Papers by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
Policy Report_ Recommendations for development of Film & Cinema in Pakistan, 2017
This report is the part of the study conducted by Dr. Sohail Mehmood funded by HEC Pakistan and c... more This report is the part of the study conducted by Dr. Sohail Mehmood funded by HEC Pakistan and conducted in Jinnah University for Women Karachi Pakistan Karachi
(جناح یونیورسٹی برائے خواتین کراچی)

قومی زبان, 2023
Molvi Riyyazddin Ahmed is one or the great Muslim leaders who, in troubled times, envisioned the ... more Molvi Riyyazddin Ahmed is one or the great Muslim leaders who, in troubled times, envisioned the dream of equipping Muslim youth with contemporary education. To achieve this goal he rendered services in the academic, educational, literary and journalistic services. Just like Sir Syed, Molvi Riyaaz uddin heart also felt the pain of marginalization of Muslims. Contemporary education was two blade sword, on one side it had all the potentials to bring in light the secrets of nature and on the other side it had all the likelihoods of getting away from the religious and ethical pivot of the nation. One big reason of his literary and journalistic activities was to build an ethical embankment for Muslim youth. This essay is meant to bring on record his biography and his efforts in the academic, educational, literary and journalistic domains which if are not highlighted now, may fade away with the gust of time.

اردو, 2021
t has only been few decades when translation study is acknowledged as a separate discipline of st... more t has only been few decades when translation study is acknowledged as a separate discipline of study and body of knowledge. In many countries including Pakistan there used to be no department of translation studies in universities. In west translation was initially considered a sub discipline of linguistics but after James S. Holmes wrote a paper "The name and nature of translation studies” it decisively became a separate discipline of study. Before the essay of Holmes translation was never considered a separate field of study but it also doesn’t mean that there was no theorization about translation altogether. Historically speaking this theorization was mainly in the margins of great work of translations. This theorization is more like empirical nature because it is about the problems a particular translator faced about the translation of certain text from certain text language to certain target language. In this essay it is tired to compile and review of these theoretical approaches towards translations.
This paper investigates the impulses, motives and conditions that are positively associated and p... more This paper investigates the impulses, motives and conditions that are positively associated and problems, hurdles and concerns that are the obstacles in the resurgence of 21st century Pakistani film industry. It also gauges the priorities and concerns of young moviegoers and compares with the priorities and concerns of our young generation of filmmakers. To achieve this end we employed both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and came up with following results that Pakistan's screen to film production ratio is one of the best in the world. It is vehemently in search of its distinctive identity and plays, sometimes immaturely, with different genres are evidence to it. We see a visible drift from conventional Indo Pak Masala genre to social drama, physical reality, war movies and Wuxia.

اس مطالعے میں ہم نے پایا کہ ابلاغ ، زبان اور شعرو ادب فہم زیست کی ایک ہی تکون کے تین مختلف خطوط ... more اس مطالعے میں ہم نے پایا کہ ابلاغ ، زبان اور شعرو ادب فہم زیست کی ایک ہی تکون کے تین مختلف خطوط ہیں مگر اس رعایت کے ساتھ کہ زبان اور شعرو ادب ابلاغ کی ضرورت پر قائم ہیں ۔اس مثلث میں قاعدہ ابلاغ ہی ہے ، تخیل کی عمودی پرواز کے پیش نظر شعروادب اس مثلث کا عمود ہے تو زبان ایک ایسا وتر ہے جوابلاغ کے قاعدے اور شعرو ادب کے عمود کو باہم ملاتاہے۔اس تکون میں سے کوئی ایک بھی خط نکالنے سے فہم زیست کی یہ تکون باقی نہیں رہتی ۔لیکن بات یہاں ختم نہیں ہوتی ان خطوط مثلث سے کسی ایک خط میں ہونے والی ترقی یا تنزلی باقی ماندہ خطوط پربراہ راست اثرانداز ہوتی ہے۔ہرزبان اپنا ایک مخصوص ابلاغی مزاج رکھتی ہے جو بے شمار سماجی ،تمدنی، مذہبی اور معاشی عوامل کے زیر اثر تشکیل پاتا ہے ۔ انہی عوامل کی شدت میں ہونے والی کمی بیشی کے زیر اثر زبان کا ابلاغی مزاج بھی تبدیل ہوتا رہتا ہے۔یہ ابلاغی مزاج ترفع حاصل کرتا رہے تویہ زبان ارتقا کے راستے پر کاربندتصور کی جاسکتی ہے اگراس میں تنزل کے شواہد ہوں تو یہ معدومت کی جانب بڑھ رہی ہوتی ہے۔

ALHAMD, 2020
"Dr. Shams Ur Rahman Farooqui is one of the most prominent and bold references of contemporary cr... more "Dr. Shams Ur Rahman Farooqui is one of the most prominent and bold references of contemporary criticism on Urdu literature. In his keynote address titled "A Modest Plea: Please, Could We Have A Proper History of Urdu Literature? "at University of Virginia in 2008, he raised some elusive but thought provoking points in his address. His main hypothesis, that we don't have 'proper' literary history of Urdu offers a good mixture of valid objections and a jumble of unjust observations. This article seeks analysis of these points and their validity. His opinion on several of the points he raised can't be contradicted but there are some where it could be." اس کے تقریر غاز ٓ ا کا مضمون تحریر ایک کی رسل ڈاکٹررالف How not to write a history of Urdu literature (۱) 2 ن تاریخ کی ادب اردو وہ میں جس ہے سےہوتا حوالے کے ویسی ہیں: ذیل مندجہ امتناعات یہ ً ہیں۔اجماال دیتے مشورہ کا چندامتناعات سے ٭ جائے کی نہ بیان اردو ادب تاریخ غیرمنتخب

Proposed study includes the themes content and Ideology of 21st century Pakistani cinem... more Abstract
Proposed study includes the themes content and Ideology of 21st century Pakistani cinema as well as its production and cinematographic style. More precisely the research questions that we will try to settle are, whether?
Modern Karachi Film industry using techniques that make its preproduction, Cinematography and post production economically more feasible than its traditional Lahore peers? It is connected to traditional Lahore Film industry in one way or other?
Industry’s shift from Lahore to Karachi contributes in widening the spectrum of themes of movies?
This resurgence of national cinema will contribute in the revival of regional languages cinema?
Production studios and other facilities enough to lay a base of stabilized Film industry competing with regional film industries? What would it require to survive in the age of Bollywood and Hollywood?
Current annual rate of Film productions are enough to usher a sense of sustainability?
Governments; central and provincial, are doing enough to strengthen the revival? If not what they can do to cement these early success stories by playing their roles.
Modern day directors are mostly inspired by Hollywood and Bollywood Cinema, Do they have any Idea about parallel cinema industries like French Cinema, Chinese, NK, Irani Cinema Russian and Egyptian Cinema and resources they offer.
Is it a genuine resurgence created due the vacuum created by stagnant Lahore Film Industry or romantic adventures of Karachi’s local passionate producers.
Paper analyzes the process of translation and factors affecting its quality. Traditions of transl... more Paper analyzes the process of translation and factors affecting its quality. Traditions of translations in and out of Urdu have been studied particularly in the context of literary, functional & Journalistic, scientific & academic and technical write ups.
Books by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
Handbook of Magazine Production 2017, 2017
Edited and Compiled by Sohail Mehmood.
Thesis Chapters by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood

سالار پبلیکیشنز, 2017
اس مطالعے مںع ہم نے پایا کہ ابلاغ ، زبان اور شعرو ادب فہم زیست کی ایک ہی تکون کے تنع مختلف خطوط ... more اس مطالعے مںع ہم نے پایا کہ ابلاغ ، زبان اور شعرو ادب فہم زیست کی ایک ہی تکون کے تنع مختلف خطوط ہںن، مگر اس رعایت کے ساتھ کہ زبان اور شعرو ادب ابلاغ کی ضرورت پر قائم ہی یینا اس مثلث مںت قاعدہ ابلاغ ہی ہے ، تخلت کی عمودی پرواز کے پشع نظر شعروادب اس مثلث کا عمود ہے تو زبان ایک ایسا وتر ہے جوابلاغ کے قاعدے اور شعرو ادب کے عمود کو باہم ملاتاہے۔اس تکون مںق سے کوئی ایک بھی خط نکالنے سے فہم زیست کی یہ تکون باقی نہں رہتی ۔لکنا بات یںکے ختم نہںد ہوتی ان خطوط مںث سے کسی ایک خط مں، ہونے والی ترقی یا تنزلی باقی ماندہ خطوط پربراہ راست اثرانداز ہوتی ہے۔ہرزبان اپنا ایک مخصوص ابلاغی مزاج رکھتی ہے جو بے شمار سماجی ،تمدنی، مذہبی اور معاشی عوامل کے زیر اثر تشکلف پاتا ہے ۔ انہی عوامل کی شدت مں ہونے والی کمی بیا کے زیر اثر زبان کا ابلاغی مزاج بھی تبدیل ہوتا رہتا ہے۔یہ ابلاغی مزاج ترفع حاصل کرتا رہے تویہ زبان ارتقا کے راستے پر کاربندتصور کی جاسکتی ہے اگراس مںا
تنزل کے شواہد ہوں تو یہ معدومت کی جانب بڑھ رہی ہوتی ہے۔
Drafts by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood

“I don’t pretend to understand it” Macluhan once said of his work. “After all, my stuff is very ... more “I don’t pretend to understand it” Macluhan once said of his work. “After all, my stuff is very difficult ” he added. The fact that he acknowledged the notoriety of his style is in semblance of expression of all those who ever read his work. For decades western scholars are trying to explain and connote McLuhan’s maddeningly difficult ideas in a recognizably human context. Opponents of Marshall McLuhan have almost unanimously held their criticisms on the non-conformative style of his prose. McLuhan’s writing has been described as impervious, veiled, arcane, non-academic, and at times—unacceptable . “Understanding Media is not an easy book to understand or to teach to students. (Bobbitt, 2011) Understanding me (2003) is even tougher and complex and man and media (1979) is an essay that is at the pinnacle of complexity. Whereas it is tough read in English for English speaking community, so to translate it in Urdu was an uphill task. We translated and connoted it wherever needed however this connoted phrase remained in the square brackets. We have no claim that it is perfect translation or it could not be further developed however credit to first translate one of this most important work in Urdu remains with this student----------------------Dr. Sohail Mehmood.
مارشل میکلوہن کی ایک عالمانہ مگربے ربطی کی حدتک غیرمنظم تحریر کا ترجمہ
Papers by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
(جناح یونیورسٹی برائے خواتین کراچی)
Proposed study includes the themes content and Ideology of 21st century Pakistani cinema as well as its production and cinematographic style. More precisely the research questions that we will try to settle are, whether?
Modern Karachi Film industry using techniques that make its preproduction, Cinematography and post production economically more feasible than its traditional Lahore peers? It is connected to traditional Lahore Film industry in one way or other?
Industry’s shift from Lahore to Karachi contributes in widening the spectrum of themes of movies?
This resurgence of national cinema will contribute in the revival of regional languages cinema?
Production studios and other facilities enough to lay a base of stabilized Film industry competing with regional film industries? What would it require to survive in the age of Bollywood and Hollywood?
Current annual rate of Film productions are enough to usher a sense of sustainability?
Governments; central and provincial, are doing enough to strengthen the revival? If not what they can do to cement these early success stories by playing their roles.
Modern day directors are mostly inspired by Hollywood and Bollywood Cinema, Do they have any Idea about parallel cinema industries like French Cinema, Chinese, NK, Irani Cinema Russian and Egyptian Cinema and resources they offer.
Is it a genuine resurgence created due the vacuum created by stagnant Lahore Film Industry or romantic adventures of Karachi’s local passionate producers.
Books by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
Thesis Chapters by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
تنزل کے شواہد ہوں تو یہ معدومت کی جانب بڑھ رہی ہوتی ہے۔
Drafts by Dr. S O H A I L Mehmood
مارشل میکلوہن کی ایک عالمانہ مگربے ربطی کی حدتک غیرمنظم تحریر کا ترجمہ
(جناح یونیورسٹی برائے خواتین کراچی)
Proposed study includes the themes content and Ideology of 21st century Pakistani cinema as well as its production and cinematographic style. More precisely the research questions that we will try to settle are, whether?
Modern Karachi Film industry using techniques that make its preproduction, Cinematography and post production economically more feasible than its traditional Lahore peers? It is connected to traditional Lahore Film industry in one way or other?
Industry’s shift from Lahore to Karachi contributes in widening the spectrum of themes of movies?
This resurgence of national cinema will contribute in the revival of regional languages cinema?
Production studios and other facilities enough to lay a base of stabilized Film industry competing with regional film industries? What would it require to survive in the age of Bollywood and Hollywood?
Current annual rate of Film productions are enough to usher a sense of sustainability?
Governments; central and provincial, are doing enough to strengthen the revival? If not what they can do to cement these early success stories by playing their roles.
Modern day directors are mostly inspired by Hollywood and Bollywood Cinema, Do they have any Idea about parallel cinema industries like French Cinema, Chinese, NK, Irani Cinema Russian and Egyptian Cinema and resources they offer.
Is it a genuine resurgence created due the vacuum created by stagnant Lahore Film Industry or romantic adventures of Karachi’s local passionate producers.
تنزل کے شواہد ہوں تو یہ معدومت کی جانب بڑھ رہی ہوتی ہے۔
مارشل میکلوہن کی ایک عالمانہ مگربے ربطی کی حدتک غیرمنظم تحریر کا ترجمہ