Teaching Documents by Laura Orsi
Multiple Identitäten in einer “glokalen Welt” / Identità multiple in un “mondo glocale” / Multiple Identities in a “Glocal World”, ed. by Matthias Fink et als, Eurac Research-Diotima Society, August 2017, 2017
My article is a discussion of irony in Shakespeare. Irony is ubiquitous in Shakespeare's works, m... more My article is a discussion of irony in Shakespeare. Irony is ubiquitous in Shakespeare's works, mirroring his humanistic background and values. A Greek heritage, irony is used by Shakespeare to challenge intellectual hypocrisy in a pleasurable and profitable way. Our knowledge of languages and literatures is tested by our ability to understand irony. Through his use of irony Shakespeare continues to teach us to take action and make a difference, mediating between a violent physical-political world and kind (and witty) humanity.
Power Point of presentation held at the Università dell'Insubria, Como, on
27 March 2017.
This essay is an introduction to a new translation of Shakespeare's "Sonnets", by Prof. Carlo Mar... more This essay is an introduction to a new translation of Shakespeare's "Sonnets", by Prof. Carlo Maria Monti (published by Cleup, Padova, 2016).
It serves as a first assessment of the Shakespeare's "case" as seen from a Shakespeare-John Florio perspective.
Papers by Laura Orsi
Die literarische Dimension von Giovan Battista Della Portas Villa, 2008
Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and fiction, 2005
Indice Saggi LAURA ORSI Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and... more Indice Saggi LAURA ORSI Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and fiction 11 LUCA GALANTINI La filosofia del diritto dello stato nei totalitarismi fascisti 67 ANDREA SPIRITI La Vita del Conte Bartolomeo Arese fra ekphraseis e strategie politiche 85 HENAR PIZARRO LLORENTE La incorporación de don Lope de Soria a la embajada en Venecia (1533-1534) 113 GIAMMARIA MANGHI Scuola e caserma. L'alfabetismo dei coscritti in Italia dall'Unità alla prima guerra mondiale 141
Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and fiction, 2005
Indice Saggi LAURA ORSI Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and... more Indice Saggi LAURA ORSI Giovan Battista della Porta's Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and fiction 11 LUCA GALANTINI La filosofia del diritto dello stato nei totalitarismi fascisti 67 ANDREA SPIRITI La Vita del Conte Bartolomeo Arese fra ekphraseis e strategie politiche 85 HENAR PIZARRO LLORENTE La incorporación de don Lope de Soria a la embajada en Venecia (1533-1534) 113 GIAMMARIA MANGHI Scuola e caserma. L'alfabetismo dei coscritti in Italia dall'Unità alla prima guerra mondiale 141
In my article I discuss Shakespeare's position towards Copernicanism, and I argue that Shakespear... more In my article I discuss Shakespeare's position towards Copernicanism, and I argue that Shakespeare backed up the new science in subtle ways, mainly through irony. Shakespeare's Renaissance culture is once more confirmed, and so is his endebtedness to Giordano Bruno and John Florio (the hottest candidate to the Shakespeare's authorship and Giordano Bruno's house-mate in 1583-1585 at the residence of the French ambassador in London).
My article was published in the proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, titled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space and Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.
In this article I take into account Shakespeare's position toward the heavens, specifically stars... more In this article I take into account Shakespeare's position toward the heavens, specifically stars and comets. Through a series of references to a number of sonnets and some of the plays I argue that Shakespeare backed up Copernicanism by means of a subtle use of irony.
This article was published in the proceedings of the international conference which was held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, entitled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space to Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.
Multiple Identitäten in einer “glokalen Welt” / Identità multiple in un “mondo glocale” / Multiple Identities in a “Glocal World”, ed. by Matthias Fink et als, Eurac Research-Diotima Society, August 2017, 2017
My article is a discussion of irony in Shakespeare. Irony is ubiquitous in Shakespeare's works, m... more My article is a discussion of irony in Shakespeare. Irony is ubiquitous in Shakespeare's works, mirroring his humanistic background and values. A Greek heritage, irony is used by Shakespeare to challenge intellectual hypocrisy in a pleasurable and profitable way. Our knowledge of languages and literatures is tested by our ability to understand irony. Through his use of irony Shakespeare continues to teach us to take action and make a difference, mediating between a violent physical-political world and kind (and witty) humanity.
ln the present article I shall attempt to give evidence of the twofold fortuna of the elephant as... more ln the present article I shall attempt to give evidence of the twofold fortuna of the elephant as it is exemplified in a number of Renaissance texts. On the one hand, the identification of the elephant with the king, which was prompted by Horapollo 's De hieroglyphicis. gm·e rise to a production which we may define as 'pro-elephant' on the whole. On the other hand, starting from the middle of the sixteenth century, the image of the elephant became an object of literary: :,oolo-gical criticism. This was the natural consequence of the geographical explorations as well as of a more detached approach to tradition.
Talks by Laura Orsi
The influence of Renaissance natural magic on Shakespeare's Tempest and the relation Prospero-Ari... more The influence of Renaissance natural magic on Shakespeare's Tempest and the relation Prospero-Ariel-Caliban.
Teaching Documents by Laura Orsi
It serves as a first assessment of the Shakespeare's "case" as seen from a Shakespeare-John Florio perspective.
Papers by Laura Orsi
My article was published in the proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, titled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space and Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.
This article was published in the proceedings of the international conference which was held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, entitled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space to Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.
Talks by Laura Orsi
It serves as a first assessment of the Shakespeare's "case" as seen from a Shakespeare-John Florio perspective.
My article was published in the proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, titled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space and Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.
This article was published in the proceedings of the international conference which was held at the University of Padua on 27-29 Oct. 2016, entitled "From Giotto to Rosetta: 30 Years of Cometary Science from Space to Ground", edited by Cesare Barbieri and Carlo Giacomo Someda (Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Padua, October 2017): pp. 297-339.