Mechanical Engineering
The absence of slurry agitation mechanism in some conventional biodigesters has led to the malfunctioning of a given number of biogas plants installed for biogas production. Inadequate or lack of mixing of slurry in biodigesters limits... more
Nigeria as a developing country is witnessing population growth and rapid urbanization. Consequently, the demand for electric power supply and other infrastructures to support the growth is on the increase. In response, many thermal power... more
This paper presents the energy parameters of corn drying in a convective crop dryer powered by exhaust gas waste heat. The empirical study was applied for drying 1,500 g batch size of an indigenous variety of maize grains (corn kernels).... more
Evaluation of the energy consumption during the thin-layer drying of yam slices in an exhaust gas waste heat recovery dryer is presented. The study took cognizance of some energy parameters such as the electric power consumption, thermal... more
This paper represents the Performance operating characteristics of single cylinder diesel engine using blend of chicken fat based Biodiesel at various loading conditions at constant speed. We compare the performance characteristics and... more
The activities of industries such as those of bleaching, mining, printing, electroplating and metallurgical industries, textile and dye producing industries are among the major industries that have a problem of water contamination [1].... more
The fracture resistance of food grains is an essential piece of information required for the optimum design and development of agricultural post-harvest machinery. In this study, the strength properties of two varieties of Bambara kernels... more
The demand for freshwater has continued to soar amidst an increasing population, industrialization, and environmental pollution. The continuous shrinkage of this important resource has necessitated the need for a concerted effort on... more
This paper presents an analysis in the variation of sampling time of a synchronous motor drive that is self-controlled. The benefits of the synchronous motors are replacing classical induction and direct current (DC) motor drives. It is... more
The Design Analysis of a Pneumatic Vehicle aims to investigate and evaluate the performance and efficiency of a three-wheeled vehicle powered by pneumatic technology. The vehicle utilizes two cylinder tanks for air storage and employs a... more
This paper presents an analysis in the variation of sampling time of a synchronous motor drive that is self-controlled. The benefits of the synchronous motors are replacing classical induction and direct current (DC) motor drives. It is... more
This paper presents an analysis in the variation of sampling time of a synchronous motor drive that is self-controlled. The benefits of the synchronous motors are replacing classical induction and direct current (DC) motor drives. It is... more
Extraction of virgin coconut oil from coconut kernel is a major influential step for their commercialization. There are many extraction processes among which cold and hot extraction are conventional extraction processes. This paper... more
The provision of energy infrastructure is essential for economic growth, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability. This paper served to evaluate the challenges associated with energy development and transition across the African... more
The work involved the need to, in the interim, improve on the quality of electric supply in the country by compensating the existing 28 bus Nigerian network using Static Var Compensators. This is in contrast to the long term measures of... more
- by patrick obi