads at the beginning, after the first/second/third paragraphs, in the middle or at the end of the content. Better control and customizations for showing ads on websites based on rules such as word counts and paragraphs. Exclude selected post tags and categories from ad displays. Also, manually exclude specific posts and pages from ad display. The plugin is equipped with the essential features without making your website slow. Also, no clutter in your WP database.

This plugin automatically inserts ads within your content. No need to use any PHP code or shortcode to inject ads in your website.

Now, you can also use the plugin to insert codes such as Google Tags just after the BODY open tag.

Main features of AdRedux WordPress advertising and insert code plugin

  • Insert Google Analytics tracking code
  • Insert Google Tags tracking & conversion code
  • Connect Google Analytics & Google Tags with WordPress
  • Use Google Adsense or other advertisement codes
  • Insert advertisements at effective locations: Above content, After first/second/third para, Middle of posts, End of content
  • Define ad alignment styles: left, right, center or random
  • Set ad section width to make responsive advertisement codes show large rectangle box for better visibility
  • Exclude posts in certain categories & tags from ads
  • Exclude specific posts & pages using IDs from showing ads
  • Disable or enable ads for everyone, all logged-in users or just those users with active roles
  • No need to edit codes of your theme or modify your posts
  • All ads are automatically inserted in the specified posts/pages & locations
  • No need to add any shortcode in posts
  • Saves all the settings in serialized form in just one adredux_settings option in WordPress settings to avoid clutter
  • No clutter in database: the plugin data is deleted from your website when you deactive and delete the plugin

Ad types supported

Use any ad network or advertisement code. All the ads are displayed automatically inside the content. You can use different ad types.

  • Insert code for any ad network and affiliate network (Google AdSense, Amazon, BuySellAds, DoubleClick, media.net, etc)
  • Supports for all types of Google AdSense ads, image banners, including Responsive ads, In-Article ads & Page-Level ads
  • Use custom display images and image banners for ads
  • Insert custom ads, HTML codes, newsletter codes, sign-up boxes, etc
  • Supports up to eight in-post advertisements for ad injecting within content

Further Details & Support

AdRedux is a full-fledged WordPress advertising plugin. There is no premium version. We want all the features to be available for free. Your love and support is important for continued development. If you like this plugin, do rate us on WordPress.org. Also, consider sending us some love as monetary support: Donate & Support

Visit AdRedux plugin page: AdRedux WP Plugin


  • Ad Redux settings page screenshot


How to install the plugin and get it working?

Using WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the Plugins settings page
  2. Search for ‘adredux’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate Adredux in the Plugins settings page

Uploading via WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the Plugins settings page
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select adredux.zip from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate Adredux in the Plugins settings page

Using FTP

  1. Download adredux.zip
  2. Extract the adredux directory to your computer
  3. Upload the adredux directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate AdRedux in the Plugins settings page


Can this plugin insert Google Analytics code?

AdRedux can insert Google Analytics, Google Tags, and all custom codes (eg: scripts and tracking tags) that you need to insert within the header, inside the body or at the end of the body for your webpages in WordPress.

You can use it to insert codes and scripts without coding, which means your codes and tracking keep working even when you change the theme or update it. Never add the code directly to the theme functions.php file.

Can this plugin insert Google AdSense code?

AdRedux can insert Google AdSense, and all custom advertising codes that you need to insert within the content and also in the HTML in WordPress. You can use it to insert advertising codes and scripts without coding, which means your codes and tracking keep working even when you change the theme or update it.

Which ad networks are supported?

AdRedux is compatible with all ad networks and affiliate programs. Eg: Google AdSense, Amazon, Clickbank, Google Double Click (DFP), media.net.

You can use it to insert ad network codes and scripts into header and footer of your website without coding.

PHP functions and shortcodes

None. You do not need any PHP coding or shortcodes to display ads. Everything is fully automated. Simply add the codes and choose your settings via the AdRedux settings page. You are all done!

Is there a revenue share?

No. AdRedux only shows your ad codes. All the ad revenue is yours.

Can I place ads directly in my theme files?

No. There is no need to worry about manually inserting your ads. All that you need is there in the AdRedux settings page. No shortcodes, coding or theme modifications required to insert ads.

Does it work with other ad plugins?

Not yet tested, but it should. The plugin injects ads in the content. So, there seems to be no problem there. Give it a try.

Is the plugin compatible with site builders?

Not yet tested, but it should. Give it a try.

Will ads show up for ad block users?

On web browsers with ad blockers (eg: AdBlock Plus) enabled, ads from known external sources (AdSense, Amazon) will not be shown. Your custom codes and banners should still work fine.


26 febrewaris, 2023
Work perfect. Simple and free. Thanks for great plugin.
7 juny, 2019
it’s just as i want … is simple and I hide for user login ads
22 febrewaris, 2019
One bug that ads dont show for subscribers too even if you select dont show for admins, editors and authors.
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Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders

“AdRedux – Insert Ads & Analytics Codes” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.




  • Fixed text.


  • Fixed text.


  • Fixed CSS and text.


  • Fixed changelog and text.


  • Fixed screenshot image.


  • Added the minimum word count setting for showing ads.
  • Updated the text.


  • Add custom codes after the body opening tag.


  • Fix update errors.


  • Revert back to original after update errors.


  • Fixed ad display error for middle post & paragraph-based ads
  • Added the feature to exclude posts & pages by IDs


  • Fixed ad display error


  • Tested with WP5.0
  • Updated readme.txt for the latest WordPress 5.0 version


  • Tested with WP4.9
  • Updated readme.txt for the latest WordPress 4.9 version


  • Tested with WP4.9
  • Updated readme.txt for the latest WordPress 4.9 version


  • Fixed the ad block max-width error
  • Changed the dislay name & updated the tags for better search
  • Modified the readme.txt with PHP support, WP version & more useful information


  • Updated the tags


  • The initial release of the plugin