Firefox is deprecating the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) in favor of WebDriver BiDi. Starting with Firefox 129, CDP will be disabled by default, with full removal planned around the end of 2024. WebDriver BiDi, developed under the W3C, offers real-time, bidirectional communication via WebSockets, enhanced features, and a standardized specification. Please transition to WebDriver BiDi…
Faster Inspector Rules view, state for custom elements and more, see what’s new in Firefox 126
With Firefox 126 the network.addIntercept command now also accepts a contexts argument to better target network interception requests.
JS-free dynamic popups, nice performance boost, sourcemap management and bug fixes, read what’s new in DevTools in Firefox 125
Two new BiDi commands available in Firefox 125: input.setFiles and storage.deleteCookies. Also coming with improvements and fixes to existing cookie features.
DevTools at maximum performance, CSS variables, file requests and more in Firefox 124
A lot of new features including support for cookies, network interception and containers!
Useful sourcemap information in the Debugger and a lot of important fixes, check out what’s new in DevTools in 123
New browsingContext.locateNodes command, new network.fetchError event, improved browsingContext.create support, and more…
Improved accessibility, $ and $$ eager evaluation, unload event listeners and various fixes, read what’s new in DevTools in Firefox 122