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Furries Of World Of Warcraft
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Furs Of WoW's LiveJournal:

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Friday, May 25th, 2012
12:04 pm
Artist Requested (Might be offtopic)
Hey guys and gals,

You might or might not know about a comic strip I'd started a while back which I put up the first strip in February followed by a short story to make up for a hiatus. Unfortunately the artist I had Kosiaks has mysteriously vanished into thin air, probably into school work and life etc, but after such a long hiatus I figured I would try to keep going with it until his return. However my artistic skills are still not as good as I'd hoped for something like this, so I wanted to ask would anyone be interested in working on a comic? is the comic page. It's a WoW based comic strip centered around a troll druid named Vash and an orc hunter named Mo'gar who are a couple in Azeroth. The strip itself would be a mixture of story arcs with in-jokes and short gag strips about the world around them. Nothing XXX rated for the main strip, it would be mature though, some nudity, violence, all that good stuff. Anything more I'd have to restrict to just... fun or fan stuff :)

Anyway if anyone's interested check out the strip and send an email to the address [email protected] with any samples or a website link, I want to relaunch this strip off the ground again! C'mon! :)
Saturday, March 10th, 2012
12:51 am
Any LARGE furry guilds out there?
Other than order of the claws, are there any large furry guilds(250+ actives?) out there? It's a tall order at the end of an expansion, I know, but just fishing the waters and seeing what comes up.
Thursday, December 8th, 2011
7:51 pm
prepaid time for wow
Best buy is currently having a game sale, buy 2 at 29.99 get one free, and as of right now, it works for WOW prepaid timecards,
buy 2 60 day cards, get one free, so for $60 get 6 months of play, or spend 120 and get a years worth, buy 4 get 2 free :)
Friday, June 10th, 2011
5:24 pm
"Irony" I Swear to GOD This is True!!!
Posted to ALL my wow groups because whether you play it or not, it's funny.

Do you want to know the very meaning of irony?

SO Last night on my Paladin I landed in a group that had gotten to the Reaver boss in Heroic Deadmines. Now this is heroic mode so usually people by this level KNOW their shit. One of the said party members was a player named Burrn - This warlock by some way or another was not only plagued by fire it was his curse. You'd think that someone who would name himself Burrn should know what happens when you touch fire, not this guy! He plagued me too with this curse, as twice I was directly involved with his rampant need for self-destruction in this slew of a dungeon run.

-First, the Foe Reaver boss. Since I was the only melee dpser in the group I was opted to run the Prototype reaver. I'd done it before, I know the score. As soon as the boss pulled, my monitor blacked out on me for about 10 seconds. It came on and the first of the adds to spawn had made their way up the ramp and proceeded to start exploding. I ran up as quick as I could and threw it off, but Burrn had been the victim of the explosions and was now dead.

-The second instance of this didn't happen until we reached the Ship cove, where not once, but twice, Burrn was knocked off the bridge by the exploding cannonballs. He didn't die, but he might as well have.

-The non-fire intensive fights that followed, all the way up the ship, fighting Ripsnarl and Cookie went through almost flawlessly (though I died once or twice) Then we get to Vanessa VanCleef and she hits us with the nightmare potion. Burrn died twice-by-fire in the fire nightmare.

-During the electric nightmare, he ran head long into one of the spinning bolts of lightning at the boss. I consider that a burn of sorts... but also I thought he was the tank running at the boss so I started following him, only to see the Foe Reaver come running at me, I backed up and got hit by the back swing, dying as well. (sheesh)

-We make it through the rest of the nightmare and face Vanessa again. I'm impressed that he only managed light damage through the fight when we had to rope swing away. But when Vanessa suicide bombed guess who was RIGHT next to her, a mere split second too late for Leap of Faith who pulled his body across to her? Right... Burrn was burned again.

-I ended up rezzing Burrn, laughing at how bad his luck had been that run. He thanked me and then proceeded to walk INTO the blazing fire on the ship and he died again. I asked him why the hell he did that. His response, as he was getting another rez, was "I wanted to see if it would hurt me." I answered "Let me introduce you to the meaning of FIRE!" and he answered "Well, forges have fire and they can't kill you."

I thanked everyone for the run and exited the group, laughing so hard that my eyes were watering.

NOW to the fun part of this, if you have a story you'd like to call "I Swear to GOD This is True!!!" Just respond to this post and tell everyone your story. Just for fun it's FRIDAY people! Come on!

Current Mood: giggly
Monday, May 30th, 2011
8:42 am
getting back into wow after a looong break. is there still a furry guild on bloodhoof?
Sunday, April 24th, 2011
1:42 am
Thursday, January 6th, 2011
3:20 pm
A Guild Recruitment for... dun-dun-dun..... Alliance!
So yeah I'll cross post this from my journal to a couple other related communities, I figured I'd put this out here in case anyone was interested, my roommate and I started a guild on Wyrmrest Accord (US):

We're called and as the name implies we're a shapeshifter based guild. We accept all Worgen, Shaman and Druids who are interested in joining us. Why? Because we grow fur in all the right places that's why. Some of the funnest class/race combinations in the game are on our side and we just need help in getting the guild rolling. We've recently reached Level 2 (for the 5% Fast Track buff) and we're trying for more. We'd love to see the guild come alive, and it'd be great to get more people involved in helping it grow.

As Wyrmrest is an RP server there is the ability to RP, however it's totally optional to include yourself in it. We utilize the Guild chat for IC talk while we have a channel called SHIFTOOC for out of character just normal talk. We're leveling based as not everyone can be epic geared right off the bat but we hope to get into guild dungeon and raid runs in the long run. Right now we're pretty casual, pretty laid back, just a fun place to put your paws up and play.

If anyone is interested feel free to message myself (Ironhowl or Khorrd), or my roommate (Orvain) as we're available, or join the SHIFTOOC channel and see if anyone is on who can invite you in. Here's to hoping we expand out a bit. Just a note not everyone in the guild is a furry.......that I know of, most of them act like it or at least know of it. So try not to freak 'em out too bad ;) lol
Wednesday, December 29th, 2010
4:22 pm
Sunday, December 12th, 2010
5:52 am
Friday, December 10th, 2010
12:41 pm
On jurann's Prompt; Alliance Guild Recruitment
So Jurann here had inspired me to go ahead and advertise my guild here as well I mean where would a Horde guild advert be without an Alliance one to counter it? After all I had created it for Cataclysm. I'm not a huge fan of the Alliance, but the Worgen Factor makes them slightly less lame these days.

I'd created a guild on Wyrmrest Accord that's semi-furry in nature as well called which is obviously a shapeshifter only guild. All Worgen, Druids and Shaman are welcome to join. Mainly it's an RP optional guild since WrA is an RP server, I created a secondary channel for normal speak while the guild chat would be for IC speak. We have three bank slots that my roommate and I bought over the last six months or so setting up the guild and we have a grand total of 8 members now and we're looking for more.

If you guys have any toons on WrA look me up, my Worgen toons are Khorrd, a druid I race changed from Night Elf and Ironhowl, my baby warrior of 32. My roommate can also be found under the name Orvain and our forum *sniffle* sadly only holding me as a member is at let me know if you have any questions on that guys!
8:50 am
Horde Guild LFM
Hey guys, just wanted to put it out there that I've got a furry-ish guild for Hordies on The Scryers called Primal Scream. We've been around for about 5 or 6 years now, and we're looking for more folks to come join us. We're a casual guild mainly for leveling and sharing mats/info and we play on an RP realm so a little less hectic and the chat tends to be more on-topic and less like a bunch of 13 year olds. If you're interested in joining, feel free to B-Net friend me as [email protected] or look for Jeemana/Moosefeather/Lightmane in-game most evenings on The Scryers. Or contact me directly here or in e-mail. =) For the Horde!
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
11:47 am
Cataclysm Post Updateness
I'd gotten sick Saturday and it dipped down into ughhhhhhhh-ville about monday. I called out and then Tuesday I managed half a day. On the way home I stopped by and got my Collector's Ed. of Cataclysm, the girl who rang me up told me the damn things were on Ebay for over 300$ and also some split into the individual parts I mean honestly... that's just a waste, so I broke the game out and went into it. I race changed Kordnand to a Worgen named 'Khorrd' then created my own Warriorgen that I've been planning on for a year now:

Ironhowl -

With the heirloom gear and the ease of the quests I'm easily sliding along the leveling path, a lot of it I tested in the beta but Howl's officially higher level than the Growl I created in the beta. And I had to laugh with the heirloom gear I was actually a level from being too high for the new northern darkshore quests, once I hit 28 I shifted to Stranglethorn and I'm quickly almost too high for that too already at 31. Dual specced between prot and fury and I'm just having a fantastic time with it.

Now that I'm well enough to be back at work I'm just counting the time, planning by next moves. I did get Khorrd to Vash'jir and I'll probably work on him, Torrg and Mojack when they get some rested experience.......... gad it's weird to have them rested experience again. o-0

Anyway hope you wow players are having some fun this week :)

x-posting to.... almost all the wow LJ groups I'm in :3
Monday, November 29th, 2010
6:40 am
lol its hard to give a better reaction at least for horde side since i feel like am on a emotional rollercoaster with some of these chain quests in stonetalon and southern barrens (haven't gotten farther yet) Yeah am one of the minority that rolled a new alt and decided to explore the new azeroth as i lv instead of just running through with my lv 80's

I admit there was a point in one of the zones that hearing 'this is what it means to be horde' made me want to faction change all my guys to alliance.
Then i thought of the other horde races that i admire so am sticking around heh; using heirloom gear from the start is nice, only problem is i cant keep my professions up with my lv since am gaining xp so fast. Oh and that all my quests are green by the time i reach a zone.

Seriously some jaw dropping moments, like the southern barrens, and when an orc peon said i touched his naughty spot. Then again poo flinging monkeys were also a good laugh before work.

Makes me look foward to rolling my worgen big time so i can see the world through the other sides eyes. So far as cute as the foxes are i think my worgen hunter will go ahead and tame a bird of prey pet since i get the feeling everyone and their third cousins twice removed grandmas will have one.
Kinda hope blizz might update outlands a bit, or make it more up to speed like a new demon is there trying to rebuild the legion or something.

so how is everyone else liking the new world?
Friday, November 26th, 2010
1:44 pm
Any furry guilds / users on european WoW - servers?

I used to play WoW back in 2006 and back then there wasn't really any furry guilds or such in euro - region servers.

I just got back into playing the game and I was wondering if there are any furry guilds around these days at all?
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
3:43 pm
Starting up a Shapeshifters-only Guild
Soooo with Cataclysm nigh I figured I should post this in advance if anyone wants to join my guild Shift on Wyrmrest Accord. Worgen are going to be a fun part of the expansion so I figured why not? And created a guild specifically for them as well as any Shaman or Druid that cares to join. If you have someone you'd like to register feel free to fill out an application and we'll get some members in there. I figure there's not a lot to lose, the only class exempt in this would be the Paladin. At the very least check out and bookmark the forum, give me a little feedback. We do have a 3 tabbed bank and all. I might as well get my tail organized eh?
6:30 am
WoW Speak
The Shattering has begun, open the game now and you get the cinematic and Cataclysm opening screen downloaded. I'm hoping since I have the beta on my system that the files won't be that painful to update this afternoon.
7:36 am
Running the Launcher In Linux
I'm running Debian at the moment, and when I run WoW, even with the 'Run Launcher' box checked, it doesn't run the Launcher. I just bought the download for Cataclysm, so I need to get that Launcher up and running so I can install it. Somebody here, I believe, once told me the magic words I had to type to make the launcher run, but I can't remember what they were. Anybody here know?
Sunday, November 21st, 2010
10:26 am
furry wow guilds on what servers?
I've just come back to wow after a several month absense, (playing evercrack)

and it got boring again.. so now I'm back to wow. what servers have furry guilds? I'm on bloodmoon right now.
Sunday, November 14th, 2010
9:31 pm
private furry WOW servers?
against my better judgment, my mate has convinced me to start playing WOW with him, and because of our lameness and lack of funds, we're looking for a good private server, preferably a furry-oriented one if possible... any suggestions? i'm posting for him because he doesn't have an account on lj, so i probably won't understand half of what y'all say about it, but i'll relay the message ^^ thanks!

xposted to relevant communities
Saturday, November 13th, 2010
7:54 am
Anyone Like to Play Horde with some Furs on Shadow Council Realm?
Would any folks like to make a Horde toon on Shadow Council (RP, North America) to play with me and a few other furs there? My character name is Dieselcannon... (hunter) I also have "Strongbeef" (Druid).

Current Mood: relaxed
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